How to use the @bazel/protractor/protractor-utils.findFreeTcpPort function in @bazel/protractor

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async function runBazelServer(workspace, serverPath, timeout) {
  const serverBinary = require.resolve(`${workspace}/${serverPath}`);
  const port = await utils.findFreeTcpPort();

  // Start the Bazel server binary with a random free TCP port.
  const serverProcess = spawn(serverBinary, ['-port', port], {stdio: 'inherit'});

  // In case the process exited with an error, we want to propagate the error.
  serverProcess.on('exit', exitCode => {
    if (exitCode !== 0) {
      throw new Error(`Server exited with error code: ${exitCode}`);

  // Wait for the server to be bound to the given port.
  await utils.waitForServer(port, timeout);

  return port;


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