How to use @aurelia/validation - 10 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few @aurelia/validation examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github aurelia / aurelia / packages / __tests__ / validation / validate-binding-behavior.spec.ts View on Github external
describe.only('validate-biniding-behavior', function () {

  class App {
    public person: Person = new Person((void 0)!, (void 0)!);
    public controller: ValidationController;
    public controller2: ValidationController;
    public controllerSpy: Spy;
    public controller2Spy: Spy;
    public trigger: ValidationTrigger = ValidationTrigger.change;

    public constructor(
      @IContainer container: IContainer,
    ) {
      const factory = container.get(IValidationControllerFactory);
      this.controllerSpy = new Spy();
      this.controller2Spy = new Spy();

      // mocks ValidationCOntrollerFactory#createForCurrentScope
      const controller = this.controller = this.controllerSpy.getMock(factory.create()) as unknown as ValidationController;
      Registration.instance(IValidationController, controller).register(container);

      this.controller2 = this.controller2Spy.getMock(factory.create()) as unknown as ValidationController;

      const validationRules = container.get(IValidationRules);
github aurelia / aurelia / packages / __e2e__ / src / plugins / sut-validation.ts View on Github external
//   .withMessage('hdhkjdah')
    //   .matches(/www/)
    //   .withMessageKey('re')

    //   .ensure("items[0].prop")
    //   .required()
    //   .withMessage('hdhkjdah')
    //   .matches(/www/)
    //   .withMessageKey('re')

    //   .rules
    //   ;

    // console.log(rules);

    const rules1 = new ValidationRules()
    const result = await this.validator.validateObject(this.a, rules1);
github aurelia / aurelia / packages / __tests__ / validation / validate-binding-behavior.spec.ts View on Github external
async function runTest(
    testFunction: TestFunction,
    { template, customDefaultTrigger }: TestSetupContext
  ) {
    const ctx = TestContext.createHTMLTestContext();
    const container = ctx.container;
    const host = ctx.dom.createElement('app');
    let app;
    const au = new Aurelia(container);
    await au
          ? ValidationConfiguration.customize((options) => {
            options.defaultTrigger = customDefaultTrigger;
          : ValidationConfiguration
        component: app = (() => {
          const ca = CustomElement.define({ name: 'app', isStrictBinding: true, template }, App);
          return new ca(container);

    await testFunction({ app, container, host });
github aurelia / aurelia / packages / __tests__ / validation / rule.spec.ts View on Github external
it(`LengthRule#execute validates ${value} to be ${isValid} for length constraint ${length}`, function () {
      const sut = new LengthRule((void 0)!, length, isMax);
      assert.equal(sut.messageKey, isMax ? 'maxLength' : 'minLength');
      assert.equal(sut.execute(value), isValid);
github aurelia / aurelia / packages / __tests__ / validation / rule.spec.ts View on Github external
it(`RangeRule#execute validates ${value} to be ${isValid} for range ${isInclusive ? `[${range.min}, ${range.max}]` : `(${range.min}, ${range.max})`}`, function () {
      const sut = new RangeRule((void 0)!, isInclusive, range);
      assert.equal(sut.messageKey, key);
      assert.equal(sut.execute(value), isValid);
github aurelia / aurelia / packages / __tests__ / validation / rule.spec.ts View on Github external
it(`RegexRule#execute validates ${value} to be ${isValid}`, function () {
      const sut = new RegexRule((void 0)!, /foo/);
      assert.equal(sut.execute(value), isValid);
github aurelia / aurelia / packages / __tests__ / validation / rule.spec.ts View on Github external
it(`SizeRule#execute validates ${value} to be ${isValid} for count constraint ${count}`, function () {
      const sut = new SizeRule((void 0)!, count, isMax);
      assert.equal(sut.messageKey, isMax ? 'maxItems' : 'minItems');
      assert.equal(sut.execute(value), isValid);
github aurelia / aurelia / packages / __tests__ / validation / validate-binding-behavior.spec.ts View on Github external
const controller = app.controller;
      const controllerSpy = app.controllerSpy;

      const target: HTMLInputElement = (host as Element).querySelector("#target");
      assertControllerBinding(controller, '', target);

      assert.equal(controller.errors.length, 0, 'error1');
      await controller.validate();
      assert.equal(controller.errors.length, 1, 'error2');

      target.value = 'foo';
      await assertEventHandler(target, 'blur', 0, scheduler, controllerSpy);
      await assertEventHandler(target, 'change', 1, scheduler, controllerSpy);
      assert.equal(controller.errors.filter((e) => !e.valid && e.propertyName === 'name').length, 0, 'error3');
    { template: `<input type="text">`, customDefaultTrigger: ValidationTrigger.change }

  $it('supports **changeOrBlur** validation trigger',
    async function ({ app, host, container }: TestContext) {
      const scheduler = container.get(IScheduler);
      const controller = app.controller;
      const controllerSpy = app.controllerSpy;

      const target: HTMLInputElement = (host as Element).querySelector("#target");
      assertControllerBinding(controller, '', target);

      await assertEventHandler(target, 'blur', 1, scheduler, controllerSpy);
      assert.equal(controller.errors.filter((e) =&gt; !e.valid &amp;&amp; e.propertyName === 'name').length, 1, 'error3');

      target.value = 'foo';
      await assertEventHandler(target, 'change', 1, scheduler, controllerSpy);
github aurelia / aurelia / packages / __tests__ / validation / rule.spec.ts View on Github external
it(`EqualsRule#execute validates ${value} to be ${isValid} for expected value ${expectedValue}`, function () {
      const sut = new EqualsRule((void 0)!, expectedValue);
      assert.equal(sut.execute(value), isValid);
github aurelia / aurelia / packages / __tests__ / validation / rule.spec.ts View on Github external
it(`RequiredRule#execute validates ${value} to be ${isValid}`, function () {
      const sut = new RequiredRule((void 0)!);
      assert.equal(sut.execute(value), isValid);