How to use electron-installer-debian - 3 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few electron-installer-debian examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github webtorrent / webtorrent-desktop / bin / package.js View on Github external
function packageInstaller (filesPath, cb) {
      console.log('Windows: Creating installer...')

        appDirectory: filesPath,
        authors: config.APP_TEAM,
        description: config.APP_NAME,
        exe: config.APP_NAME + '.exe',
        iconUrl: config.GITHUB_URL_RAW + '/static/' + config.APP_NAME + '.ico',
        loadingGif: path.join(config.STATIC_PATH, 'loading.gif'),
        name: config.APP_NAME,
        noMsi: true,
        outputDirectory: DIST_PATH,
        productName: config.APP_NAME,
        // TODO: Re-enable Windows 64-bit delta updates when we confirm that they
        //       work correctly in the presence of the "ia32" .nupkg files. I
        //       (feross) noticed them listed in the 64-bit RELEASES file and
        //       manually edited them out for the v0.17 release. Shipping only
        //       full updates for now will work fine, with no ill-effects.
        // remoteReleases: config.GITHUB_URL,
github electron-userland / electron-forge / test / fast / makers / deb_spec.js View on Github external
it('should return the proper pre-release version in the outPath', async () => {
      eidStub.transformVersion = require('electron-installer-debian').transformVersion;

      packageJSON.version = '1.2.3-beta.4';
      const outPath = await debMaker({ dir, appName, targetArch, forgeConfig, packageJSON });
github IceEnd / Yosoro / scripts / packageDeb.js View on Github external
import { productName, version } from '../package.json';

const options = {
  bin: 'Yosoro',
  genericName: productName,
  categories: ['Utility'],
  src: path.resolve(__dirname, '../out', `${productName}-linux-x64`),
  dest: path.resolve(__dirname, '../out', `${productName}-linux-x64-deb-${version}`),
  arch: 'amd64',
  icon: path.resolve(__dirname, '../app/main/resource/app.png'),
  homepage: '',

  .then(() =>`Successfully created package at ${options.dest}`))
  .catch((err) => {
    console.error(err, err.stack);


Create a Debian package for your Electron app.

Latest version published 10 months ago

Package Health Score

67 / 100
Full package analysis