How to use the @build-tracker/comparator.CellType.ARTIFACT function in @build-tracker/comparator

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few @build-tracker/comparator examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github paularmstrong / build-tracker / packages / app / src / components / ComparisonTable / ArtifactRow.js View on Github external
_renderCell = (cell: BT$BodyCellType, columnIndex: number, artifactName: string, isHovered: boolean) => {
    const { color, isActive, onCellClick, onToggleArtifact, valueType } = this.props;
    const hoverColor = hsl(color);
    hoverColor.s = 0.7;
    hoverColor.l = 0.95;

    switch (cell && cell.type) {
      case CellType.ARTIFACT:
        return (
      case CellType.DELTA: {
        // $FlowFixMe
        const deltaCell = (cell: BT$DeltaCellType);
        return (
github paularmstrong / build-tracker / packages / app / src / components / ComparisonTable / ComparisonTable.js View on Github external
_renderTotalCell = (
    cell: BT$BodyCellType,
    cellIndex: number,
    rowIndex?: number,
    cellText?: string,
    style?: mixed
  ) => {
    const { activeArtifactNames, artifactNames, valueType } = this.props;
    // $FlowFixMe
    const text = cellText || (cell.hasOwnProperty('text') ? cell.text : '');
    const cellStyles = rowIndex ? [styles.header, { top: getHeaderTopPos(rowIndex) }, style] : undefined;
    switch (cell.type) {
      case CellType.ARTIFACT:
        return (
      case CellType.TEXT:
        return (
github paularmstrong / build-tracker / src / app / src / components / ComparisonTable / BodyRow.tsx View on Github external
const mapBodyCell = (cell: ACell | TCell | TDCell | DCell, i: number): React.ReactElement | void => {
    switch (cell.type) {
      case CellType.ARTIFACT: {
        return (
      case CellType.DELTA:
        return ;
      case CellType.TOTAL:
        return ;