How to use the @babel/runtime-corejs2/core-js/parse-int function in @babel/runtime-corejs2

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few @babel/runtime-corejs2 examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github bueltge / addquicktag / js / add-quicktag-gutenberg.js View on Github external
var tags = addquicktag_tags['buttons'];
var _window$wp$element = window.wp.element,
    createElement = _window$wp$element.createElement,
    Fragment = _window$wp$element.Fragment;
var _window$wp$richText = window.wp.richText,
    registerFormatType = _window$wp$richText.registerFormatType,
    unregisterFormatType = _window$wp$richText.unregisterFormatType,
    toggleFormat = _window$wp$richText.toggleFormat;
var __ = window.wp.i18n.__;
var _window$wp$editor = window.wp.editor,
    RichTextToolbarButton = _window$wp$editor.RichTextToolbarButton,
    RichTextShortcut = _window$wp$editor.RichTextShortcut;

for (var i = 0; i < tags.length; i++) {
  // check each tag for active on this post type
  if (1 === _parseInt(tags[i][addquicktag_post_type])) {
    (function () {

      if (typeof tags[i].title === 'undefined') {
        tags[i].title = ' ';

      if (typeof tags[i].end === 'undefined') {
        tags[i].end = '';

      if (typeof tags[i].access === 'undefined') {
        tags[i].access = '';

      var name = html_entity_decode(tags[i].text).replace(/["\\]/gi, "").toLowerCase();