How to use the @codemod/core.transform function in @codemod/core

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few @codemod/core examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github resugar / resugar / packages / resugar-test-runner / src / index.ts View on Github external
function transform(code: string, config?: any): string {
    const result = codemodTransform(code, {
      plugins: [ => (config ? [plugin, config] : plugin))]

    if (!result || !result.code) {
      throw new Error(`transform returned no code`);

    return result.code;
github codemod-js / codemod / packages / cli / src / transpile-requires.ts View on Github external
if (!useBabelConfig) {
    options.configFile = useBabelConfig;

  if (!useBabelConfig) {
    if (TypeScriptExtensions.has(ext)) {

      { useBuiltIns: 'entry', corejs: { version: 3, proposals: true } }

  const result = transform(code, options);

  if (!result) {
    throw new Error(`[${filename}] babel transform returned null`);

  return result.code as string;
github decaffeinate / decaffeinate / src / stages / resugar / index.ts View on Github external
static run(content: string, options: Options): StageResult {
    const log = logger(;

    const code = transform(content, {
      plugins: Array.from(this.getPluginsForOptions(options))
    }).code as string;

    return {
      suggestions: []
github codemod-js / codemod / packages / cli / src / InlineTransformer.ts View on Github external
async transform(filepath: string, content: string): Promise {
    const options: TransformOptions = {
      filename: filepath,
      babelrc: this.findBabelConfig,
      plugins: this.plugins,
      printer: this.printer

    if (!this.findBabelConfig) {
      options.configFile = this.findBabelConfig;

    const result = transform(content, options);

    if (!result) {
      throw new Error(`[${filepath}] babel transform returned null`);

    return result.code as string;
github resugar / resugar / script / _commands / run.ts View on Github external
export default async function main(
  args: ReadonlyArray,
  stdin: typeof process.stdin,
  stdout: typeof process.stdout
): Promise {
  const input = await readStream(stdin);
  stdout.write(transform(input, {
    plugins: [
  }).code as string);
  return 0;


Runs babel plugins for codemods, i.e. by preserving formatting using Recast.

Latest version published 1 year ago

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