How to use the @angular2-material/core/errors/error.MdError function in @angular2-material/core

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github robisim74 / angular-l10n / node_modules / @angular2-material / input / input.js View on Github external
var nextUniqueId = 0;
var MdInputPlaceholderConflictError = (function (_super) {
    __extends(MdInputPlaceholderConflictError, _super);
    function MdInputPlaceholderConflictError() {, 'Placeholder attribute and child element were both specified.');
    return MdInputPlaceholderConflictError;
exports.MdInputPlaceholderConflictError = MdInputPlaceholderConflictError;
var MdInputUnsupportedTypeError = (function (_super) {
    __extends(MdInputUnsupportedTypeError, _super);
    function MdInputUnsupportedTypeError(type) {, "Input type \"" + type + "\" isn't supported by md-input.");
    return MdInputUnsupportedTypeError;
exports.MdInputUnsupportedTypeError = MdInputUnsupportedTypeError;
var MdInputDuplicatedHintError = (function (_super) {
    __extends(MdInputDuplicatedHintError, _super);
    function MdInputDuplicatedHintError(align) {, "A hint was already declared for 'align=\"" + align + "\"'.");
    return MdInputDuplicatedHintError;
exports.MdInputDuplicatedHintError = MdInputDuplicatedHintError;
 * The placeholder directive. The content can declare this to implement more
 * complex placeholders.
var MdPlaceholder = (function () {
    function MdPlaceholder() {
github robisim74 / angular-l10n / node_modules / @angular2-material / sidenav / sidenav.js View on Github external
var __param = (this && this.__param) || function (paramIndex, decorator) {
    return function (target, key) { decorator(target, key, paramIndex); }
var core_1 = require('@angular/core');
var dir_1 = require('@angular2-material/core/rtl/dir');
var promise_completer_1 = require('@angular2-material/core/async/promise-completer');
var error_1 = require('@angular2-material/core/errors/error');
var field_value_1 = require('@angular2-material/core/annotations/field-value');
/** Exception thrown when two MdSidenav are matching the same side. */
var MdDuplicatedSidenavError = (function (_super) {
    __extends(MdDuplicatedSidenavError, _super);
    function MdDuplicatedSidenavError(align) {, "A sidenav was already declared for 'align=\"" + align + "\"'");
    return MdDuplicatedSidenavError;
exports.MdDuplicatedSidenavError = MdDuplicatedSidenavError;
 *  component.
 * This component corresponds to the drawer of the sidenav.
 * Please refer to for examples on how to use it.
var MdSidenav = (function () {
     * @param _elementRef The DOM element reference. Used for transition and width calculation.
     *     If not available we do not hook on transitions.
    function MdSidenav(_elementRef) {
        this._elementRef = _elementRef;
        /** Alignment of the sidenav (direction neutral); whether 'start' or 'end'. */