How to use @automattic/tree-select - 10 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few @automattic/tree-select examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github flow-typed / flow-typed / definitions / npm / @automattic / tree-select_v1.x.x / flow_v0.104.x- / test_tree-select_v1.x.x.js View on Github external
describe('#treeSelect', () => {
  const shipsInUniverses = treeSelect(
    (state: State) => [state.ships, state.selectedUniverses],
    ([ships, universes], sortBy?: Sorting) =>
        .filter(ship => universes.indexOf( > -1)

  it('infers correct arugment type', () => {
    // $ExpectError requires State as parameter

  it('infers correct return type', () => {
    const state = {
      ships: [],
      selectedUniverses: [],
github Automattic / wp-calypso / client / state / stats / lists / selectors.js View on Github external
export function getSiteStatsForQuery( state, siteId, statType, query ) {
	const serializedQuery = getSerializedStatsQuery( query );
	return get( state.stats.lists.items, [ siteId, statType, serializedQuery ], null );

 * Returns a parsed object of statsStreak data for a given query, or default "empty" object
 * if no statsStreak data has been received for that site.
 * @param   {object}  state    			Global state tree
 * @param   {number}  siteId   			Site ID
 * @param   {object}  query    			Stats query object
 * @param   {?number} query.gmtOffset    GMT offset of the queried site
 * @returns {object}           			Parsed Data for the query
export const getSiteStatsPostStreakData = treeSelect(
	( state, siteId, query ) => [ getSiteStatsForQuery( state, siteId, 'statsStreak', query ) ],
	( [ streakData ], siteId, query ) => {
		const gmtOffset = query.gmtOffset || 0;
		const response = {};
		// ensure exists and it is not an array
		if ( streakData && && ! isArray( ) ) {
			Object.keys( ).forEach( timestamp => {
				const postDay = moment.unix( timestamp );
				const datestamp = postDay.utcOffset( gmtOffset ).format( 'YYYY-MM-DD' );

				if ( 'undefined' === typeof response[ datestamp ] ) {
					response[ datestamp ] = 0;

				response[ datestamp ] +=[ timestamp ];
			} );
github Automattic / wp-calypso / client / state / reader / posts / selectors.js View on Github external
const getPostMapByPostKey = treeSelect(
	state => [ state.reader.posts.items ],
	( [ posts ] ) => keyBy( posts, post => keyToString( keyForPost( post ) ) )

export const getPostByKey = ( state, postKey ) => {
	if ( ! postKey || ! keyToString( postKey ) ) {
		return null;

	const postMap = getPostMapByPostKey( state );
	return postMap[ keyToString( postKey ) ];

export const getPostsByKeys = treeSelect(
	state => [ getPostMapByPostKey( state ) ],
	( [ postMap ], postKeys ) => {
		if ( ! postKeys || some( postKeys, postKey => ! keyToString( postKey ) ) ) {
			return null;
		return keyToString ).map( key => postMap[ key ] );
	{ getCacheKey: postKeys => keyToString ).join() }

export const hasPostBeenSeen = ( state, globalId ) =>
	!! get( state, [ 'reader', 'posts', 'seen', globalId ] );
github Automattic / wp-calypso / client / state / invites / selectors.js View on Github external
* @return {?Number}        The number of invites found for the given site
export function getNumberOfInvitesFoundForSite( state, siteId ) {
	return state.invites.counts[ siteId ] || null;

 * Returns an invite object for the given site and invite ID, or `null` if no
 * invite with the given ID exists for the site.
 * @param  {Object}  state    Global state tree
 * @param  {Number}  siteId   Site ID
 * @param  {String}  inviteId Invite ID
 * @return {?Object}          Invite object (if found)
export const getInviteForSite = treeSelect(
	( state, siteId ) => [ state.invites.items[ siteId ] ],
	( [ siteInvites ], siteId, inviteId ) => {
		if ( ! siteInvites ) {
			return null;
		return (
			find( siteInvites.pending, { key: inviteId } ) ||
			find( siteInvites.accepted, { key: inviteId } ) ||

 * Returns true if currently requesting an invite resend for the given site and
 * invite ID, or false otherwise.
github Automattic / wp-calypso / client / state / comments / selectors.js View on Github external
haveEarlierCommentsToFetch: fetchStatus.before && hasMoreComments,
		haveLaterCommentsToFetch: fetchStatus.after && hasMoreComments,
		hasReceivedBefore: fetchStatus.hasReceivedBefore,
		hasReceivedAfter: fetchStatus.hasReceivedAfter,

 * Gets likes stats for the comment
 * @param {Object} state redux state
 * @param {Number} siteId site identification
 * @param {Number} postId site identification
 * @param {Number} commentId comment identification
 * @return {Object} that has i_like and like_count props
export const getCommentLike = treeSelect(
	( state, siteId, postId ) => [ getPostCommentItems( state, siteId, postId ) ],
	( [ comments ], siteId, postId, commentId ) => {
		const comment = find( comments, { ID: commentId } );

		if ( ! comment ) {
			return undefined;
		const { i_like, like_count } = comment;
		return { i_like, like_count };
github Automattic / wp-calypso / client / state / comments / selectors.js View on Github external
const dateTimestamp = date.getTime() / 1000;
	const postCommentsAtDate = filter( postComments, postComment => {
		return Date.parse( ) / 1000 === dateTimestamp;
	} );

	return size( postCommentsAtDate );

 * Get most recent comment date for a given post
 * @param {Object} state redux state
 * @param {Number} siteId site identification
 * @param {Number} postId site identification
 * @return {Date} most recent comment date
export const getPostNewestCommentDate = treeSelect(
	( state, siteId, postId ) => [ getPostCommentItems( state, siteId, postId ) ],
	( [ comments ] ) => {
		const firstContiguousComment = find( comments, 'contiguous' );
		return firstContiguousComment ? new Date( get( firstContiguousComment, 'date' ) ) : undefined;

 * Get oldest comment date for a given post
 * @param {Object} state redux state
 * @param {Number} siteId site identification
 * @param {Number} postId site identification
 * @return {Date} earliest comment date
export const getPostOldestCommentDate = treeSelect(
	( state, siteId, postId ) => [ getPostCommentItems( state, siteId, postId ) ],
github Automattic / wp-calypso / client / state / comments / selectors.js View on Github external
import treeSelect from '@automattic/tree-select';
import { fetchStatusInitialState } from './reducer';
import { getStateKey, deconstructStateKey, getErrorKey } from './utils';

 * Gets comment items for post
 * @param {Object} state redux state
 * @param {Number} siteId site identification
 * @param {Number} postId site identification
 * @return {Array} comment items
export const getPostCommentItems = ( state, siteId, postId ) =>
	get( state.comments.items, `${ siteId }-${ postId }` );

export const getDateSortedPostComments = treeSelect(
	( state, siteId, postId ) => [ getPostCommentItems( state, siteId, postId ) ],
	( [ comments ] ) => {
		return sortBy( comments, comment => new Date( ) );

export const getCommentById = ( { state, commentId, siteId } ) => {
	const errorKey = getErrorKey( siteId, commentId );
	if ( get( state, 'comments.errors', {} )[ errorKey ] ) {
		return state.comments.errors[ errorKey ];

	const commentsForSite = flatMap(
		filter( get( state, 'comments.items', [] ), ( comment, key ) => {
			return deconstructStateKey( key ).siteId === siteId;
		} )
github Automattic / wp-calypso / client / state / reader / posts / selectors.js View on Github external
import treeSelect from '@automattic/tree-select';
import { keyToString, keyForPost } from 'reader/post-key';

 * Returns a single post.
 * @param  {Object}  state  Global state tree
 * @param  {String}  postGlobalId Post global ID
 * @return {Object} Post
export function getPostById( state, postGlobalId ) {
	return state.reader.posts.items[ postGlobalId ];

const getPostMapByPostKey = treeSelect(
	state => [ state.reader.posts.items ],
	( [ posts ] ) => keyBy( posts, post => keyToString( keyForPost( post ) ) )

export const getPostByKey = ( state, postKey ) => {
	if ( ! postKey || ! keyToString( postKey ) ) {
		return null;

	const postMap = getPostMapByPostKey( state );
	return postMap[ keyToString( postKey ) ];

export const getPostsByKeys = treeSelect(
	state => [ getPostMapByPostKey( state ) ],
	( [ postMap ], postKeys ) => {
github Automattic / wp-calypso / client / state / stats / lists / selectors.js View on Github external
		getCacheKey: ( siteId, query ) => [ siteId, getSerializedStatsQuery( query ) ].join(),

 * Returns normalized stats data for a given query and stat type, or the un-normalized response
 * from the API if no normalizer method for that stats type exists in ./utils
 * @param   {object}  state    Global state tree
 * @param   {number}  siteId   Site ID
 * @param   {string}  statType Type of stat
 * @param   {object}  query    Stats query object
 * @returns {*}                Normalized Data for the query, typically an array or object
export const getSiteStatsNormalizedData = treeSelect(
	( state, siteId, statType, query ) => [
		getSiteStatsForQuery( state, siteId, statType, query ),
		getSite( state, siteId ),
	( [ siteStats, site ], siteId, statType, query ) => {
		const normalizer = normalizers[ statType ];
		if ( typeof normalizer !== 'function' ) {
			return siteStats;
		return normalizer( siteStats, query, siteId, site );
		getCacheKey: ( siteId, statType, query ) =>
			[ siteId, statType, getSerializedStatsQuery( query ) ].join(),
github Automattic / wp-calypso / client / state / comments / selectors.js View on Github external
children: parentToChildIdMap[ item.ID ] || [],
		} );

		const commentsByIdMap = keyBy( map( items, transformItemToNode ), 'data.ID' );

		return {
			children: map( roots, root => root.ID ).reverse(),

export const getExpansionsForPost = ( state, siteId, postId ) =>
	state.comments.expansions[ getStateKey( siteId, postId ) ];

export const getHiddenCommentsForPost = treeSelect(
	( state, siteId, postId ) => [
		getPostCommentItems( state, siteId, postId ),
		getExpansionsForPost( state, siteId, postId ),
	( [ comments, expanded ] ) => {
		const commentsById = keyBy( comments, 'ID' );

		return pickBy( commentsById, comment => ! get( expanded, comment.ID ) );

export const commentsFetchingStatus = ( state, siteId, postId, commentTotal = 0 ) => {
	const fetchStatus = get(
		getStateKey( siteId, postId ),


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