How to use the @angular/compiler-cli.createProgram function in @angular/compiler-cli

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few @angular/compiler-cli examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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_createOrUpdateProgram() {
        if (this._JitMode) {
            // Create the TypeScript program.
            this._program = ts.createProgram(this._rootNames, this._compilerOptions, this._compilerHost, this._program);
        else {
            // Create the Angular program.
            this._program = compiler_cli_1.createProgram({
                rootNames: this._rootNames,
                options: this._compilerOptions,
                host: this._compilerHost,
                oldProgram: this._program,
    _diagnose(cancellationToken) {
github angular / angular-cli / packages / ngtools / webpack / src / angular_compiler_plugin.ts View on Github external
private _listLazyRoutesFromProgram(): LazyRouteMap {
    let entryRoute: string | undefined;
    let ngProgram: Program;

    if (this._JitMode) {
      if (!this.entryModule) {
        return {};

      ngProgram = createProgram({
        rootNames: this._rootNames,
        options: { ...this._compilerOptions, genDir: '', collectAllErrors: true },
        host: this._compilerHost,

      entryRoute = workaroundResolve(this.entryModule.path) + '#' + this.entryModule.className;
    } else {
      ngProgram = this._program as Program;

    // entryRoute will only be defined in JIT.
    // In AOT all routes within the program are returned.
    const lazyRoutes = ngProgram.listLazyRoutes(entryRoute);
github angular / angular-cli / packages / ngtools / webpack / src / type_checker.ts View on Github external
private _createOrUpdateProgram() {
    if (this._JitMode) {
      // Create the TypeScript program.
      this._program = ts.createProgram(
        this._program as ts.Program,
      ) as ts.Program;
    } else {
      // Create the Angular program.
      this._program = createProgram({
        rootNames: this._rootNames,
        options: this._compilerOptions,
        host: this._compilerHost,
        oldProgram: this._program as Program,
      }) as Program;
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const transformSources = (
  tsConfig: TsConfig,
  transformers: ts.TransformerFactory[]
): ts.TransformationResult => {
  const compilerHost: ng.CompilerHost = ng.createCompilerHost({
    options: tsConfig.options
  const program: ng.Program = ng.createProgram({
    rootNames: [...tsConfig.rootNames],
    options: tsConfig.options,
    host: compilerHost

  const sourceFiles = program.getTsProgram().getSourceFiles();
  const transformationResult: ts.TransformationResult = ts.transform(
    // XX: circumvent tsc compile error in 2.6
    Array.from((sourceFiles as any) as ts.SourceFile[]),

  return transformationResult;
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setup() {
    const {rootNames, options} = readConfiguration(this.projectPath);

    // made Ivy
    // the default. This breaks the assumption that "createProgram" from compiler-cli returns the
    // NGC program. In order to ensure that the migration runs properly, we set "enableIvy" to
    // false.
    options.enableIvy = false;

    const aotProgram = createProgram({rootNames, options, host:});

    // The "AngularCompilerProgram" does not expose the "AotCompiler" instance, nor does it
    // expose the logic that is necessary to analyze the determined modules. We work around
    // this by just accessing the necessary private properties using the bracket notation.
    this.compiler = (aotProgram as any)['compiler'];
    this.metadataResolver = this.compiler !['_metadataResolver'];

    // Modify the "DirectiveNormalizer" to not normalize any referenced external stylesheets.
    // This is necessary because in CLI projects preprocessor files are commonly referenced
    // and we don't want to parse them in order to extract relative style references. This
    // breaks the analysis of the project because we instantiate a standalone AOT compiler
    // program which does not contain the custom logic by the Angular CLI Webpack compiler plugin.
    const directiveNormalizer = this.metadataResolver !['_directiveNormalizer'];
    directiveNormalizer['_normalizeStylesheet'] = function(metadata: CompileStylesheetMetadata) {
      return new CompileStylesheetMetadata(
          {styles: metadata.styles, styleUrls: [], moduleUrl: metadata.moduleUrl !});
github angular / angular / packages / core / schematics / migrations / undecorated-classes-with-di / create_ngc_program.ts View on Github external
// made Ivy
  // the default. This breaks the assumption that "createProgram" from compiler-cli returns the
  // NGC program. In order to ensure that the migration runs properly, we set "enableIvy" to false.
  options.enableIvy = false;

  const host = createHost(options);

  // For this migration, we never need to read resources and can just return
  // an empty string for requested resources. We need to handle requested resources
  // because our created NGC compiler program does not know about special resolutions
  // which are set up by the Angular CLI. i.e. resolving stylesheets through "tilde".
  host.readResource = () => '';
  host.resourceNameToFileName = () => '$fake-file$';

  const ngcProgram = createProgram({rootNames, options, host});

  // The "AngularCompilerProgram" does not expose the "AotCompiler" instance, nor does it
  // expose the logic that is necessary to analyze the determined modules. We work around
  // this by just accessing the necessary private properties using the bracket notation.
  const compiler: AotCompiler = (ngcProgram as any)['compiler'];
  const program = ngcProgram.getTsProgram();

  return {host, ngcProgram, program, compiler};
github shlomiassaf / ngc-webpack / src / cli / perform_compile_async.ts View on Github external
.then( () => {
      if (!host) {
        host = createCompilerHost({options});
      program = createProgram({rootNames, host, options, oldProgram});
      return program.loadNgStructureAsync()
    .then( () => {
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export function getProgram(rootNames: string[] = createSourceFiles()) {
  const options: ngc.CompilerOptions = clone(COMPILER_OPTIONS);
  options.basePath = ROOT;
  options.moduleResolution = ts.ModuleResolutionKind.NodeJs;
  options.module = ts.ModuleKind.ES2015; = ts.ScriptTarget.ES5;
  options.lib = ['dom', 'es2017'];
  options.inlineSourceMap = true;
  options.inlineSources = true;
  delete options.baseUrl;

  const host: ngc.CompilerHost = ngc.createCompilerHost({ options });

  return ngc.createProgram({