How to use the @ant-design/icons.createFromIconfontCN function in @ant-design/icons

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few @ant-design/icons examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github ant-design / ant-design / site / theme / template / Icon / index.jsx View on Github external
/* eslint-disable camelcase */
import React from 'react';
import AntdIcon, { createFromIconfontCN } from '@ant-design/icons';

import { withThemeSuffix, removeTypeTheme, getThemeFromTypeName } from './utils';
import warning from '../../../../components/_util/warning';

const IconFont = createFromIconfontCN({
  scriptUrl: '//',

const OldIcon = props => {
  const { type, theme } = props;
  let computedType = type;
  if (theme) {
    const themeInName = getThemeFromTypeName(type);
      !themeInName || theme === themeInName,
      `The icon name '${type}' already specify a theme '${themeInName}',` +
        ` the 'theme' prop '${theme}' will be ignored.`,
  computedType = withThemeSuffix(removeTypeTheme(computedType), theme || 'outlined');
github SolidZORO / leaa / packages / leaa-dashboard / src / components / Rcon / Rcon.tsx View on Github external
export const Rcon = forwardRef((props: IProps, ref: any) => {
  // ANTD OFFICIAL ICON --> '//'
  const CustomIcon: any = createFromIconfontCN({ scriptUrl: localIconfont, extraCommonProps: { ...props } });

  return (


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