How to use the @angular/router.RouterLinkWithHref function in @angular/router

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few @angular/router examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github thelgevold / angular-samples / aot / demo-page.ngfactory.js View on Github external
        ], [[
        ], function (view, eventName, $event) {
            var allowDefault = true;
            var comp = view.component;
            if (('click' === eventName)) {
                var pd_0 = (import0.ɵnodeValue(view, 22).onClick($event.button, $event.ctrlKey, $event.metaKey) !== false);
                allowDefault = (pd_0 && allowDefault);
            return allowDefault;
        }, null, null),
        import0.ɵdirectiveDef(10, null, 0, import2.RouterLinkWithHref, [
        ], { routerLink: [
        }, null),
        import0.ɵtextDef(null, ['Virtualized Spreadsheet']),
        import0.ɵtextDef(null, ['\n            ']),
        import0.ɵelementDef(0, null, null, 3, 'a', [[
        ], [
github thelgevold / angular-samples / aot / components / about / about.ngfactory.js View on Github external
        ], [[
        ], function (view, eventName, $event) {
            var allowDefault = true;
            var comp = view.component;
            if (('click' === eventName)) {
                var pd_0 = (import0.ɵnodeValue(view, 11).onClick($event.button, $event.ctrlKey, $event.metaKey) !== false);
                allowDefault = (pd_0 && allowDefault);
            return allowDefault;
        }, null, null),
        import0.ɵdirectiveDef(10, null, 0, import2.RouterLinkWithHref, [
        ], { routerLink: [
        }, null),
        import0.ɵtextDef(null, ['demos']),
        import0.ɵtextDef(null, [' useful and educational. Stay tuned for more progress soon.\n        Don\'t hesitate to tweet me at @helgevold with suggestions for more components.\n    ']),
        import0.ɵtextDef(null, ['\n\n    ']),
        import0.ɵelementDef(0, null, null, 4, 'p', [], null, null, null, null, null),
        import0.ɵtextDef(null, ['\n        Click ']),
        import0.ɵelementDef(0, null, null, 1, 'a', [[
github thelgevold / angular-samples / aot / demo-page.ngfactory.js View on Github external
        ], [[
        ], function (view, eventName, $event) {
            var allowDefault = true;
            var comp = view.component;
            if (('click' === eventName)) {
                var pd_0 = (import0.ɵnodeValue(view, 27).onClick($event.button, $event.ctrlKey, $event.metaKey) !== false);
                allowDefault = (pd_0 && allowDefault);
            return allowDefault;
        }, null, null),
        import0.ɵdirectiveDef(10, null, 0, import2.RouterLinkWithHref, [
        ], { routerLink: [
        }, null),
        import0.ɵtextDef(null, ['Lazy Loaded Tree View']),
        import0.ɵtextDef(null, ['\n            ']),
        import0.ɵelementDef(0, null, null, 3, 'a', [[
        ], [
github thelgevold / angular-samples / aot / app.component.ngfactory.js View on Github external
        ], [[
        ], function (view, eventName, $event) {
            var allowDefault = true;
            var comp = view.component;
            if (('click' === eventName)) {
                var pd_0 = (import0.ɵnodeValue(view, 16).onClick($event.button, $event.ctrlKey, $event.metaKey) !== false);
                allowDefault = (pd_0 && allowDefault);
            return allowDefault;
        }, null, null),
        import0.ɵdirectiveDef(10, null, 0, import2.RouterLinkWithHref, [
        ], { routerLink: [
        }, null),
        import0.ɵtextDef(null, ['About']),
        import0.ɵtextDef(null, ['\n                    ']),
        import0.ɵelementDef(0, null, null, 4, 'li', [], [[
        ], null, null, null, null),
github shlomiassaf / ngx-modialog / compiled / src / demo / app / app.component.ngfactory.js View on Github external
return i1.ɵvid(0, [(_l()(), i1.ɵeld(0, null, null, 78, 'nav', [['class',
                'navbar navbar-inverse navbar-toggleable-md bg-primary']], null, null, null, null, null)), (_l()(), i1.ɵted(null, ['\n    '])),
        (_l()(), i1.ɵeld(0, null, null, 1, 'a', [['class', 'navbar-brand'],
            ['href', '#']], null, null, null, null, null)),
        (_l()(), i1.ɵted(null, ['ngx-modialog'])), (_l()(), i1.ɵted(null, ['\n    '])), (_l()(), i1.ɵeld(0, null, null, 72, 'div', [['class',
                'collapse navbar-collapse show']], null, null, null, null, null)), (_l()(), i1.ɵted(null, ['\n        '])),
        (_l()(), i1.ɵeld(0, null, null, 61, 'ul', [['class', 'navbar-nav mr-auto']], null, null, null, null, null)),
        (_l()(), i1.ɵted(null, ['\n            '])), (_l()(), i1.ɵeld(0, null, null, 10, 'li', [['class', 'nav-item']], null, null, null, null, null)), (_l()(), i1.ɵted(null, ['\n                '])), (_l()(), i1.ɵeld(0, null, null, 7, 'a', [['class', 'nav-link'], ['routerLinkActive', 'active']], [[1, 'target', 0],
            [8, 'href', 4]], [[null, 'click']], function (_v, en, $event) {
            var ad = true;
            if (('click' === en)) {
                var pd_0 = (i1.ɵnov(_v, 12).onClick($event.button, $event.ctrlKey, $event.metaKey, $event.shiftKey) !== false);
                ad = (pd_0 && ad);
            return ad;
        }, null, null)), i1.ɵdid(671744, [[2, 4]], 0, i2.RouterLinkWithHref, [i2.Router, i2.ActivatedRoute, i3.LocationStrategy], { routerLink: [0, 'routerLink'] }, null), i1.ɵpad(1), i1.ɵdid(1720320, null, 2, i2.RouterLinkActive, [i2.Router, i1.ElementRef, i1.Renderer, i1.ChangeDetectorRef], { routerLinkActiveOptions: [0,
                'routerLinkActiveOptions'], routerLinkActive: [1, 'routerLinkActive'] }, null), i1.ɵqud(603979776, 1, { links: 1 }), i1.ɵqud(603979776, 2, { linksWithHrefs: 1 }),
        i1.ɵpod({ exact: 0 }), (_l()(), i1.ɵted(null, ['\n                    Home\n                '])),
        (_l()(), i1.ɵted(null, ['\n            '])), (_l()(), i1.ɵted(null, ['\n            '])), (_l()(), i1.ɵeld(0, null, null, 10, 'li', [['class', 'nav-item']], null, null, null, null, null)), (_l()(), i1.ɵted(null, ['\n                '])), (_l()(),
            i1.ɵeld(0, null, null, 7, 'a', [['class', 'nav-link'], ['routerLinkActive',
                    'active']], [[1, 'target', 0], [8, 'href', 4]], [[null, 'click']], function (_v, en, $event) {
                var ad = true;
                if (('click' === en)) {
                    var pd_0 = (i1.ɵnov(_v, 24).onClick($event.button, $event.ctrlKey, $event.metaKey, $event.shiftKey) !== false);
                    ad = (pd_0 && ad);
                return ad;
            }, null, null)), i1.ɵdid(671744, [[4, 4]], 0, i2.RouterLinkWithHref, [i2.Router, i2.ActivatedRoute, i3.LocationStrategy], { routerLink: [0, 'routerLink'] }, null), i1.ɵpad(1), i1.ɵdid(1720320, null, 2, i2.RouterLinkActive, [i2.Router, i1.ElementRef, i1.Renderer, i1.ChangeDetectorRef], { routerLinkActiveOptions: [0,
                'routerLinkActiveOptions'], routerLinkActive: [1, 'routerLinkActive'] }, null), i1.ɵqud(603979776, 3, { links: 1 }), i1.ɵqud(603979776, 4, { linksWithHrefs: 1 }),
        i1.ɵpod({ exact: 0 }), (_l()(), i1.ɵted(null, ['\n                    Documentation\n                '])),
        (_l()(), i1.ɵted(null, ['\n            '])), (_l()(), i1.ɵted(null, ['\n            '])), (_l()(), i1.ɵeld(0, null, null, 10, 'li', [['class', 'nav-item']], null, null, null, null, null)), (_l()(), i1.ɵted(null, ['\n                '])), (_l()(),
            i1.ɵeld(0, null, null, 7, 'a', [['class', 'nav-link'], ['routerLinkActive',
github shlomiassaf / ngx-modialog / compiled / src / demo / app / app.component.ngfactory.js View on Github external
ad = (pd_0 && ad);
            return ad;
        }, null, null)), i1.ɵdid(671744, [[2, 4]], 0, i2.RouterLinkWithHref, [i2.Router, i2.ActivatedRoute, i3.LocationStrategy], { routerLink: [0, 'routerLink'] }, null), i1.ɵpad(1), i1.ɵdid(1720320, null, 2, i2.RouterLinkActive, [i2.Router, i1.ElementRef, i1.Renderer, i1.ChangeDetectorRef], { routerLinkActiveOptions: [0,
                'routerLinkActiveOptions'], routerLinkActive: [1, 'routerLinkActive'] }, null), i1.ɵqud(603979776, 1, { links: 1 }), i1.ɵqud(603979776, 2, { linksWithHrefs: 1 }),
        i1.ɵpod({ exact: 0 }), (_l()(), i1.ɵted(null, ['\n                    Home\n                '])),
        (_l()(), i1.ɵted(null, ['\n            '])), (_l()(), i1.ɵted(null, ['\n            '])), (_l()(), i1.ɵeld(0, null, null, 10, 'li', [['class', 'nav-item']], null, null, null, null, null)), (_l()(), i1.ɵted(null, ['\n                '])), (_l()(),
            i1.ɵeld(0, null, null, 7, 'a', [['class', 'nav-link'], ['routerLinkActive',
                    'active']], [[1, 'target', 0], [8, 'href', 4]], [[null, 'click']], function (_v, en, $event) {
                var ad = true;
                if (('click' === en)) {
                    var pd_0 = (i1.ɵnov(_v, 24).onClick($event.button, $event.ctrlKey, $event.metaKey, $event.shiftKey) !== false);
                    ad = (pd_0 && ad);
                return ad;
            }, null, null)), i1.ɵdid(671744, [[4, 4]], 0, i2.RouterLinkWithHref, [i2.Router, i2.ActivatedRoute, i3.LocationStrategy], { routerLink: [0, 'routerLink'] }, null), i1.ɵpad(1), i1.ɵdid(1720320, null, 2, i2.RouterLinkActive, [i2.Router, i1.ElementRef, i1.Renderer, i1.ChangeDetectorRef], { routerLinkActiveOptions: [0,
                'routerLinkActiveOptions'], routerLinkActive: [1, 'routerLinkActive'] }, null), i1.ɵqud(603979776, 3, { links: 1 }), i1.ɵqud(603979776, 4, { linksWithHrefs: 1 }),
        i1.ɵpod({ exact: 0 }), (_l()(), i1.ɵted(null, ['\n                    Documentation\n                '])),
        (_l()(), i1.ɵted(null, ['\n            '])), (_l()(), i1.ɵted(null, ['\n            '])), (_l()(), i1.ɵeld(0, null, null, 10, 'li', [['class', 'nav-item']], null, null, null, null, null)), (_l()(), i1.ɵted(null, ['\n                '])), (_l()(),
            i1.ɵeld(0, null, null, 7, 'a', [['class', 'nav-link'], ['routerLinkActive',
                    'active']], [[1, 'target', 0], [8, 'href', 4]], [[null, 'click']], function (_v, en, $event) {
                var ad = true;
                if (('click' === en)) {
                    var pd_0 = (i1.ɵnov(_v, 36).onClick($event.button, $event.ctrlKey, $event.metaKey, $event.shiftKey) !== false);
                    ad = (pd_0 && ad);
                return ad;
            }, null, null)), i1.ɵdid(671744, [[6, 4]], 0, i2.RouterLinkWithHref, [i2.Router, i2.ActivatedRoute, i3.LocationStrategy], { routerLink: [0, 'routerLink'] }, null), i1.ɵpad(1), i1.ɵdid(1720320, null, 2, i2.RouterLinkActive, [i2.Router, i1.ElementRef, i1.Renderer, i1.ChangeDetectorRef], { routerLinkActiveOptions: [0,
                'routerLinkActiveOptions'], routerLinkActive: [1, 'routerLinkActive'] }, null), i1.ɵqud(603979776, 5, { links: 1 }), i1.ɵqud(603979776, 6, { linksWithHrefs: 1 }),
        i1.ɵpod({ exact: 0 }), (_l()(), i1.ɵted(null, ['\n                    Bootstrap Plugin\n                '])),
        (_l()(), i1.ɵted(null, ['\n            '])), (_l()(), i1.ɵted(null, ['\n            '])), (_l()(), i1.ɵeld(0, null, null, 10, 'li', [['class', 'nav-item']], null, null, null, null, null)), (_l()(), i1.ɵted(null, ['\n                '])), (_l()(),
            i1.ɵeld(0, null, null, 7, 'a', [['class', 'nav-link'], ['routerLinkActive',
github thelgevold / angular-samples / aot / app.component.ngfactory.js View on Github external
        ], [[
        ], function (view, eventName, $event) {
            var allowDefault = true;
            var comp = view.component;
            if (('click' === eventName)) {
                var pd_0 = (import0.ɵnodeValue(view, 22).onClick($event.button, $event.ctrlKey, $event.metaKey) !== false);
                allowDefault = (pd_0 && allowDefault);
            return allowDefault;
        }, null, null),
        import0.ɵdirectiveDef(10, null, 0, import2.RouterLinkWithHref, [
        ], { routerLink: [
        }, null),
        import0.ɵtextDef(null, ['Demos']),
        import0.ɵtextDef(null, ['\n                    ']),
        import0.ɵtextDef(null, ['\n                    ']),
        import0.ɵelementDef(0, null, null, 2, 'li', [], null, null, null, null, null),
        import0.ɵelementDef(0, null, null, 1, 'a', [