How to use the @actions/core.debug function in @actions/core

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few @actions/core examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github codfish / semantic-release-action / entrypoint.js View on Github external
async function run() {
  const branch = core.getInput('branch', { required: false }) || 'master';
  const result = await semanticRelease({ branch });

  if (!result) {
    core.debug('No release published');

    // set outputs
    core.exportVariable('NEW_RELEASE_PUBLISHED', 'false');
    core.setOutput('new-release-published', 'false');

  const { lastRelease, nextRelease, commits } = result;

    `Published ${nextRelease.type} release version ${nextRelease.version} containing ${commits.length} commits.`,

  if (lastRelease.version) {
    core.debug(`The last release was "${lastRelease.version}".`);

  // outputs
  const { version } = nextRelease;
  const major = version.split('.')[0];
  const minor = version.split('.')[1];
  const patch = version.split('.')[2];

  // set outputs
  core.exportVariable('NEW_RELEASE_PUBLISHED', 'true');
  core.exportVariable('RELEASE_VERSION', version);
github r0adkll / sign-android-release / src / signing.ts View on Github external
export async function signApkFile(
    apkFile: string,
    signingKeyFile: string,
    alias: string,
    keyStorePassword: string,
    keyPassword: string
): Promise {

    core.debug("Zipaligning APK file");

    // Find zipalign executable
    const buildToolsVersion = process.env.BUILD_TOOLS_VERSION || '29.0.2';
    const androidHome = process.env.ANDROID_HOME;
    const buildTools = path.join(androidHome!, `build-tools/${buildToolsVersion}`);
    if (!fs.existsSync(buildTools)) {
        core.error(`Couldnt find the Android build tools @ ${buildTools}`)

    const zipAlign = path.join(buildTools, 'zipalign');
    core.debug(`Found 'zipalign' @ ${zipAlign}`);

    // Align the apk file
    const alignedApkFile = apkFile.replace('.apk', '-aligned.apk');
    await exec.exec(`"${zipAlign}"`, [
        '-v', '-p', '4',
github r-lib / actions / setup-r / src / installer.ts View on Github external
async function acquireRWindows(version: string): Promise {
  let fileName: string = getFileNameWindows(version);
  let downloadUrl: string = getDownloadUrlWindows(version);
  let downloadPath: string | null = null;
  try {
    downloadPath = await tc.downloadTool(downloadUrl);
    await, path.join(tempDirectory, fileName));
  } catch (error) {

    throw `Failed to download version ${version}: ${error}`;

  // Install
  let extPath: string = tempDirectory;
  if (!extPath) {
    throw new Error("Temp directory not set");

  try {
    await exec.exec(path.join(tempDirectory, fileName), [
github Azure / k8s-deploy / src / utilities / strategy-helpers / smi-canary-deployment-helper.ts View on Github external
yaml.safeLoadAll(fileContents, function (inputObject) {
            const name =;
            const kind = inputObject.kind;
            if (helper.isDeploymentEntity(kind)) {
                // Get stable object
                core.debug('Querying stable object');
                const stableObject = canaryDeploymentHelper.fetchResource(kubectl, kind, name);
                if (!stableObject) {
                    core.debug('Stable object not found. Creating only canary object');
                    // If stable object not found, create canary deployment.
                    const newCanaryObject = canaryDeploymentHelper.getNewCanaryResource(inputObject, canaryReplicaCount);
                    core.debug('New canary object is: ' + JSON.stringify(newCanaryObject));
                } else {
                    if (!canaryDeploymentHelper.isResourceMarkedAsStable(stableObject)) {
                        throw (`StableSpecSelectorNotExist : ${name}`);

                    core.debug('Stable object found. Creating canary and baseline objects');
                    // If canary object not found, create canary and baseline object.
                    const newCanaryObject = canaryDeploymentHelper.getNewCanaryResource(inputObject, canaryReplicaCount);
                    const newBaselineObject = canaryDeploymentHelper.getNewBaselineResource(stableObject, canaryReplicaCount);
                    core.debug('New canary object is: ' + JSON.stringify(newCanaryObject));
                    core.debug('New baseline object is: ' + JSON.stringify(newBaselineObject));
github aws-actions / amazon-ecs-deploy-task-definition / index.js View on Github external
// Wait for deployment to complete
  if (waitForService && waitForService.toLowerCase() === 'true') {
    // Determine wait time
    const deployReadyWaitMin = deploymentGroupDetails.blueGreenDeploymentConfiguration.deploymentReadyOption.waitTimeInMinutes;
    const terminationWaitMin = deploymentGroupDetails.blueGreenDeploymentConfiguration.terminateBlueInstancesOnDeploymentSuccess.terminationWaitTimeInMinutes;
    let totalWaitMin = deployReadyWaitMin + terminationWaitMin + CODE_DEPLOY_WAIT_BUFFER_MINUTES;
    if (totalWaitMin > CODE_DEPLOY_MAX_WAIT_MINUTES) {
    if (totalWaitMin < CODE_DEPLOY_MIN_WAIT_MINUTES) {
    const maxAttempts = (totalWaitMin * 60) / CODE_DEPLOY_WAIT_DEFAULT_DELAY_SEC;

    core.debug(`Waiting for the deployment to complete. Will wait for ${totalWaitMin} minutes`);
    await codedeploy.waitFor('deploymentSuccessful', {
      deploymentId: createDeployResponse.deploymentId,
      $waiter: {
        maxAttempts: maxAttempts
  } else {
    core.debug('Not waiting for the deployment to complete');
github actions / cache / src / restore.ts View on Github external
let cachePath = utils.resolvePath(
            core.getInput(Inputs.Path, { required: true })
        core.debug(`Cache Path: ${cachePath}`);

        const primaryKey = core.getInput(Inputs.Key, { required: true });
        core.saveState(State.CacheKey, primaryKey);

        const restoreKeys = core
            .filter(x => x !== "");
        const keys = [primaryKey, ...restoreKeys];

        core.debug("Resolved Keys:");

        if (keys.length > 10) {
                `Key Validation Error: Keys are limited to a maximum of 10.`
        for (const key of keys) {
            if (key.length > 512) {
                    `Key Validation Error: ${key} cannot be larger than 512 characters.`
            const regex = /^[^,]*$/;
github actions / typescript-action / src / main.ts View on Github external
async function run(): Promise {
  try {
    const ms: string = core.getInput('milliseconds')
    core.debug(`Waiting ${ms} milliseconds ...`)

    core.debug(new Date().toTimeString())
    await wait(parseInt(ms, 10))
    core.debug(new Date().toTimeString())

    core.setOutput('time', new Date().toTimeString())
  } catch (error) {
github Azure / k8s-deploy / lib / utilities / strategy-helpers / canary-deployment-helper.js View on Github external
function fetchResource(kubectl, kind, name) {
    const result = kubectl.getResource(kind, name);
    if (result == null || !!result.stderr) {
        return null;
    if (!!result.stdout) {
        const resource = JSON.parse(result.stdout);
        try {
            return resource;
        catch (ex) {
            core.debug('Exception occurred while Parsing ' + resource + ' in Json object');
    return null;
exports.fetchResource = fetchResource;
github subosito / flutter-action / node_modules / @actions / tool-cache / lib / tool-cache.js View on Github external
function _isExplicitVersion(versionSpec) {
    const c = semver.clean(versionSpec) || '';
    core.debug(`isExplicit: ${c}`);
    const valid = semver.valid(c) != null;
    core.debug(`explicit? ${valid}`);
    return valid;
function _evaluateVersions(versions, versionSpec) {
github twilio-labs / actions-sms / dist / main.js View on Github external
async function run() {
    const from = core.getInput('fromPhoneNumber');
    const to = core.getInput('toPhoneNumber');
    const message = core.getInput('message');
    const accountSid = core.getInput('TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID') || process.env.TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID;
    const apiKey = core.getInput('TWILIO_API_KEY') || process.env.TWILIO_API_KEY;
    const apiSecret = core.getInput('TWILIO_API_SECRET') || process.env.TWILIO_API_SECRET;
    core.debug('Sending SMS');
    const client = twilio(apiKey, apiSecret, { accountSid });
    const resultMessage = await client.messages.create({
        body: message,
    core.debug('SMS sent!');
    core.setOutput('messageSid', resultMessage.sid);
    return resultMessage;
async function execute() {