How to use @bentley/geometry-core - 10 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few @bentley/geometry-core examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github imodeljs / imodeljs / test-apps / display-test-app / src / frontend / IncidentMarkerDemo.ts View on Github external
* Copyright (c) 2019 Bentley Systems, Incorporated. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See in the project root for license terms.
import { Logger } from "@bentley/bentleyjs-core";
import { AngleSweep, Arc3d, Point2d, Point3d, XAndY, XYAndZ } from "@bentley/geometry-core";
import { AxisAlignedBox3d, ColorByName, ColorDef } from "@bentley/imodeljs-common";
import {
  BeButton, BeButtonEvent, Cluster, DecorateContext, GraphicType, imageElementFromUrl,
  IModelApp, Marker, MarkerImage, MarkerSet, MessageBoxIconType, MessageBoxType, Tool,
} from "@bentley/imodeljs-frontend";

/** Example Marker to show an *incident*. Each incident has an *id*, a *severity*, and an *icon*. */
class IncidentMarker extends Marker {
  private static _size = Point2d.create(30, 30);
  private static _imageSize = Point2d.create(40, 40);
  private static _imageOffset = Point2d.create(0, 30);
  private static _amber = new ColorDef(ColorByName.amber);
  private static _sweep360 = AngleSweep.create360();
  private _color: ColorDef;

  /** uncomment the next line to make the icon only show when the cursor is over an incident marker. */
  // public get wantImage() { return this._isHilited; }

  /** Get a color based on severity by interpolating Green(0) -> Amber(15) -> Red(30)  */
  public static makeColor(severity: number): ColorDef {
    return (severity <= 16 ?, (severity - 1) / 15.) :
      this._amber.lerp(, (severity - 16) / 14.));

  // when someone clicks on our marker, open a message box with the severity of the incident.
github imodeljs / imodeljs / test-apps / ui-test-app / src / frontend / tools / MeasurePoints.ts View on Github external
public setupAndPromptForNextAction(): void {

    if (0 === this.points.length) {


    const hints = new AccuDrawHintBuilder();
    hints.enableSmartRotation = true;

    if (this.points.length > 1 && !(this.points[this.points.length - 1].isAlmostEqual(this.points[this.points.length - 2])))
      hints.setXAxis(Vector3d.createStartEnd(this.points[this.points.length - 2], this.points[this.points.length - 1])); // Rotate AccuDraw to last segment...

    hints.setOrigin(this.points[this.points.length - 1]);
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    // Static Channels.
    auxChannels.push(new AuxChannel([new AuxChannelData(0.0, radialDisplacementData)], AuxChannelDataType.Vector, "Static Radial Displacement", "Radial: Static"));
    auxChannels.push(new AuxChannel([new AuxChannelData(1.0, radialHeightData)], AuxChannelDataType.Distance, "Static Radial Height", "Radial: Static"));
    auxChannels.push(new AuxChannel([new AuxChannelData(1.0, radialSlopeData)], AuxChannelDataType.Scalar, "Static Radial Slope", "Radial: Static"));

    // Animated Channels.
    const radialDisplacementDataVector = [new AuxChannelData(0.0, zeroDisplacementData), new AuxChannelData(1.0, radialDisplacementData), new AuxChannelData(2.0, zeroDisplacementData)];
    const radialHeightDataVector = [new AuxChannelData(0.0, zeroScalarData), new AuxChannelData(1.0, radialHeightData), new AuxChannelData(2.0, zeroScalarData)];
    const radialSlopeDataVector = [new AuxChannelData(0.0, zeroScalarData), new AuxChannelData(1.0, radialSlopeData), new AuxChannelData(2.0, zeroScalarData)];

    auxChannels.push(new AuxChannel(radialDisplacementDataVector, AuxChannelDataType.Vector, "Animated Radial Displacement", "Radial: Time"));
    auxChannels.push(new AuxChannel(radialHeightDataVector, AuxChannelDataType.Distance, "Animated Radial Height", "Radial: Time"));
    auxChannels.push(new AuxChannel(radialSlopeDataVector, AuxChannelDataType.Scalar, "Animated Radial Slope", "Radial: Time"));

    /** Create linear waves -- 10 separate frames.  */
    const waveHeight = radius / 20.0;
    const waveLength = radius / 2.0;
    const frameCount = 10;
    const linearDisplacementDataVector = [], linearHeightDataVector = [], linearSlopeDataVector = [];

    for (let i = 0; i < frameCount; i++) {
      const fraction = i / (frameCount - 1);
      const waveCenter = waveLength * fraction;
      const linearHeightData = [], linearSlopeData = [], linearDisplacementData = [];
github imodeljs / imodeljs / test-apps / analysis-importer / src / AnalysisImporter.ts View on Github external


    // Static Channels.
    auxChannels.push(new AuxChannel([new AuxChannelData(0.0, radialDisplacementData)], AuxChannelDataType.Vector, "Static Radial Displacement", "Radial: Static"));
    auxChannels.push(new AuxChannel([new AuxChannelData(1.0, radialHeightData)], AuxChannelDataType.Distance, "Static Radial Height", "Radial: Static"));
    auxChannels.push(new AuxChannel([new AuxChannelData(1.0, radialSlopeData)], AuxChannelDataType.Scalar, "Static Radial Slope", "Radial: Static"));

    // Animated Channels.
    const radialDisplacementDataVector = [new AuxChannelData(0.0, zeroDisplacementData), new AuxChannelData(1.0, radialDisplacementData), new AuxChannelData(2.0, zeroDisplacementData)];
    const radialHeightDataVector = [new AuxChannelData(0.0, zeroScalarData), new AuxChannelData(1.0, radialHeightData), new AuxChannelData(2.0, zeroScalarData)];
    const radialSlopeDataVector = [new AuxChannelData(0.0, zeroScalarData), new AuxChannelData(1.0, radialSlopeData), new AuxChannelData(2.0, zeroScalarData)];

    auxChannels.push(new AuxChannel(radialDisplacementDataVector, AuxChannelDataType.Vector, "Animated Radial Displacement", "Radial: Time"));
    auxChannels.push(new AuxChannel(radialHeightDataVector, AuxChannelDataType.Distance, "Animated Radial Height", "Radial: Time"));
    auxChannels.push(new AuxChannel(radialSlopeDataVector, AuxChannelDataType.Scalar, "Animated Radial Slope", "Radial: Time"));

    /** Create linear waves -- 10 separate frames.  */
    const waveHeight = radius / 20.0;
    const waveLength = radius / 2.0;
    const frameCount = 10;
    const linearDisplacementDataVector = [], linearHeightDataVector = [], linearSlopeDataVector = [];
github imodeljs / imodeljs / test-apps / analysis-importer / src / AnalysisImporter.ts View on Github external
const slope = Math.abs(Math.cos(angle));



    // Static Channels.
    auxChannels.push(new AuxChannel([new AuxChannelData(0.0, radialDisplacementData)], AuxChannelDataType.Vector, "Static Radial Displacement", "Radial: Static"));
    auxChannels.push(new AuxChannel([new AuxChannelData(1.0, radialHeightData)], AuxChannelDataType.Distance, "Static Radial Height", "Radial: Static"));
    auxChannels.push(new AuxChannel([new AuxChannelData(1.0, radialSlopeData)], AuxChannelDataType.Scalar, "Static Radial Slope", "Radial: Static"));

    // Animated Channels.
    const radialDisplacementDataVector = [new AuxChannelData(0.0, zeroDisplacementData), new AuxChannelData(1.0, radialDisplacementData), new AuxChannelData(2.0, zeroDisplacementData)];
    const radialHeightDataVector = [new AuxChannelData(0.0, zeroScalarData), new AuxChannelData(1.0, radialHeightData), new AuxChannelData(2.0, zeroScalarData)];
    const radialSlopeDataVector = [new AuxChannelData(0.0, zeroScalarData), new AuxChannelData(1.0, radialSlopeData), new AuxChannelData(2.0, zeroScalarData)];

    auxChannels.push(new AuxChannel(radialDisplacementDataVector, AuxChannelDataType.Vector, "Animated Radial Displacement", "Radial: Time"));
    auxChannels.push(new AuxChannel(radialHeightDataVector, AuxChannelDataType.Distance, "Animated Radial Height", "Radial: Time"));
    auxChannels.push(new AuxChannel(radialSlopeDataVector, AuxChannelDataType.Scalar, "Animated Radial Slope", "Radial: Time"));

    /** Create linear waves -- 10 separate frames.  */
    const waveHeight = radius / 20.0;
    const waveLength = radius / 2.0;
    const frameCount = 10;
github imodeljs / imodeljs / test-apps / analysis-importer / src / AnalysisImporter.ts View on Github external


    // Static Channels.
    auxChannels.push(new AuxChannel([new AuxChannelData(0.0, radialDisplacementData)], AuxChannelDataType.Vector, "Static Radial Displacement", "Radial: Static"));
    auxChannels.push(new AuxChannel([new AuxChannelData(1.0, radialHeightData)], AuxChannelDataType.Distance, "Static Radial Height", "Radial: Static"));
    auxChannels.push(new AuxChannel([new AuxChannelData(1.0, radialSlopeData)], AuxChannelDataType.Scalar, "Static Radial Slope", "Radial: Static"));

    // Animated Channels.
    const radialDisplacementDataVector = [new AuxChannelData(0.0, zeroDisplacementData), new AuxChannelData(1.0, radialDisplacementData), new AuxChannelData(2.0, zeroDisplacementData)];
    const radialHeightDataVector = [new AuxChannelData(0.0, zeroScalarData), new AuxChannelData(1.0, radialHeightData), new AuxChannelData(2.0, zeroScalarData)];
    const radialSlopeDataVector = [new AuxChannelData(0.0, zeroScalarData), new AuxChannelData(1.0, radialSlopeData), new AuxChannelData(2.0, zeroScalarData)];

    auxChannels.push(new AuxChannel(radialDisplacementDataVector, AuxChannelDataType.Vector, "Animated Radial Displacement", "Radial: Time"));
    auxChannels.push(new AuxChannel(radialHeightDataVector, AuxChannelDataType.Distance, "Animated Radial Height", "Radial: Time"));
    auxChannels.push(new AuxChannel(radialSlopeDataVector, AuxChannelDataType.Scalar, "Animated Radial Slope", "Radial: Time"));

    /** Create linear waves -- 10 separate frames.  */
    const waveHeight = radius / 20.0;
    const waveLength = radius / 2.0;
    const frameCount = 10;
    const linearDisplacementDataVector = [], linearHeightDataVector = [], linearSlopeDataVector = [];

    for (let i = 0; i < frameCount; i++) {
      const fraction = i / (frameCount - 1);
      const waveCenter = waveLength * fraction;
github imodeljs / imodeljs / test-apps / agent-test-app / src / changeSetUtility / ChangesetGenerationHarness.ts View on Github external
if (fs.existsSync(pathname))

        this._iModelDb = IModelDb.createStandalone(pathname, { rootSubject: { name: this._iModelName } });

        const definitionModelId: Id64String = IModel.dictionaryId;
        this._physicalModelId = PhysicalModel.insert(this._iModelDb, IModel.rootSubjectId, "TestModel");
        this._codeSpecId = this._iModelDb.codeSpecs.insert("TestCodeSpec", CodeScopeSpec.Type.Model);
        this._categoryId = SpatialCategory.insert(this._iModelDb, definitionModelId, "TestCategory", { color: new ColorDef("blanchedAlmond") });

        // Insert a ViewDefinition for the PhysicalModel
        const viewName = "Physical View";
        const modelSelectorId: Id64String = ModelSelector.insert(this._iModelDb, definitionModelId, viewName, [this._physicalModelId]);
        const categorySelectorId: Id64String = CategorySelector.insert(this._iModelDb, definitionModelId, viewName, [this._categoryId]);
        const displayStyleId: Id64String = DisplayStyle3d.insert(this._iModelDb, definitionModelId, viewName);
        const viewRange = new Range3d(0, 0, 0, 50, 50, 50);
        OrthographicViewDefinition.insert(this._iModelDb, definitionModelId, viewName, modelSelectorId, categorySelectorId, displayStyleId, viewRange);

        this._iModelDb.updateProjectExtents(new Range3d(-1000, -1000, -1000, 1000, 1000, 1000));
        this._iModelDb.saveChanges("Setup new iModel");
        this._iModelDb = undefined;

        return pathname;
    private _initializeLogger(): void {
github imodeljs / imodeljs / test-apps / agent-test-app / src / changeSetUtility / ChangesetGenerationHarness.ts View on Github external
this._iModelDb = IModelDb.createStandalone(pathname, { rootSubject: { name: this._iModelName } });

        const definitionModelId: Id64String = IModel.dictionaryId;
        this._physicalModelId = PhysicalModel.insert(this._iModelDb, IModel.rootSubjectId, "TestModel");
        this._codeSpecId = this._iModelDb.codeSpecs.insert("TestCodeSpec", CodeScopeSpec.Type.Model);
        this._categoryId = SpatialCategory.insert(this._iModelDb, definitionModelId, "TestCategory", { color: new ColorDef("blanchedAlmond") });

        // Insert a ViewDefinition for the PhysicalModel
        const viewName = "Physical View";
        const modelSelectorId: Id64String = ModelSelector.insert(this._iModelDb, definitionModelId, viewName, [this._physicalModelId]);
        const categorySelectorId: Id64String = CategorySelector.insert(this._iModelDb, definitionModelId, viewName, [this._categoryId]);
        const displayStyleId: Id64String = DisplayStyle3d.insert(this._iModelDb, definitionModelId, viewName);
        const viewRange = new Range3d(0, 0, 0, 50, 50, 50);
        OrthographicViewDefinition.insert(this._iModelDb, definitionModelId, viewName, modelSelectorId, categorySelectorId, displayStyleId, viewRange);

        this._iModelDb.updateProjectExtents(new Range3d(-1000, -1000, -1000, 1000, 1000, 1000));
        this._iModelDb.saveChanges("Setup new iModel");
        this._iModelDb = undefined;

        return pathname;
    private _initializeLogger(): void {
github imodeljs / imodeljs / test-apps / analysis-importer / src / AnalysisImporter.ts View on Github external

    // Static Channels.
    auxChannels.push(new AuxChannel([new AuxChannelData(0.0, radialDisplacementData)], AuxChannelDataType.Vector, "Static Radial Displacement", "Radial: Static"));
    auxChannels.push(new AuxChannel([new AuxChannelData(1.0, radialHeightData)], AuxChannelDataType.Distance, "Static Radial Height", "Radial: Static"));
    auxChannels.push(new AuxChannel([new AuxChannelData(1.0, radialSlopeData)], AuxChannelDataType.Scalar, "Static Radial Slope", "Radial: Static"));

    // Animated Channels.
    const radialDisplacementDataVector = [new AuxChannelData(0.0, zeroDisplacementData), new AuxChannelData(1.0, radialDisplacementData), new AuxChannelData(2.0, zeroDisplacementData)];
    const radialHeightDataVector = [new AuxChannelData(0.0, zeroScalarData), new AuxChannelData(1.0, radialHeightData), new AuxChannelData(2.0, zeroScalarData)];
    const radialSlopeDataVector = [new AuxChannelData(0.0, zeroScalarData), new AuxChannelData(1.0, radialSlopeData), new AuxChannelData(2.0, zeroScalarData)];

    auxChannels.push(new AuxChannel(radialDisplacementDataVector, AuxChannelDataType.Vector, "Animated Radial Displacement", "Radial: Time"));
    auxChannels.push(new AuxChannel(radialHeightDataVector, AuxChannelDataType.Distance, "Animated Radial Height", "Radial: Time"));
    auxChannels.push(new AuxChannel(radialSlopeDataVector, AuxChannelDataType.Scalar, "Animated Radial Slope", "Radial: Time"));

    /** Create linear waves -- 10 separate frames.  */
    const waveHeight = radius / 20.0;
    const waveLength = radius / 2.0;
    const frameCount = 10;
    const linearDisplacementDataVector = [], linearHeightDataVector = [], linearSlopeDataVector = [];

    for (let i = 0; i < frameCount; i++) {
      const fraction = i / (frameCount - 1);
      const waveCenter = waveLength * fraction;
      const linearHeightData = [], linearSlopeData = [], linearDisplacementData = [];

      for (let j = 0; j <; j++) {
        const point =;
        const theta = Angle.pi2Radians * (point.x - waveCenter) / waveLength;
        const height = waveHeight * Math.sin(theta);
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    // Static Channels.
    auxChannels.push(new AuxChannel([new AuxChannelData(0.0, radialDisplacementData)], AuxChannelDataType.Vector, "Static Radial Displacement", "Radial: Static"));
    auxChannels.push(new AuxChannel([new AuxChannelData(1.0, radialHeightData)], AuxChannelDataType.Distance, "Static Radial Height", "Radial: Static"));
    auxChannels.push(new AuxChannel([new AuxChannelData(1.0, radialSlopeData)], AuxChannelDataType.Scalar, "Static Radial Slope", "Radial: Static"));

    // Animated Channels.
    const radialDisplacementDataVector = [new AuxChannelData(0.0, zeroDisplacementData), new AuxChannelData(1.0, radialDisplacementData), new AuxChannelData(2.0, zeroDisplacementData)];
    const radialHeightDataVector = [new AuxChannelData(0.0, zeroScalarData), new AuxChannelData(1.0, radialHeightData), new AuxChannelData(2.0, zeroScalarData)];
    const radialSlopeDataVector = [new AuxChannelData(0.0, zeroScalarData), new AuxChannelData(1.0, radialSlopeData), new AuxChannelData(2.0, zeroScalarData)];

    auxChannels.push(new AuxChannel(radialDisplacementDataVector, AuxChannelDataType.Vector, "Animated Radial Displacement", "Radial: Time"));
    auxChannels.push(new AuxChannel(radialHeightDataVector, AuxChannelDataType.Distance, "Animated Radial Height", "Radial: Time"));
    auxChannels.push(new AuxChannel(radialSlopeDataVector, AuxChannelDataType.Scalar, "Animated Radial Slope", "Radial: Time"));

    /** Create linear waves -- 10 separate frames.  */
    const waveHeight = radius / 20.0;
    const waveLength = radius / 2.0;
    const frameCount = 10;
    const linearDisplacementDataVector = [], linearHeightDataVector = [], linearSlopeDataVector = [];

    for (let i = 0; i < frameCount; i++) {
      const fraction = i / (frameCount - 1);
      const waveCenter = waveLength * fraction;
      const linearHeightData = [], linearSlopeData = [], linearDisplacementData = [];

      for (let j = 0; j <; j++) {
        const point =;