How to use global - 10 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few global examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github Raynos / value-event / test / dom-delegator.js View on Github external
test('can add (function) event', function (assert) {
    var elem = h('div')

    var values = []
    Delegator() // listen to all the things
    var fn = function (data) {
        values.push(['fn', data])
    DataSet(elem).click = event(fn, {
        some: 'data'

    var ev = Event('click')

    setImmediate(function () {
        assert.equal(values.length, 1)
        assert.equal(values[0][0], 'fn')
github Matt-Esch / virtual-dom / test / sort.js View on Github external
var SAMPLE_END = 1000;
var SAMPLE_COUNT = 100;

var nodesFromArray = require('./lib/nodes-from-array.js');
var assertChildNodesFromArray = require('./lib/assert-childNodes-from-array.js');

var diff = require('../vtree/diff');
var render = require('../create-element.js');
var patch = require('../patch.js');

var assert = require('assert');

var document = require('global/document');

var testlingOutput = document.getElementById('__testling_output');
if (testlingOutput) {

// validateOnly();
// benchmarkOnly();

function runTest() {
    forEachPermutation(PERMUTATION_START, PERMUTATION_END, testArrays);

function testArrays(arrays) {
github videojs / videojs-contrib-media-sources / test / videojs-contrib-media-sources.js View on Github external
beforeEach() {
    this.fixture = document.getElementById('qunit-fixture'); = document.createElement('video');
    this.player = videojs(;

    // Mock the environment's timers because certain things - particularly
    // player readiness - are asynchronous in video.js 5.
    this.clock = sinon.useFakeTimers();
    this.oldMediaSource = window.MediaSource || window.WebKitMediaSource;
github uber / / modules / shadertools / src / modules / fp64 / test-deprecated / fp64-shader.spec.js View on Github external
window.onload = () => {
  const canvas = document.createElement('canvas');

  canvas.width = 16;
  canvas.height = 16;

  // Initialize GL

  var gl = initializeGL(canvas);


  var idx0;
  var test_no = 0;
  const loop = 100;
github wcventure / WasmFuzz / WasmFuzz / Fuzzing / testWasm.js View on Github external
abort('No WebAssembly support found. Build with -s WASM=0 to target JavaScript instead.');
      err('no native wasm support detected');
      return false;
    // prepare memory import
    if (!(Module['wasmMemory'] instanceof WebAssembly.Memory)) {
      err('no native wasm Memory in use');
      return false;
    env['memory'] = Module['wasmMemory'];
    // Load the wasm module and create an instance of using native support in the JS engine.
    info['global'] = {
      'NaN': NaN,
      'Infinity': Infinity
    info['global.Math'] = Math;
    info['env'] = env;
    // handle a generated wasm instance, receiving its exports and
    // performing other necessary setup
    function receiveInstance(instance, module) {
      exports = instance.exports;
      if (exports.memory) mergeMemory(exports.memory);
      Module['asm'] = exports;
      Module["usingWasm"] = true;

    // User shell pages can write their own Module.instantiateWasm = function(imports, successCallback) callback
    // to manually instantiate the Wasm module themselves. This allows pages to run the instantiation parallel
    // to any other async startup actions they are performing.
    if (Module['instantiateWasm']) {
github wcventure / WasmFuzz / WasmFuzz / Fuzzing / testWasmS3.js View on Github external
abort('No WebAssembly support found. Build with -s WASM=0 to target JavaScript instead.');
      err('no native wasm support detected');
      return false;
    // prepare memory import
    if (!(Module['wasmMemory'] instanceof WebAssembly.Memory)) {
      err('no native wasm Memory in use');
      return false;
    env['memory'] = Module['wasmMemory'];
    // Load the wasm module and create an instance of using native support in the JS engine.
    info['global'] = {
      'NaN': NaN,
      'Infinity': Infinity
    info['global.Math'] = Math;
    info['env'] = env;
    // handle a generated wasm instance, receiving its exports and
    // performing other necessary setup
    function receiveInstance(instance, module) {
      exports = instance.exports;
      if (exports.memory) mergeMemory(exports.memory);
      Module['asm'] = exports;
      Module["usingWasm"] = true;

    // User shell pages can write their own Module.instantiateWasm = function(imports, successCallback) callback
    // to manually instantiate the Wasm module themselves. This allows pages to run the instantiation parallel
    // to any other async startup actions they are performing.
    if (Module['instantiateWasm']) {
github wcventure / WasmFuzz / WasmFuzz / Fuzzing / testWasmS1.js View on Github external
abort('No WebAssembly support found. Build with -s WASM=0 to target JavaScript instead.');
      err('no native wasm support detected');
      return false;
    // prepare memory import
    if (!(Module['wasmMemory'] instanceof WebAssembly.Memory)) {
      err('no native wasm Memory in use');
      return false;
    env['memory'] = Module['wasmMemory'];
    // Load the wasm module and create an instance of using native support in the JS engine.
    info['global'] = {
      'NaN': NaN,
      'Infinity': Infinity
    info['global.Math'] = Math;
    info['env'] = env;
    // handle a generated wasm instance, receiving its exports and
    // performing other necessary setup
    function receiveInstance(instance, module) {
      exports = instance.exports;
      if (exports.memory) mergeMemory(exports.memory);
      Module['asm'] = exports;
      Module["usingWasm"] = true;

    // User shell pages can write their own Module.instantiateWasm = function(imports, successCallback) callback
    // to manually instantiate the Wasm module themselves. This allows pages to run the instantiation parallel
    // to any other async startup actions they are performing.
    if (Module['instantiateWasm']) {
github wcventure / WasmFuzz / WasmFuzz / Fuzzing / testWasmM1.js View on Github external
abort('No WebAssembly support found. Build with -s WASM=0 to target JavaScript instead.');
      err('no native wasm support detected');
      return false;
    // prepare memory import
    if (!(Module['wasmMemory'] instanceof WebAssembly.Memory)) {
      err('no native wasm Memory in use');
      return false;
    env['memory'] = Module['wasmMemory'];
    // Load the wasm module and create an instance of using native support in the JS engine.
    info['global'] = {
      'NaN': NaN,
      'Infinity': Infinity
    info['global.Math'] = Math;
    info['env'] = env;
    // handle a generated wasm instance, receiving its exports and
    // performing other necessary setup
    function receiveInstance(instance, module) {
      exports = instance.exports;
      if (exports.memory) mergeMemory(exports.memory);
      Module['asm'] = exports;
      Module["usingWasm"] = true;

    // User shell pages can write their own Module.instantiateWasm = function(imports, successCallback) callback
    // to manually instantiate the Wasm module themselves. This allows pages to run the instantiation parallel
    // to any other async startup actions they are performing.
    if (Module['instantiateWasm']) {
github videojs / video.js / src / js / utils / log.js View on Github external
// If there's no console then don't try to output messages, but they will
  // still be stored in history.
  if (!window.console) {

  // Was setting these once outside of this function, but containing them
  // in the function makes it easier to test cases where console doesn't exist
  // when the module is executed.
  let fn = window.console[type];

  if (!fn && type === 'debug') {
    // Certain browsers don't have support for console.debug. For those, we
    // should default to the closest comparable log.
    fn = || window.console.log;

  // Bail out if there's no console or if this type is not allowed by the
  // current logging level.
  if (!fn || !lvl || !lvlRegExp.test(type)) {

  // IEs previous to 11 log objects uselessly as "[object Object]"; so, JSONify
  // objects and arrays for those less-capable browsers.
  if (stringify) {
    args = => {
      if (isObject(a) || Array.isArray(a)) {
        try {
          return JSON.stringify(a);
        } catch (x) {
github videojs / video.js / src / js / utils / create-logger.js View on Github external
// If there's no console then don't try to output messages, but they will
  // still be stored in history.
  if (!window.console) {

  // Was setting these once outside of this function, but containing them
  // in the function makes it easier to test cases where console doesn't exist
  // when the module is executed.
  let fn = window.console[type];

  if (!fn && type === 'debug') {
    // Certain browsers don't have support for console.debug. For those, we
    // should default to the closest comparable log.
    fn = || window.console.log;

  // Bail out if there's no console or if this type is not allowed by the
  // current logging level.
  if (!fn || !lvl || !lvlRegExp.test(type)) {

  fn[Array.isArray(args) ? 'apply' : 'call'](window.console, args);