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`Received event: '${event.body}' from partition: '${context.partitionId}' and consumer group: '${context.consumerGroupName}'`
// checkpoint using the last event in the batch
const lastEvent = events[events.length - 1];
await context.updateCheckpoint(lastEvent).catch((err) => {
console.log(`Error when checkpointing on partition ${context.partitionId}: `, err);
`Successfully checkpointed event with sequence number: ${lastEvent.sequenceNumber} from partition: 'partitionContext.partitionId'`
const subscription = consumerClient.subscribe(EventHubConsumerClient.defaultConsumerGroupName, processEvents, new BlobPartitionManager(containerClient))
// after 30 seconds, stop processing
await new Promise(resolve => {
setInterval(async () => {
await subscription.close();
await consumerClient.close();
}, 30000)