How to use the @casual-simulation/aux-vm.BotWatcher function in @casual-simulation/aux-vm

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github casual-simulation / aux / src / aux-vm-browser / managers / BotPanelManager.spec.ts View on Github external
beforeEach(async () => {
        vm = new TestAuxVM(userId);
        vm.processEvents = true;
        helper = new BotHelper(vm);
        helper.userId = userId;
        selection = new SelectionManager(helper);
        recent = new RecentBotManager(helper);
        index = new BotIndex();

        watcher = new BotWatcher(helper, index, vm.stateUpdated);

        await vm.sendEvents([botAdded(createBot('user'))]);

        manager = new BotPanelManager(watcher, helper, selection, recent);