How to use object-hash - 10 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few object-hash examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github Mayank1791989 / gql / src / gql-test-utils / file.js View on Github external
export function createTempFiles(files: { [file: string]: string }): string {
  // deterministic dirName [as this path used in test cases output (see generated snapshot)]
  const dir = path.join(TEST_TEMP_DIR, objectHash(files));
  Object.keys(files).forEach(file => {
    const content = files[file];
    fs.outputFileSync(path.join(dir, file), content);
  return dir;
github DivanteLtd / vue-storefront / core / store / lib / search / search.js View on Github external
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    const Query = {
      store: storeCode, // TODO: add grouped prodduct and bundled product support
      type: entityType,
      searchQuery: query,
      size: size,
      from: start,
      sort: sort

    if (excludeFields) Query._sourceExclude = excludeFields
    if (includeFields) Query._sourceInclude = includeFields
    const cache = global.$VS.db.elasticCacheCollection // switch to appcache?
    const cacheKey = hash(Query)
    let servedFromCache = false
    const benchmarkTime = new Date()
    cache.getItem(cacheKey, (err, res) => {
      if (err) {

      if (res !== null) {
        res.cache = true
        res.noresults = false
        res.offline = !isOnline() // TODO: refactor it to checking ES heartbit
        console.debug('Result from cache for ' + cacheKey + ' (' + entityType + '), ms=' + (new Date().getTime() - benchmarkTime.getTime()))
        servedFromCache = true
      } else {
        if (!isOnline()) {
github bhoov / exbert / client / src / ts / api / mainApi.ts View on Github external
function checkDemoAPI(toSend, backupUrl = null, backupPayload = null) {
    const hsh = hash.sha1(toSend);
    console.log("CHECKING DEMOAPI: " + hsh);
    if (DemoAPI.hasOwnProperty(hsh)) {
        // Relies on a symbolic link being present in the dist folder to the demo folder
        const path = './demo/' + DemoAPI[hsh]
        console.log("TRYING TO SENDING STATIC: ", path);
        const follow = (response) => responseJson(response, backupUrl, backupPayload)
        return fetch(path).then(follow)
    return d3.json(backupUrl, backupPayload)
github embark-framework / subspace / src / logSyncer.js View on Github external
track(options, inputsABI, gteBlockNum, networkId){
    const eventKey = 'logs-' + hash(Object.assign({networkId}, options || {}));
    const filterConditions = Object.assign({fromBlock: 0, toBlock: "latest"}, options || {});

    this.db.deleteNewestBlocks(eventKey, gteBlockNum);

    const eventSummary = this.db.getLastKnownEvent(eventKey);
    const sub = new ReplaySubject();
    const logObserver = fromEvent(, eventKey)

    logObserver.subscribe((e) => {
      if (!e) return;

      const id = hash({eventName: eventKey, blockNumber: e.blockNumber, transactionIndex: e.transactionIndex, logIndex: e.logIndex});

      // TODO: would be nice if this was smart enough to understand the type of returnValues and do the needed conversions
      const eventData = {
        id: hash({eventName: eventKey, blockNumber: e.blockNumber, transactionIndex: e.transactionIndex, logIndex: e.logIndex}),
github serverless / serverless / lib / plugins / aws / provider / awsProvider.js View on Github external
request(service, method, params, options) {
    const that = this;
    const credentials = Object.assign({}, that.getCredentials());
    // Make sure options is an object (honors wrong calls of request)
    const requestOptions = _.isObject(options) ? options : {};
    const shouldCache = _.get(requestOptions, 'useCache', false);
    const paramsWithRegion = _.merge({}, params, {
      region: _.get(options, 'region'),
    const paramsHash = objectHash.sha1(paramsWithRegion);
    const MAX_TRIES = 4;
    const persistentRequest = f =>
      new BbPromise((resolve, reject) => {
        const doCall = numTry => {
            // We're resembling if/else logic, therefore single `then` instead of `then`/`catch` pair
            .then(resolve, e => {
              if (
                numTry < MAX_TRIES &&
                e.statusCode !== 403 && // Invalid credentials
                ((e.providerError && e.providerError.retryable) || e.statusCode === 429)
              ) {
                      `Recoverable error occurred (${e.message}), sleeping for 5 seconds.`,
github hummal / crittr / src / classes / Ast.class.js View on Github external
                map.set(media, [...mediaRulesArr, ...newRules]);
            } else {
                // Fresh media rules can be created
                map.set(media, => {
                    const objHash = hash.MD5(mRule);
                    return {
                        hash: objHash,
                        rule: mRule
        } else {
            const ruleKey = Rule.generateRuleKey(ruleObj);
            const rulesArray = map.get(ruleKey);
            const objHash    = hash.MD5(ruleObj);

            if (rulesArray) {
                // If this rule object (hash) already exists in this ruleKey ignore else insert
                if (!rulesArray.some(ruleObj => ruleObj.hash === objHash)) {
                        hash: objHash,
                        rule: ruleObj
            } else {
                map.set(ruleKey, [
                        hash: objHash,
                        rule: ruleObj
github kpi-wdc / dj / api / controllers / DataProcController.js View on Github external
process: function (req, res) {
    var tempObj = req.body;

    sails.log.debug("REQUEST ",req.body)
    // response type doesn't matter - we compute every time
    delete tempObj.response_type;
    var md5 = require('object-hash').MD5(tempObj);

    ProcData.findOneByHash(md5).then(function (json) {
      var obj_to_process = {};
      // json, corresponding to md5 hash of the request already
      // exists in a database, so there is no need to process it
      // again, just send back previous computational result
      if (json) {
        if (!json.parent) {
          delete json.parent;
        } = json.value;
        delete json.value;
        if (req.body.response_type === 'data_id') {
        delete json.hash;
github cdapio / cdap / server / aggregator.js View on Github external
function Aggregator (conn) {
  // make "new" optional
  if ( !(this instanceof Aggregator) ) {
    return new Aggregator(conn);

  conn.on('data', _.bind(onSocketData, this));
  conn.on('close', _.bind(onSocketClose, this));

  this.connection = conn;
  this.polledResources = new HashTable();
  this.bodyCache = {};

github americanexpress / iguazu-graphql / __tests__ / duck / reducer.spec.js View on Github external
it('clears the stored state of the query request', () => {
        const storedStateOfQuery = new ImmutableMap({
          status: 'complete',
          data: { a: { b: 'hello' } },
        const originalState = new ImmutableMap({
          endpoints: new ImmutableMap({
            [endpointName]: new ImmutableMap({
              queries: new ImmutableMap({
                [hash(query)]: new ImmutableMap({
                  typenames: new ImmutableSet(['A']),
                  variables: new ImmutableMap({
                    [hash(null)]: storedStateOfQuery,

        const action = { type, query, endpointName };
        const newState = reducer(originalState, action);
        expect(newState.getIn(['endpoints', endpointName, 'queries', queryHash, 'variables', variableHash]))
github tungv / jerni / packages / jerni-dev / cli / fsQueue.js View on Github external
const parseJson = require("json-parse-better-errors");
const hash = require("object-hash");
const fs = require("fs");
const getLogger = require("./dev-logger");
const INITIAL_EVENT = { type: "@@INIT" };
const initialChecksum = hash.MD5(INITIAL_EVENT);

exports.checksumFile = function checksumFile(filePath) {
  const logger = getLogger({ service: "queue", verbose: true });

  if (!fs.existsSync(filePath)) {"creating new data file");
    fs.writeFileSync(filePath, `### BEGIN checksum: ${initialChecksum} ###`);
    return [initialChecksum, initialChecksum, []];

  const data = String(fs.readFileSync(filePath));
  const rows = data.length ? data.split("\n") : [];
  const events = [];

  if (!rows[0] || !rows[0].length) {"data file is empty");


Generate hashes from javascript objects in node and the browser.

Latest version published 2 years ago

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