How to use the @azure/ function in @azure/oad

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few @azure/oad examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github Azure / azure-rest-api-specs / scripts / breaking-change.ts View on Github external
async function runOad(oldSpec: string, newSpec: string) {
  if (oldSpec === null || oldSpec === undefined || typeof oldSpec.valueOf() !== 'string' || !oldSpec.trim().length) {
    throw new Error('oldSpec is a required parameter of type "string" and it cannot be an empty string.');

  if (newSpec === null || newSpec === undefined || typeof newSpec.valueOf() !== 'string' || !newSpec.trim().length) {
    throw new Error('newSpec is a required parameter of type "string" and it cannot be an empty string.');

  console.log(`Old Spec: "${oldSpec}"`);
  console.log(`New Spec: "${newSpec}"`);

  let result = await, newSpec, { consoleLogLevel: 'warn' });

  if (!result) {

  // fix up output from OAD, it does not output valid JSON
  result = '[' + result.replace(/}\s+{/gi,"},{") + ']'

  return JSON.parse(result);


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Popular @azure/oad functions