How to use @babel/code-frame - 10 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few @babel/code-frame examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github fabiomcosta / mvjs / src / log.js View on Github external
function createFrame({file, loc}: LogOptions = {}): string {
  if (!file) {
    return '';
  // The column location seems off by one, fixing that.
  if (loc) {
  const frame = codeFrameColumns(file.source, loc, {highlightCode: true, forceColor: true});
  return `\nat ${file.path}:\n${frame}`;
github RokuRoad / bright / test / helpers.ts View on Github external
export const error = ({ message, location }, source: string): string => {
  return codeFrameColumns(source, location, { highlightCode: true, message })
github PassFort / json-schema-to-flow-type / src / __tests__ / FlowTypeGenerator.spec.js View on Github external
try {
    return babylon.parse(code, {
      sourceType: 'module',
      plugins: [
  } catch(err) {
    if (!(err instanceof SyntaxError)) {
      throw err;

    const posData = err.message.match(/ \((\d+):(\d+)\)$/);

    if (posData !== null) {
      err.message += `\n${codeFrame(code, ...posData.slice(1, 3))}`;

    throw err;
github preconstruct / preconstruct / packages / cli / src / rollup-plugins / terser.ts View on Github external
.catch((error: any) => {
          const { message, line, col: column } = error;
            codeFrameColumns(code, { start: { line, column } }, { message })
          throw error;
github facebook / create-react-app / packages / react-dev-utils / typescriptFormatter.js View on Github external
severity: message.getSeverity(),
          file: message.getFile(),
          line: message.getLine(),
          content: message.getContent(),
          code: message.getCode(),
          character: message.getCharacter(),
      : message;

  const colors = new chalk.Instance({ enabled: useColors });
  const messageColor = message.isWarningSeverity() ? colors.yellow :;
  const fileAndNumberColor = colors.bold.cyan;

  const source = file && fs.existsSync(file) && fs.readFileSync(file, 'utf-8');
  const frame = source
    ? codeFrame(
        { start: { line: line, column: character } },
        { highlightCode: useColors }
        .map(str => '  ' + str)
    : '';

  return [
    messageColor.bold(`${types[type]} ${severity.toLowerCase()} in `) +
      fileAndNumberColor(`${file}(${line},${character})`) +
    content +
      '  ' +
      messageColor.underline((type === 'lint' ? 'Rule: ' : 'TS') + code),
github expo / json-file / src / JsonFile.js View on Github external
} else {
      return defaultValue;
  try {
    if (_getOption(options, 'json5')) {
      return JSON5.parse(json);
    } else {
      return JSON.parse(json);
  } catch (e) {
    let defaultValue = jsonParseErrorDefault(options);
    if (defaultValue === undefined) {
      let location = locationFromSyntaxError(e, json);
      if (location) {
        let codeFrame = codeFrameColumns(json, { start: location });
        e.codeFrame = codeFrame;
        e.message += `\n${codeFrame}`;
      throw new JsonFileError(`Error parsing JSON file: ${file}`, e, 'EJSONPARSE');
    } else {
      return defaultValue;
github gatsbyjs / gatsby / packages / gatsby / src / query / file-parser.js View on Github external
      } else if (err instanceof EmptyGraphQLTagError) {
        const location = err.templateLoc
          ? {
              start: err.templateLoc.start,
              end: err.templateLoc.end,
          : null

        structuredError = {
          id: `85917`,
          context: {
            codeFrame: location
              ? codeFrameColumns(text, location, {
                  highlightCode: process.env.FORCE_COLOR !== `0`,
              : null,
      } else if (err instanceof GraphQLSyntaxError) {
        const location = {
          start: locInGraphQlToLocInFile(

        structuredError = {
          id: `85918`,
github cypress-io / cypress / packages / driver / src / cypress / stack_utils.js View on Github external
const getCodeFrameFromSource = (sourceCode, { line, column, relativeFile, absoluteFile }) => {
  if (!sourceCode) return

  const frame = codeFrameColumns(sourceCode, { start: { line, column } })

  if (!frame) return

  return {
    language: getLanguageFromExtension(relativeFile),
github Tencent / omi / packages / omip / taro-transformer-wx / src / utils.ts View on Github external
export function codeFrameError (node, msg: string) {
  let errMsg = ''
  try {
    errMsg = codeFrameColumns(setting.sourceCode, node && node.type && node.loc ? node.loc : node, {
      highlightCode: true
  } catch (error) {
    errMsg = 'failed to locate source'
  return new Error(`${msg}
github reduxjs / redux-devtools / packages / redux-devtools-trace-monitor / src / react-error-overlay / containers / StackFrameCodeBlock.js View on Github external
if (m && m[0]) {
      whiteSpace = Math.min(whiteSpace, m[0].length);
    } else {
      whiteSpace = 0;
  lines.forEach(function(e) {
    let { content: text } = e;
    const { lineNumber: line } = e;

    if (isFinite(whiteSpace)) {
      text = text.substring(whiteSpace);
    sourceCode[line - 1] = text;
  const ansiHighlight = codeFrameColumns(
      start: {
        line: lineNum,
          columnNum == null
            ? 0
            : columnNum - (isFinite(whiteSpace) ? whiteSpace : 0),
      forceColor: true,
      linesAbove: contextSize,
      linesBelow: contextSize,


Generate errors that contain a code frame that point to source locations.

Latest version published 5 months ago

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