How to use the @apache-arrow/es5-esm/type.Dictionary function in @apache-arrow/es5-esm

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if (type === "float") {
                const [vals, nullCount, nullArray] = this.col_to_js_typed_array(name, options);
                vectors.push( Float64(), 0, vals.length, nullCount, nullArray, vals)));
            } else if (type === "integer") {
                const [vals, nullCount, nullArray] = this.col_to_js_typed_array(name, options);
                vectors.push( Int32(), 0, vals.length, nullCount, nullArray, vals)));
            } else if (type === "boolean") {
                const [vals, nullCount, nullArray] = this.col_to_js_typed_array(name, options);
                vectors.push( Bool(), 0, vals.length, nullCount, nullArray, vals)));
            } else if (type === "date" || type === "datetime") {
                const [vals, nullCount, nullArray] = this.col_to_js_typed_array(name, options);
                vectors.push( TimestampMillisecond(), 0, vals.length / 2, nullCount, nullArray, vals)));
            } else if (type === "string") {
                const [vals, offsets, indices, nullCount, nullArray] = this.col_to_js_typed_array(name, options);
                const utf8Vector = Utf8(), 0, offsets.length - 1, 0, null, offsets, vals));
                const type = new Dictionary(utf8Vector.type, new Int32(), null, null, utf8Vector);
                vectors.push(, 0, indices.length, nullCount, nullArray, indices)));
            } else {
                throw new Error(`Type ${type} not supported`);

        return Table.fromVectors(vectors, names.slice(start_col, end_col)).serialize("binary", false).buffer;