How to use the @airgram/constants.UPDATE.updateUser function in @airgram/constants

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const airgram = new Airgram({
  apiId: process.env.APP_ID as number | undefined,
  apiHash: process.env.APP_HASH,
  command: process.env.TDLIB_COMMAND,
  databaseDirectory: '../../db',
  logVerbosityLevel: 2,
  // the following option allows to extend the base context
  context: { $store: store }

airgram.use(new Auth({
  code: () => prompt('Please enter the secret code:\n'),
  phoneNumber: () => prompt('Please enter your phone number:\n')

airgram.on(UPDATE.updateUser, async ({ $store, update }, next) => {
  const { user } = update
  $store.users.set(, user)
  return next()

airgram.on(UPDATE.updateNewChat, async ({ $store, update }, next) => {
  const { chat } = update
  $store.chats.set(, chat)
  return next()

airgram.on(UPDATE.updateChatLastMessage, async ({ $store, update }, next) => {
  $store.chatLastMessage.set(update.chatId, update)
  return next()


Telegram API contains so many types of objects and updates. It's easy to make a typo or miss some changes when new version of TDLib is coming. To prevent it, Airgram provides a package with names of all the types, predicates and updates.

Latest version published 3 years ago

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