How to use the @aws-cdk/aws-iam.Grant function in @aws-cdk/aws-iam

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github aws / aws-cdk / packages / @aws-cdk / aws-logs / lib / log-group.ts View on Github external
public grant(grantee: iam.IGrantable, ...actions: string[]) {
    return iam.Grant.addToPrincipal({
      // A LogGroup ARN out of CloudFormation already includes a ':*' at the end to include the log streams under the group.
      // See
      resourceArns: [this.logGroupArn],
      scope: this,
github aws / aws-cdk / packages / @aws-cdk / aws-kms / lib / key.ts View on Github external
public grant(grantee: iam.IGrantable, ...actions: string[]): iam.Grant {
    // KMS verifies whether the principals included in its key policy actually exist.
    // This is a problem if the stack the grantee is part of depends on the key stack
    // (as it won't exist before the key policy is attempted to be created).
    // In that case, make the account the resource policy principal
    const granteeStackDependsOnKeyStack = this.granteeStackDependsOnKeyStack(grantee);
    const principal = granteeStackDependsOnKeyStack
      ? new iam.AccountPrincipal(granteeStackDependsOnKeyStack)
      : grantee.grantPrincipal;

    const crossAccountAccess = this.isGranteeFromAnotherAccount(grantee);
    const crossRegionAccess = this.isGranteeFromAnotherRegion(grantee);
    const crossEnvironment = crossAccountAccess || crossRegionAccess;
    return iam.Grant.addToPrincipalAndResource({
      resource: this,
      resourcePolicyPrincipal: principal,

      // if the key is used in a cross-environment matter,
      // we can't access the Key ARN (they don't have physical names),
      // so fall back to using '*'. ToDo we need to make this better... somehow
      resourceArns: crossEnvironment ? ['*'] : [this.keyArn],

      resourceSelfArns: crossEnvironment ? undefined : ['*'],
github aws / aws-cdk / packages / @aws-cdk / aws-secretsmanager / lib / secret.ts View on Github external
public grantRead(grantee: iam.IGrantable, versionStages?: string[]): iam.Grant {
    // @see

    const result = iam.Grant.addToPrincipal({
      actions: ['secretsmanager:GetSecretValue'],
      resourceArns: [this.secretArn],
      scope: this
    if (versionStages != null && result.principalStatement) {
      result.principalStatement.addCondition('ForAnyValue:StringEquals', {
        'secretsmanager:VersionStage': versionStages

    if (this.encryptionKey) {
      // @see
        new kms.ViaServicePrincipal(`secretsmanager.${Stack.of(this).region}`, grantee.grantPrincipal)
github aws / aws-cdk / packages / @aws-cdk / aws-lambda / lib / function-base.ts View on Github external
public grantInvoke(grantee: iam.IGrantable): iam.Grant {
    return iam.Grant.addToPrincipalOrResource({
      actions: ['lambda:InvokeFunction'],
      resourceArns: [this.functionArn],

      // Fake resource-like object on which to call addToResourcePolicy(), which actually
      // calls addPermission()
      resource: {
        addToResourcePolicy: (_statement) => {
          // Couldn't add permissions to the principal, so add them locally.
          const identifier = `Invoke${grantee.grantPrincipal}`; // calls the .toString() of the princpal
          this.addPermission(identifier, {
            principal: grantee.grantPrincipal!,
            action: 'lambda:InvokeFunction',
        node: this.node,
github aws / aws-cdk / packages / @aws-cdk / aws-kinesis / lib / stream.ts View on Github external
private grant(grantee: iam.IGrantable, ...actions: string[]) {
    return iam.Grant.addToPrincipal({
      resourceArns: [this.streamArn],
      scope: this,
github aws / aws-cdk / packages / @aws-cdk / aws-cloudwatch / lib / metric.ts View on Github external
public static grantPutMetricData(grantee: iam.IGrantable): iam.Grant {
    return iam.Grant.addToPrincipal({
      actions: ['cloudwatch:PutMetricData'],
      resourceArns: ['*']
github aws / aws-cdk / packages / @aws-cdk / aws-sqs / lib / queue-base.ts View on Github external
public grant(grantee: iam.IGrantable, ...actions: string[]) {
    return iam.Grant.addToPrincipalOrResource({
      resourceArns: [this.queueArn],
      resource: this,
github aws / aws-cdk / packages / @aws-cdk / aws-codedeploy / lib / lambda / deployment-group.ts View on Github external
public grantPutLifecycleEventHookExecutionStatus(grantee: iam.IGrantable): iam.Grant {
    return iam.Grant.addToPrincipal({
      resourceArns: [this.deploymentGroupArn],
      actions: ['codedeploy:PutLifecycleEventHookExecutionStatus'],
github aws / aws-cdk / packages / @aws-cdk / aws-sns / lib / topic-base.ts View on Github external
public grantPublish(grantee: iam.IGrantable) {
    return iam.Grant.addToPrincipalOrResource({
      actions: ['sns:Publish'],
      resourceArns: [this.topicArn],
      resource: this,
github aws / aws-cdk / packages / @aws-cdk / aws-glue / lib / table.ts View on Github external
private grant(grantee: iam.IGrantable, actions: string[]) {
    return iam.Grant.addToPrincipal({
      resourceArns: [this.tableArn],