How to use clang-format - 2 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few clang-format examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github appcelerator / titanium_mobile / Gruntfile.js View on Github external
async.mapLimit(src, EXEC_LIMIT, function (filepath, cb) {
			let stdout = '';

			const proc = clangFormat.spawnClangFormat([ '-style=file', '-output-replacements-xml', filepath ], function () {}, 'pipe');
			proc.stdout.on('data', function (data) {
				stdout += data.toString();
			proc.on('close', function (exit) {
				if (exit) {
					grunt.log.warn('Exit code: ' + exit);;

				const modified = stdout.replace(/\r?\n/g, '');
				if (modified !== '') {
					// Record failure, because formatting is bad.
					// TODO Get the correctly formatted source? Give more details on the bad sections?
					errors.push(new Error('Formatting incorrect on "' + filepath + '", proposed changes: ' + stdout));
github microsoft / react-native-windows / packages / scripts / formatFiles.js View on Github external
function spawnClangFormat(args, done, stdio) {
  // WARNING: This function's interface should stay stable across versions for the cross-version
  // loading below to work.
  let nativeBinary;

  try {
    nativeBinary = getNativeBinary();
  } catch (e) {

  let files = listAllTrackedFiles(path.resolve(__dirname, '../..'));

  // Apply file filters from constants
  files = files.filter(
    file =>
      includeEndsWith.some(_ => file.endsWith(_)) &&
      !excludePathContains.some(_ => file.indexOf(_) > 0) &&
      !excludePathEndsWith.some(_ => file.endsWith(_)),

  // split file array into chunks of 30


node wrapper around clang-format

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