How to use the @0x/sol-tracing-utils.constants.NEW_CONTRACT function in @0x/sol-tracing-utils

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github 0xProject / 0x-monorepo / packages / sol-trace / src / revert_trace_subprovider.ts View on Github external
private async _printStackTraceAsync(evmCallStack: EvmCallStack): Promise {
        const sourceSnippets: SourceSnippet[] = [];
        if (_.isUndefined(this._contractsData)) {
            this._contractsData = await this._artifactAdapter.collectContractsDataAsync();
        for (const evmCallStackEntry of evmCallStack) {
            const isContractCreation = evmCallStackEntry.address === constants.NEW_CONTRACT;
            if (isContractCreation) {
                this._logger.error('Contract creation not supported');
            const bytecode = await this._web3Wrapper.getContractCodeAsync(evmCallStackEntry.address);
            const contractData = utils.getContractDataIfExists(this._contractsData, bytecode);
            if (_.isUndefined(contractData)) {
                const errMsg = isContractCreation
                    ? `Unknown contract creation transaction`
                    : `Transaction to an unknown address: ${evmCallStackEntry.address}`;
            const bytecodeHex = stripHexPrefix(bytecode);
            const sourceMap = isContractCreation ? contractData.sourceMap : contractData.sourceMapRuntime;