How to use @aurelia/jit-html-browser - 5 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few @aurelia/jit-html-browser examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github aurelia / aurelia / packages / aurelia / dist / umd / index.js View on Github external
// DefaultBindingCommand,
    // ForBindingCommand,
    // FromViewBindingCommand,
    // OneTimeBindingCommand,
    // ToViewBindingCommand,
    // TwoWayBindingCommand,
    // IExpressionParserRegistration,
    // DefaultComponents as JitDefaultComponents,
    // RefAttributePatternRegistration,
    // DotSeparatedAttributePatternRegistration,
    // DefaultBindingSyntax,
    // AtPrefixedTriggerAttributePatternRegistration,
    // ColonPrefixedBindAttributePatternRegistration,
    exports.ShortHandBindingSyntax = jit_1.ShortHandBindingSyntax;
    var jit_html_browser_1 = require("@aurelia/jit-html-browser");
    exports.JitHtmlBrowserConfiguration = jit_html_browser_1.JitHtmlBrowserConfiguration;
    var kernel_1 = require("@aurelia/kernel");
    exports.all = kernel_1.all;
    exports.DI = kernel_1.DI;
    exports.IContainer = kernel_1.IContainer;
    // IDefaultableInterfaceSymbol,
    // IFactory,
    exports.inject = kernel_1.inject;
    exports.IServiceLocator = kernel_1.IServiceLocator;
    exports.lazy = kernel_1.lazy;
    exports.optional = kernel_1.optional;
    // RegisterSelf,
    exports.Registration = kernel_1.Registration;
    // ResolveCallback,
    exports.singleton = kernel_1.singleton;
    exports.transient = kernel_1.transient;
    // Injectable,
github aurelia / aurelia / packages / aurelia / dist / umd / quick-start.js View on Github external
function createAurelia() {
        const au = new Aurelia();
        // eslint-disable-next-line sonarjs/no-collapsible-if
        if (typeof process !== 'undefined' && typeof process.env === 'object') {
            // Just use NODE_ENV to control build process.
            // Bundlers (at least webpack/dumber/parcel) have feature to remove this branch in production.
            // Then tree-shaking/minifier will remove unused DebugConfiguration import.
            if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
        return au;
    class Aurelia extends runtime_1.Aurelia {
github aurelia / aurelia / packages / __tests__ / router / e2e / wizard / src / startup.ts View on Github external
import { Dates } from './components/dates';
import { Email } from './components/email';
import { Header } from './components/header';
import { Inbox } from './components/inbox';
import { Recursive } from './components/recursive';
import { Schedule } from './components/schedule';

import { One } from './components/one';
import { Three } from './components/three';
import { Two } from './components/two';

import { Alpha } from './components/alpha';
import { Beta } from './components/beta';
import { Sub } from './components/sub';

const container = JitHtmlBrowserConfiguration.createContainer();

  ViewportCustomElement as any,
  NavCustomElement as any,
  GotoCustomElement as any,
  App as any,
  State as any,
  AbcComponent as any,
  DefComponent as any,

  Email as any,
  Calendar as any,
  About as any,
github aurelia / aurelia / packages / __tests__ / router / e2e / scope / src / startup.ts View on Github external
import { NavCustomElement, ViewportCustomElement } from '../../../../../router/src/index';
import { GotoCustomElement } from './components/goto';
import { State } from './state';

import { App } from './app';

import { About } from './components/about';
import { Calendar } from './components/calendar';
import { Contacts } from './components/contacts';
import { Dates } from './components/dates';
import { Email } from './components/email';
import { Inbox } from './components/inbox';
import { Recursive } from './components/recursive';
import { Schedule } from './components/schedule';

const container = JitHtmlBrowserConfiguration.createContainer();

  ViewportCustomElement as any,
  NavCustomElement as any,
  GotoCustomElement as any,
  App as any,
  State as any,

  Email as any,
  Calendar as any,
  About as any,
  Contacts as any,
  Inbox as any,
github aurelia / aurelia / test / cypress / app / src / startup.ts View on Github external
import { NavCustomElement, ViewportCustomElement } from '@aurelia/router';
import { DebugConfiguration } from '@aurelia/debug';
import { BasicConfiguration } from '@aurelia/jit-html-browser';
import { Aurelia } from '@aurelia/runtime';

import { registerComponent } from './utils';

import { App } from './app';

import { RouterHome } from './components/router/home';
import { RouterWithNav } from './components/router/with-nav';

const container = BasicConfiguration.createContainer();

  ViewportCustomElement as any,
  NavCustomElement as any

  RouterHome as any,
  RouterWithNav as any

window['au'] = new Aurelia(container)
  .app({ host: document.querySelector('app'), component: App })


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