How to use @aws-cdk/cx-api - 10 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few @aws-cdk/cx-api examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github aws / aws-cdk / packages / @aws-cdk / core / lib / app.ts View on Github external
Object.defineProperty(this, APP_SYMBOL, { value: true });


    if (props.stackTraces === false) {
      this.node.setContext(cxapi.DISABLE_METADATA_STACK_TRACE, true);

    if (props.runtimeInfo === false) {
      this.node.setContext(cxapi.DISABLE_VERSION_REPORTING, true);

    // both are reverse logic
    this.runtimeInfo = this.node.tryGetContext(cxapi.DISABLE_VERSION_REPORTING) ? false : true;
    this.outdir = props.outdir || process.env[cxapi.OUTDIR_ENV];

    const autoSynth = props.autoSynth !== undefined ? props.autoSynth : cxapi.OUTDIR_ENV in process.env;
    if (autoSynth) {
      // synth() guarantuees it will only execute once, so a default of 'true'
      // doesn't bite manual calling of the function.
      process.once('beforeExit', () => this.synth());

    if (props.treeMetadata === undefined || props.treeMetadata) {
      new TreeMetadata(this);
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    if (props.stackTraces === false) {
      this.node.setContext(cxapi.DISABLE_METADATA_STACK_TRACE, true);

    if (props.runtimeInfo === false) {
      this.node.setContext(cxapi.DISABLE_VERSION_REPORTING, true);

    // both are reverse logic
    this.runtimeInfo = this.node.tryGetContext(cxapi.DISABLE_VERSION_REPORTING) ? false : true;
    this.outdir = props.outdir || process.env[cxapi.OUTDIR_ENV];

    const autoSynth = props.autoSynth !== undefined ? props.autoSynth : cxapi.OUTDIR_ENV in process.env;
    if (autoSynth) {
      // synth() guarantuees it will only execute once, so a default of 'true'
      // doesn't bite manual calling of the function.
      process.once('beforeExit', () => this.synth());

    if (props.treeMetadata === undefined || props.treeMetadata) {
      new TreeMetadata(this);
github aws / aws-cdk / packages / aws-cdk / lib / api / cxapp / exec.ts View on Github external
// by pass "synth" if app points to a cloud assembly
  if (await fs.pathExists(app) && (await fs.stat(app)).isDirectory()) {
    debug('--app points to a cloud assembly, so we by pass synth');
    return new cxapi.CloudAssembly(app);

  const commandLine = await guessExecutable(appToArray(app));

  const outdir = config.settings.get([ 'output' ]);
  if (!outdir) {
    throw new Error('unexpected: --output is required');
  await fs.mkdirp(outdir);

  debug('outdir:', outdir);
  env[cxapi.OUTDIR_ENV] = outdir;

  // Send version information
  env[cxapi.CLI_VERSION_ENV] = versionNumber();

  debug('env:', env);

  await exec();

  return new cxapi.CloudAssembly(outdir);

  async function exec() {
    return new Promise((ok, fail) => {
      // We use a slightly lower-level interface to:
      // - Pass arguments in an array instead of a string, to get around a
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private loadContext(defaults: { [key: string]: string } = { }) {
    // prime with defaults passed through constructor
    for (const [ k, v ] of Object.entries(defaults)) {
      this.node.setContext(k, v);

    // read from environment
    const contextJson = process.env[cxapi.CONTEXT_ENV];
    const contextFromEnvironment = contextJson
      ? JSON.parse(contextJson)
      : { };

    for (const [ k, v ] of Object.entries(contextFromEnvironment)) {
      this.node.setContext(k, v);
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  if (!versionReporting) {
    context[cxapi.DISABLE_VERSION_REPORTING] = true;

  let stagingEnabled = config.settings.get(['staging']);
  if (stagingEnabled === undefined) {
    stagingEnabled = true;
  if (!stagingEnabled) {
    context[cxapi.DISABLE_ASSET_STAGING_CONTEXT] = true;

  debug('context:', context);
  env[cxapi.CONTEXT_ENV] = JSON.stringify(context);

  const app = config.settings.get(['app']);
  if (!app) {
    throw new Error(`--app is required either in command-line, in ${PROJECT_CONFIG} or in ${USER_DEFAULTS}`);

  // by pass "synth" if app points to a cloud assembly
  if (await fs.pathExists(app) && (await fs.stat(app)).isDirectory()) {
    debug('--app points to a cloud assembly, so we by pass synth');
    return new cxapi.CloudAssembly(app);

  const commandLine = await guessExecutable(appToArray(app));

  const outdir = config.settings.get([ 'output' ]);
  if (!outdir) {
github aws / aws-cdk / packages / aws-cdk / lib / api / cxapp / exec.ts View on Github external
let pathMetadata: boolean = config.settings.get(['pathMetadata']);
  if (pathMetadata === undefined) {
      pathMetadata = true; // defaults to true

  if (pathMetadata) {
    context[cxapi.PATH_METADATA_ENABLE_CONTEXT] = true;

  let assetMetadata: boolean = config.settings.get(['assetMetadata']);
  if (assetMetadata === undefined) {
    assetMetadata = true; // defaults to true

  if (assetMetadata) {

  let versionReporting: boolean = config.settings.get(['versionReporting']);
  if (versionReporting === undefined) {
    versionReporting = true; // defaults to true

  if (!versionReporting) {
    context[cxapi.DISABLE_VERSION_REPORTING] = true;

  let stagingEnabled = config.settings.get(['staging']);
  if (stagingEnabled === undefined) {
    stagingEnabled = true;
  if (!stagingEnabled) {
github aws / aws-cdk / packages / @aws-cdk / aws-s3-assets / lib / asset.ts View on Github external
public addResourceMetadata(resource: cdk.CfnResource, resourceProperty: string) {
    if (!this.node.tryGetContext(cxapi.ASSET_RESOURCE_METADATA_ENABLED_CONTEXT)) {
      return; // not enabled

    // tell tools such as SAM CLI that the "Code" property of this resource
    // points to a local path in order to enable local invocation of this function.
    resource.cfnOptions.metadata = resource.cfnOptions.metadata || { };
    resource.cfnOptions.metadata[cxapi.ASSET_RESOURCE_METADATA_PATH_KEY] = this.assetPath;
    resource.cfnOptions.metadata[cxapi.ASSET_RESOURCE_METADATA_PROPERTY_KEY] = resourceProperty;
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if (!stagingEnabled) {
    context[cxapi.DISABLE_ASSET_STAGING_CONTEXT] = true;

  debug('context:', context);
  env[cxapi.CONTEXT_ENV] = JSON.stringify(context);

  const app = config.settings.get(['app']);
  if (!app) {
    throw new Error(`--app is required either in command-line, in ${PROJECT_CONFIG} or in ${USER_DEFAULTS}`);

  // by pass "synth" if app points to a cloud assembly
  if (await fs.pathExists(app) && (await fs.stat(app)).isDirectory()) {
    debug('--app points to a cloud assembly, so we by pass synth');
    return new cxapi.CloudAssembly(app);

  const commandLine = await guessExecutable(appToArray(app));

  const outdir = config.settings.get([ 'output' ]);
  if (!outdir) {
    throw new Error('unexpected: --output is required');
  await fs.mkdirp(outdir);

  debug('outdir:', outdir);
  env[cxapi.OUTDIR_ENV] = outdir;

  // Send version information
  env[cxapi.CLI_VERSION_ENV] = versionNumber();
github aws / aws-cdk / packages / aws-cdk / lib / api / cxapp / exec.ts View on Github external
throw new Error('unexpected: --output is required');
  await fs.mkdirp(outdir);

  debug('outdir:', outdir);
  env[cxapi.OUTDIR_ENV] = outdir;

  // Send version information
  env[cxapi.CLI_VERSION_ENV] = versionNumber();

  debug('env:', env);

  await exec();

  return new cxapi.CloudAssembly(outdir);

  async function exec() {
    return new Promise((ok, fail) => {
      // We use a slightly lower-level interface to:
      // - Pass arguments in an array instead of a string, to get around a
      //   number of quoting issues introduced by the intermediate shell layer
      //   (which would be different between Linux and Windows).
      // - Inherit stderr from controlling terminal. We don't use the captured value
      //   anway, and if the subprocess is printing to it for debugging purposes the
      //   user gets to see it sooner. Plus, capturing doesn't interact nicely with some
      //   processes like Maven.
      const proc = childProcess.spawn(commandLine[0], commandLine.slice(1), {
        stdio: ['ignore', 'inherit', 'inherit'],
        detached: false,
github aws / aws-cdk / packages / @aws-cdk / core / lib / construct.ts View on Github external
public static synth(root: ConstructNode, options: SynthesisOptions = { }): cxapi.CloudAssembly {
    const builder = new cxapi.CloudAssemblyBuilder(options.outdir);

    // the three holy phases of synthesis: prepare, validate and synthesize

    // prepare

    // validate
    const validate = options.skipValidation === undefined ? true : !options.skipValidation;
    if (validate) {
      const errors = this.validate(root);
      if (errors.length > 0) {
        const errorList = => `[${e.source.node.path}] ${e.message}`).join('\n  ');
        throw new Error(`Validation failed with the following errors:\n  ${errorList}`);