How to use the @antv/g6.registerGuide function in @antv/g6

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few @antv/g6 examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github antvis / G6 / plugins / template.tableSankey / index.js View on Github external
let startX = sourceBox.maxX + sourceOffset;
    let endX = targetBox.minX - targetOffset;
    let hgap = endX - startX;
    if (sourceBox.centerX > targetBox.centerX) {
      startX = targetBox.maxX + targetOffset;
      endX = sourceBox.minX - sourceOffset;
      hgap = endX - startX;
    return [
      [ 'M', startX, y0 ],
      [ 'C', startX + hgap / 4, y0, endX - hgap / 2, y1, endX, y1 ]

G6.registerGuide('col-names', {
  draw(item) {
    const group = item.getGraphicGroup();
    const graph = item.getGraph();
    const nodes = graph.getNodes();
    const model = item.getModel();
    const colMap = {};
    const { textStyle, fields } = model;
    let minY = Infinity;
    nodes.forEach(node => {
      const model = node.getModel();
      const { field, y, x, colIndex } = model;

      if (minY > y) {
        minY = y;
      if (!colMap[field]) {
github antvis / G6 / plugins / tool.highlightSubgraph / index.js View on Github external
x: 0,
    y: 0
  const br = graph.getPointByDom({
    x: width,
    y: height
  return {
    x: tl.x,
    y: tl.y,
    width: br.x - tl.x,
    height: br.y - tl.y

G6.registerGuide('mask', {
  draw(item) {
    const group = item.getGraphicGroup();
    const graph = item.getGraph();
    const maskRect = getMaskRect(graph);
    const model = item.getModel();
    const { style } = model;
    return group.addShape('rect', {
      attrs: {
      capture: false
  showAnimation: 'fadeIn',
  hideAnimation: 'fadeOut',