How to use @canopycanopycanopy/b-ber-logger - 10 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few @canopycanopycanopy/b-ber-logger examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github triplecanopy / b-ber / packages / b-ber-grammar-epigraph / src / index.js View on Github external
render(tokens, idx) {
      const { escapeHtml } = instance.escapeHtml
      const attrs = { image: '', caption: '', citation: '' }
      let result = ''
      if (tokens[idx].nesting === 1) {
        // opening tag
        let matches
        while ((matches = attrsRe.exec(tokens[idx].info.trim())) !== null) {
          // eslint-disable-next-line prefer-destructuring
          attrs[matches[1]] = matches[2]

        if (!attrs.image && !attrs.caption) {
          log.error(`[${context.fileName}.md]  Malformed directive.`)
          result = ''
        } else if (!attrs.image && attrs.caption) {
          const captions = attrs.caption.split('|').map(_ => _.trim())
          const citations = attrs.citation.split('|').map(_ => _.trim())
          result = [
            '<section class="epigraph chapter">',
            '<section class="subchapter">',
                (caption, idx2) =&gt;
                  `<div class="pullquote full-width">
                                    ? `<cite>—${escapeHtml(
github triplecanopy / b-ber / packages / b-ber-tasks / src / opf / Navigation.js View on Github external
static createSpineStringsFromTemplate() {'opf build [spine]')

    const { flattened } = state.spine

    // We add entries to the spine programatically, but then they're
    // also found on the system, so we dedupe them here
    // TODO: but also, this is super confusing ...
    const generatedFiles = remove(flattened, file => file.generated === true)

    generatedFiles.forEach(file => {
      if (!find(flattened, { fileName: file.fileName })) {

    const spineXML = Spine.items(flattened)
github triplecanopy / b-ber / packages / b-ber-templates / src / Opf / Spine.js View on Github external
if (curr.linear === false) {
        if ( === 'mobi') {

            `opf templates/spine omitting non-linear asset [${fileName}] for mobi build`
          return acc
        }`opf templates/spine writing non-linear asset [${fileName}]`)

      if (fileName.match(/figure/)) {
        // TODO: this should be handled more transparently, rn it feels a bit like a side-effect
        //'opf templates/spine writing [loi]')

        if (state.loi.length) {
          return acc.concat(
              (acc2, curr2) =>
                acc2.concat(Spine.item({ ...curr2, linear: true })),

      return acc.concat(Spine.item(curr))
    }, '')
github triplecanopy / b-ber / packages / b-ber-grammar-image / src / index.js View on Github external
function prepare({ token, match, instance, context, fileName, lineNumber }) {
  const [, type, id, attrs] = match
  const figureId = htmlId(id)
  const caption = token.children ? instance.renderInline(token.children) : ''
  const comment = Html.comment(
    `START: figure:${type}#${figureId}; ${fileName}:${lineNumber}`
  const attrsObject = attributesObject(attrs, type, { fileName, lineNumber })
  const asset = state.src.images(attrsObject.source)
  const mediaType =
    (type.indexOf('-') && type.substring(0, type.indexOf('-'))) || type

  // make sure image exists
  if (!fs.existsSync(asset)) log.error(`Image not found [${asset}]`)

  // then get the dimensions
  const { width, height } = sizeOf(asset)

  return {
    id: figureId,
github triplecanopy / b-ber / packages / b-ber-tasks / src / cover / index.js View on Github external
if (coverListedInMetadata) {
            // TODO: fixme, for generated covers
            // @issue:
            this.coverEntry = coverListedInMetadata.replace(/_jpg$/, '.jpg')
  'cover verify image [%s]', this.coverEntry)

            // there's a reference to a cover image so we create a cover.xhtml file
            // containing an SVG-wrapped `image` element with the appropriate cover
            // dimensions, and write it to the `text` dir.

            // check that the cover image file exists, throw if not
            this.coverImagePath = state.src.images(this.coverEntry)

            if (!fs.existsSync(this.coverImagePath)) {
                log.error('cover image listed in metadata.yml cannot be found [%s]', this.coverImagePath)

            return this.generateCoverXHTML()
        } // end if cover exists

        // if there's no cover referenced in the metadata.yml, we create one
        // that displays the book's metadata (title, generator version, etc)
        // and add it to metadata.yml'cover generated image [%s]', this.coverEntry)

        const coverMetadata = { term: 'cover', value: this.coverEntry }

        this.metadata = { ...coverMetadata, ...this.metadata, ...metadata }

        return this.removeDefaultCovers()
github triplecanopy / b-ber / packages / b-ber-lib / src / Theme.js View on Github external
let theme

        if (defaultThemes[name]) {
            theme = defaultThemes[name]
        } else {
            // check for both vendor and user paths
            const userPath = path.resolve(state.config.themes_directory, name)
            const vendorPath = path.resolve('node_modules', name)

            // prefer the user path if both exist, since a user might've
            // copied over the vendor theme and is changing it
            const themePath = fs.existsSync(userPath) ? userPath : fs.existsSync(vendorPath) ? vendorPath : null

            if (themes.indexOf(name) &lt; 0 || !themePath) {
                log.error(`Theme [${name}] is not installed`)

            theme = require(themePath)

        return createProjectThemeDirectory(name)
            .then(() =&gt; copyThemeAssets(theme))
            .then(() =&gt; updateConfig(name))
            .then(() =&gt; !force &amp;&amp; log.notice('Updated theme to', name))
github triplecanopy / b-ber / packages / b-ber-grammar-media / src / index.js View on Github external
} else {
      sources = [source]
      sourceElements = createRemoteMediaSource(sources)

    state.add('remoteAssets', source)
  } else if (validateLocalMediaSource(source, mediaType)) {
    sources = media.filter(a => toAlias(a) === source)
    sourceElements = createLocalMediaSources(sources)

  if (!sources.length && type !== 'iframe' && type !== 'iframe-inline') {
    err = new Error(
      `bber-directives: Could not find matching [${mediaType}] with the basename [${source}]`

  delete attrsObject.source // otherwise we get a `src` tag on our video element
  if (mediaType === 'audio') {
    delete attrsObject.poster // invalid attr for audio elements

  if (mediaType === 'video') {
    // TODO: needs to be done async
    // add aspect ratio class name
    // const aspecRatioClassName = isHostedRemotely(source)
    //     ? getVideoAspectRatio()
    //     : getVideoAspectRatio(path.resolve(

    aspecRatioClassName = 'video--16x9'
github triplecanopy / b-ber / packages / b-ber-lib / src / ApplicationLoader.js View on Github external
// possibly a user defined theme, check if the directory exists
        try {
            if ((this.theme = require(path.resolve(userThemesPath, this.config.theme)))) {
      `Loaded theme [${this.config.theme}]`)
        } catch (err) {
            // noop

        // possibly a theme installed with npm, test the project root
        try {
            this.theme = require(path.resolve('node_modules', this.config.theme)) // require.resolve?
        } catch (err) {
            log.warn(`There was an error during require [${this.config.theme}]`)
            log.warn('Using default theme [b-ber-theme-serif]')

            // error loading theme, set to default
            this.theme = themes['b-ber-theme-serif']
github triplecanopy / b-ber / packages / b-ber-lib / src / State.js View on Github external`Loaded theme [${this.config.theme}]`)
    } catch (_) {
      // noop

    // possibly a theme installed with npm, test the project root
    try {
        require(path.resolve('node_modules', this.config.theme)) // eslint-disable-line global-require, import/no-dynamic-require
      ) // require.resolve?
    } catch (err) {
      log.warn(`There was an error during require [${this.config.theme}]`)
      log.warn('Using default theme [b-ber-theme-serif]')

      // error loading theme, set to default
      set(this, 'theme', themes['b-ber-theme-serif'])
github triplecanopy / b-ber / packages / b-ber-lib / src / State.js View on Github external
    } catch (_) {
      // noop

    // possibly a theme installed with npm, test the project root
    try {
        require(path.resolve('node_modules', this.config.theme)) // eslint-disable-line global-require, import/no-dynamic-require
      ) // require.resolve?
    } catch (err) {
      log.warn(`There was an error during require [${this.config.theme}]`)
      log.warn('Using default theme [b-ber-theme-serif]')

      // error loading theme, set to default
      set(this, 'theme', themes['b-ber-theme-serif'])


`b-ber-logger` is b-ber's console logger.

Latest version published 3 months ago

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69 / 100
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