How to use unist-util-modify-children - 1 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few unist-util-modify-children examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github netlify / netlify-cms / src / components / Widgets / Markdown / unified.js View on Github external
const transform = (node, index, siblings, parent) => {
    let nodes;

    if (node.type === 'root') {
      // Create definition getter for link and image references
      getDefinition = mdastDefinitions(node);
      // Ensure top level text nodes are wrapped in paragraphs

    if (isEmpty(node.children)) {
      nodes = node.children;
    } else {
      // If a node returns a falsey value, exclude it. Some nodes do not
      // translate from MDAST to Slate, such as definitions for link/image
      // references or footnotes.
      // Consider using unist-util-remove instead for this.
      nodes = node.children.reduce((acc, childNode, idx, sibs) => {
        const transformed = transform(childNode, idx, sibs, node);
        if (transformed) {
        return acc;


unist utility to modify direct children of a parent

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