How to use @aws-cdk/cfnspec - 10 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few @aws-cdk/cfnspec examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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// render the union of all item types
    if (schema.isCollectionProperty(propSpec)) {
      // render the union of all item types
      const itemTypes = genspec.specTypesToCodeTypes(resourceContext, itemTypeNames(propSpec));

      // 'tokenizableType' operates at the level of rendered type names in TypeScript, so stringify
      // the objects.
      const renderedTypes = => this.renderCodeName(resourceContext, t));
      if (!tokenizableType(renderedTypes) && propName !== 'Tags') {
        // Always accept a token in place of any list element (unless the list elements are tokenizable)

      const union = this.renderTypeUnion(resourceContext, itemTypes);

      if (schema.isMapProperty(propSpec)) {
        alternatives.push(`{ [key: string]: (${union}) }`);
      } else {
        // To make TSLint happy, we have to either emit: SingleType[] or Array
        if (union.indexOf('|') !== -1) {
        } else {

    // Yes, some types can be both collection and scalar. Looking at you, SAM.
    if (schema.isScalarPropery(propSpec)) {
      // Scalar type
      const typeNames = scalarTypeNames(propSpec);
      const types = genspec.specTypesToCodeTypes(resourceContext, typeNames);
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export function typeDispatch(resourceContext: CodeName, spec: schema.Property, visitor: PropertyVisitor): T {
  const scalarTypes = specTypesToCodeTypes(resourceContext, scalarTypeNames(spec));
  const itemTypes = specTypesToCodeTypes(resourceContext, itemTypeNames(spec));

  if (scalarTypes.length && itemTypes.length) {
    // Can accept both a list and a scalar
    return visitor.visitListOrScalar(scalarTypes, itemTypes);
  } else if (schema.isCollectionProperty(spec)) {
    if (schema.isMapProperty(spec)) {
      if (itemTypes.length > 1) {
        return visitor.visitUnionMap(itemTypes);
      } else {
        return visitor.visitMap(itemTypes[0]);
    } else {
      if (itemTypes.length > 1) {
        return visitor.visitUnionList(itemTypes);
      } else {
        return visitor.visitList(itemTypes[0]);
  } else {
    if (scalarTypes.length > 1) {
      return visitor.visitUnionScalar(scalarTypes);
    } else {
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function _diffProperty(oldV: any, newV: any, key: string, resourceSpec?: cfnspec.schema.ResourceType) {
    let changeImpact = types.ResourceImpact.NO_CHANGE;

    const spec = resourceSpec && resourceSpec.Properties && resourceSpec.Properties[key];
    if (spec && !deepEqual(oldV, newV)) {
      switch (spec.UpdateType) {
        case cfnspec.schema.UpdateType.Immutable:
          changeImpact = types.ResourceImpact.WILL_REPLACE;
        case cfnspec.schema.UpdateType.Conditional:
          changeImpact = types.ResourceImpact.MAY_REPLACE;
          // In those cases, whatever is the current value is what we should keep
          changeImpact = types.ResourceImpact.WILL_UPDATE;

    return new types.PropertyDifference(oldV, newV, { changeImpact });
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private readResourceChange(resourceChange: ResourceChange) {
    switch (resourceChange.scrutinyType) {
      case cfnspec.schema.ResourceScrutinyType.IdentityPolicyResource:
        // AWS::IAM::Policy
      case cfnspec.schema.ResourceScrutinyType.ResourcePolicyResource:
        // AWS::*::{Bucket,Queue,Topic}Policy
      case cfnspec.schema.ResourceScrutinyType.LambdaPermission:
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private findNativeType(resourceContext: genspec.CodeName, propSpec: schema.Property, propName?: string): string {
    const alternatives: string[] = [];

    // render the union of all item types
    if (schema.isCollectionProperty(propSpec)) {
      // render the union of all item types
      const itemTypes = genspec.specTypesToCodeTypes(resourceContext, itemTypeNames(propSpec));

      // 'tokenizableType' operates at the level of rendered type names in TypeScript, so stringify
      // the objects.
      const renderedTypes = => this.renderCodeName(resourceContext, t));
      if (!tokenizableType(renderedTypes) && propName !== 'Tags') {
        // Always accept a token in place of any list element (unless the list elements are tokenizable)

      const union = this.renderTypeUnion(resourceContext, itemTypes);

      if (schema.isMapProperty(propSpec)) {
        alternatives.push(`{ [key: string]: (${union}) }`);
      } else {
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export function typeDispatch(resourceContext: CodeName, spec: schema.Property, visitor: PropertyVisitor): T {
  const scalarTypes = specTypesToCodeTypes(resourceContext, scalarTypeNames(spec));
  const itemTypes = specTypesToCodeTypes(resourceContext, itemTypeNames(spec));

  if (scalarTypes.length && itemTypes.length) {
    // Can accept both a list and a scalar
    return visitor.visitListOrScalar(scalarTypes, itemTypes);
  } else if (schema.isCollectionProperty(spec)) {
    if (schema.isMapProperty(spec)) {
      if (itemTypes.length > 1) {
        return visitor.visitUnionMap(itemTypes);
      } else {
        return visitor.visitMap(itemTypes[0]);
    } else {
      if (itemTypes.length > 1) {
        return visitor.visitUnionList(itemTypes);
      } else {
        return visitor.visitList(itemTypes[0]);
  } else {
    if (scalarTypes.length > 1) {
      return visitor.visitUnionScalar(scalarTypes);
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if (resourceChange.resourceTypeChanged) {
        // Treat as DELETE+ADD
        if (scrutinizableTypes.has(resourceChange.oldResourceType!)) {
            newProperties: undefined,
            resourceType: resourceChange.oldResourceType!,
            scrutinyType: cfnspec.resourceSpecification(resourceChange.oldResourceType!).ScrutinyType!,
        if (scrutinizableTypes.has(resourceChange.newResourceType!)) {
            oldProperties: undefined,
            resourceType: resourceChange.newResourceType!,
            scrutinyType: cfnspec.resourceSpecification(resourceChange.newResourceType!).ScrutinyType!,
      } else {
        if (scrutinizableTypes.has(resourceChange.resourceType)) {
            resourceType: resourceChange.resourceType,
            scrutinyType: cfnspec.resourceSpecification(resourceChange.resourceType).ScrutinyType!,

    return ret;
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const union = this.renderTypeUnion(resourceContext, itemTypes);

      if (schema.isMapProperty(propSpec)) {
        alternatives.push(`{ [key: string]: (${union}) }`);
      } else {
        // To make TSLint happy, we have to either emit: SingleType[] or Array
        if (union.indexOf('|') !== -1) {
        } else {

    // Yes, some types can be both collection and scalar. Looking at you, SAM.
    if (schema.isScalarPropery(propSpec)) {
      // Scalar type
      const typeNames = scalarTypeNames(propSpec);
      const types = genspec.specTypesToCodeTypes(resourceContext, typeNames);
      alternatives.push(this.renderTypeUnion(resourceContext, types));

    // Only if this property is not of a "tokenizable type" (string, string[],
    // number in the future) we add a type union for `cdk.Token`. We rather
    // everything to be tokenizable because there are languages that do not
    // support union types (i.e. Java, .NET), so we lose type safety if we have
    // a union.
    if (!tokenizableType(alternatives) && propName !== 'Tags') {
    return alternatives.join(' | ');
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private scrutinizableResourceChanges(scrutinyTypes: cfnspec.schema.ResourceScrutinyType[]): ResourceChange[] {
    const ret = new Array();

    const scrutinizableTypes = new Set(cfnspec.scrutinizableResourceTypes(scrutinyTypes));

    for (const [resourceLogicalId, resourceChange] of Object.entries(this.resources.changes)) {
      if (!resourceChange) { continue; }

      const commonProps = {
        oldProperties: resourceChange.oldProperties,
        newProperties: resourceChange.newProperties,

      // Even though it's not physically possible in CFN, let's pretend to handle a change of 'Type'.
      if (resourceChange.resourceTypeChanged) {
        // Treat as DELETE+ADD
        if (scrutinizableTypes.has(resourceChange.oldResourceType!)) {
github aws / aws-cdk / packages / @aws-cdk / cloudformation-diff / lib / diff / index.ts View on Github external
export function diffResource(oldValue?: types.Resource, newValue?: types.Resource): types.ResourceDifference {
  const resourceType =  {
    oldType: oldValue && oldValue.Type,
    newType: newValue && newValue.Type
  let propertyDiffs: { [key: string]: types.PropertyDifference } = {};
  let otherDiffs: { [key: string]: types.Difference } = {};

  if (resourceType.oldType !== undefined && resourceType.oldType === resourceType.newType) {
    // Only makes sense to inspect deeper if the types stayed the same
    const typeSpec = cfnspec.filteredSpecification(resourceType.oldType);
    const impl = typeSpec.ResourceTypes[resourceType.oldType];
    propertyDiffs = diffKeyedEntities(oldValue!.Properties,
                      (oldVal, newVal, key) => _diffProperty(oldVal, newVal, key, impl));

    otherDiffs = diffKeyedEntities(oldValue, newValue, _diffOther);
    delete otherDiffs.Properties;

  return new types.ResourceDifference(oldValue, newValue, {
    resourceType, propertyDiffs, otherDiffs,

  function _diffProperty(oldV: any, newV: any, key: string, resourceSpec?: cfnspec.schema.ResourceType) {
    let changeImpact = types.ResourceImpact.NO_CHANGE;