How to use the @aws-cdk/core.Lazy.listValue function in @aws-cdk/core

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github aws / aws-cdk / packages / @aws-cdk / aws-autoscaling / lib / auto-scaling-group.ts View on Github external
this.role = props.role || new iam.Role(this, 'InstanceRole', {
      roleName: PhysicalName.GENERATE_IF_NEEDED,
      assumedBy: new iam.ServicePrincipal('')

    this.grantPrincipal = this.role;

    const iamProfile = new iam.CfnInstanceProfile(this, 'InstanceProfile', {
      roles: [ this.role.roleName ]

    // use delayed evaluation
    const imageConfig = props.machineImage.getImage(this);
    this.userData = props.userData || imageConfig.userData || ec2.UserData.forOperatingSystem(imageConfig.osType);
    const userDataToken = Lazy.stringValue({ produce: () => Fn.base64(this.userData.render()) });
    const securityGroupsToken = Lazy.listValue({ produce: () => => sg.securityGroupId) });

    const launchConfig = new CfnLaunchConfiguration(this, 'LaunchConfig', {
      imageId: imageConfig.imageId,
      keyName: props.keyName,
      instanceType: props.instanceType.toString(),
      securityGroups: securityGroupsToken,
      iamInstanceProfile: iamProfile.ref,
      userData: userDataToken,
      associatePublicIpAddress: props.associatePublicIpAddress,
      spotPrice: props.spotPrice,
      blockDeviceMappings: (props.blockDevices !== undefined ?
          ({deviceName, volume, mappingEnabled}) => {
            const {virtualName, ebsDevice: ebs} = volume;

            if (ebs) {
              const {iops, volumeType} = ebs;
github aws / aws-cdk / packages / @aws-cdk / aws-cloudwatch / lib / alarm.ts View on Github external
alarmDescription: props.alarmDescription,
      alarmName: this.physicalName,

      // Evaluation
      threshold: props.threshold,
      datapointsToAlarm: props.datapointsToAlarm,
      evaluateLowSampleCountPercentile: props.evaluateLowSampleCountPercentile,
      evaluationPeriods: props.evaluationPeriods,
      treatMissingData: props.treatMissingData,

      // Actions
      actionsEnabled: props.actionsEnabled,
      alarmActions: Lazy.listValue({ produce: () => this.alarmActionArns }),
      insufficientDataActions: Lazy.listValue({ produce: (() => this.insufficientDataActionArns) }),
      okActions: Lazy.listValue({ produce: () => this.okActionArns }),

      // Metric
        // Alarm overrides
        period: props.period && props.period.toSeconds(),
        statistic: renderIfSimpleStatistic(props.statistic),
        extendedStatistic: renderIfExtendedStatistic(props.statistic),

    this.alarmArn = this.getResourceArnAttribute(alarm.attrArn, {
      service: 'cloudwatch',
      resource: 'alarm',
      resourceName: this.physicalName,
      sep: ':',
github aws / aws-cdk / packages / @aws-cdk / aws-ec2 / lib / instance.ts View on Github external
Tag.add(this, NAME_TAG, props.instanceName || this.node.path);

    this.role = props.role || new iam.Role(this, 'InstanceRole', {
      assumedBy: new iam.ServicePrincipal('')
    this.grantPrincipal = this.role;

    const iamProfile = new iam.CfnInstanceProfile(this, 'InstanceProfile', {
      roles: [this.role.roleName]

    // use delayed evaluation
    const imageConfig = props.machineImage.getImage(this);
    this.userData = props.userData || imageConfig.userData || UserData.forOperatingSystem(imageConfig.osType);
    const userDataToken = Lazy.stringValue({ produce: () => Fn.base64(this.userData.render()) });
    const securityGroupsToken = Lazy.listValue({ produce: () => => sg.securityGroupId) });

    const { subnets } = props.vpc.selectSubnets(props.vpcSubnets);
    let subnet;
    if (props.availabilityZone) {
      const selected = subnets.filter(sn => sn.availabilityZone === props.availabilityZone);
      if (selected.length === 1) {
        subnet = selected[0];
      } else {
        throw new Error('When specifying AZ there has to be exactly on subnet of the given type in this az');
    } else {
      subnet = subnets[0];

    this.instance = new CfnInstance(this, 'Resource', {
      imageId: imageConfig.imageId,
github aws / aws-cdk / packages / @aws-cdk / aws-stepfunctions-tasks / lib / sagemaker-train-task.ts View on Github external
private renderVpcConfig(config: VpcConfig | undefined): {[key: string]: any} {
        return (config) ? { VpcConfig: {
            SecurityGroupIds: Lazy.listValue({ produce: () => ( => (sg.securityGroupId))) }),
            Subnets: this.subnets,
        }} : {};
github aws / aws-cdk / packages / @aws-cdk / aws-elasticloadbalancingv2 / lib / alb / application-load-balancer.ts View on Github external
constructor(scope: Construct, id: string, props: ApplicationLoadBalancerProps) {
    super(scope, id, props, {
      type: "application",
      securityGroups: Lazy.listValue({ produce: () => [this.securityGroup.securityGroupId] }),
      ipAddressType: props.ipAddressType,

    this.securityGroup = props.securityGroup || new ec2.SecurityGroup(this, 'SecurityGroup', {
      vpc: props.vpc,
      description: `Automatically created Security Group for ELB ${this.node.uniqueId}`,
      allowAllOutbound: false
    this.connections = new ec2.Connections({ securityGroups: [this.securityGroup] });

    if (props.http2Enabled === false) { this.setAttribute('routing.http2.enabled', 'false'); }
    if (props.idleTimeout !== undefined) { this.setAttribute('idle_timeout.timeout_seconds', props.idleTimeout.toSeconds().toString()); }
github aws / aws-cdk / packages / @aws-cdk / aws-autoscaling / lib / auto-scaling-group.ts View on Github external
    withResolved(desiredCapacity, maxCapacity, (desired, max) => {
      if (max < desired) {
        throw new Error(`Should have desiredCapacity (${desired}) <= maxCapacity (${max})`);

    const { subnetIds, hasPublic } = props.vpc.selectSubnets(props.vpcSubnets);
    const asgProps: CfnAutoScalingGroupProps = {
      cooldown: props.cooldown !== undefined ? props.cooldown.toSeconds().toString() : undefined,
      minSize: Tokenization.stringifyNumber(minCapacity),
      maxSize: Tokenization.stringifyNumber(maxCapacity),
      desiredCapacity: Tokenization.stringifyNumber(desiredCapacity),
      launchConfigurationName: launchConfig.ref,
      loadBalancerNames: Lazy.listValue({ produce: () => this.loadBalancerNames }, { omitEmpty: true }),
      targetGroupArns: Lazy.listValue({ produce: () => this.targetGroupArns }, { omitEmpty: true }),
      notificationConfigurations: !props.notificationsTopic ? undefined : [
          topicArn: props.notificationsTopic.topicArn,
          notificationTypes: [
      vpcZoneIdentifier: subnetIds,
      healthCheckType: props.healthCheck && props.healthCheck.type,
      healthCheckGracePeriod: props.healthCheck && props.healthCheck.gracePeriod && props.healthCheck.gracePeriod.toSeconds(),
github aws / aws-cdk / packages / @aws-cdk / aws-apigateway / lib / vpc-link.ts View on Github external
constructor(scope: Construct, id: string, props: VpcLinkProps = {}) {
    super(scope, id, {
      physicalName: props.vpcLinkName ||
        Lazy.stringValue({ produce: () => this.node.uniqueId }),

    const cfnResource = new CfnVpcLink(this, 'Resource', {
      name: this.physicalName,
      description: props.description,
      targetArns: Lazy.listValue({ produce: () => this.renderTargets() })

    this.vpcLinkId = cfnResource.ref;

    if (props.targets) {
github aws / aws-cdk / packages / @aws-cdk / aws-lambda / lib / function.ts View on Github external

    const code = props.code.bind(this);
    verifyCodeConfig(code, props.runtime);

    const resource: CfnFunction = new CfnFunction(this, 'Resource', {
      functionName: this.physicalName,
      description: props.description,
      code: {
        s3Bucket: code.s3Location && code.s3Location.bucketName,
        s3Key: code.s3Location && code.s3Location.objectKey,
        s3ObjectVersion: code.s3Location && code.s3Location.objectVersion,
        zipFile: code.inlineCode
      layers: Lazy.listValue({ produce: () => => layer.layerVersionArn) }, { omitEmpty: true }),
      handler: props.handler,
      timeout: props.timeout && props.timeout.toSeconds(),
      role: this.role.roleArn,
      environment: Lazy.anyValue({ produce: () => this.renderEnvironment() }),
      memorySize: props.memorySize,
      vpcConfig: this.configureVpc(props),
      deadLetterConfig: this.buildDeadLetterConfig(props),
      tracingConfig: this.buildTracingConfig(props),
      reservedConcurrentExecutions: props.reservedConcurrentExecutions


    this.functionName = this.getResourceNameAttribute(resource.ref);
    this.functionArn = this.getResourceArnAttribute(resource.attrArn, {
github aws / aws-cdk / packages / @aws-cdk / aws-autoscaling / lib / auto-scaling-group.ts View on Github external
    withResolved(desiredCapacity, maxCapacity, (desired, max) => {
      if (max < desired) {
        throw new Error(`Should have desiredCapacity (${desired}) <= maxCapacity (${max})`);

    const { subnetIds, hasPublic } = props.vpc.selectSubnets(props.vpcSubnets);
    const asgProps: CfnAutoScalingGroupProps = {
      cooldown: props.cooldown !== undefined ? props.cooldown.toSeconds().toString() : undefined,
      minSize: Tokenization.stringifyNumber(minCapacity),
      maxSize: Tokenization.stringifyNumber(maxCapacity),
      desiredCapacity: Tokenization.stringifyNumber(desiredCapacity),
      launchConfigurationName: launchConfig.ref,
      loadBalancerNames: Lazy.listValue({ produce: () => this.loadBalancerNames }, { omitEmpty: true }),
      targetGroupArns: Lazy.listValue({ produce: () => this.targetGroupArns }, { omitEmpty: true }),
      notificationConfigurations: !props.notificationsTopic ? undefined : [
          topicArn: props.notificationsTopic.topicArn,
          notificationTypes: [
      vpcZoneIdentifier: subnetIds,
      healthCheckType: props.healthCheck && props.healthCheck.type,
      healthCheckGracePeriod: props.healthCheck && props.healthCheck.gracePeriod && props.healthCheck.gracePeriod.toSeconds(),