How to use basic-auth-parser - 3 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few basic-auth-parser examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github apifytech / apify-js / test / proxy_chain.js View on Github external
httpServer.authenticate = function (req, fn) {
                // parse the "Proxy-Authorization" header
                const auth = req.headers['proxy-authorization'];
                if (!auth) {
                    // optimization: don't invoke the child process if no
                    // "Proxy-Authorization" header was given
                    // console.log('not Proxy-Authorization');
                    return fn(null, false);
                const parsed = basicAuthParser(auth);
                const isEqual = _.isEqual(parsed, proxyAuth);
                // console.log('Parsed "Proxy-Authorization": parsed: %j expected: %j : %s', parsed, proxyAuth, isEqual);
                if (isEqual) wasProxyCalled = true;
                fn(null, isEqual);
github apifytech / apify-js / test / puppeteer.js View on Github external
httpServer.authenticate = function (req, fn) {
                // parse the "Proxy-Authorization" header
                const auth = req.headers['proxy-authorization'];
                if (!auth) {
                    // optimization: don't invoke the child process if no
                    // "Proxy-Authorization" header was given
                    // console.log('not Proxy-Authorization');
                    return fn(null, false);
                const parsed = basicAuthParser(auth);
                const isEqual = _.isEqual(parsed, proxyAuth);
                // console.log('Parsed "Proxy-Authorization": parsed: %j expected: %j : %s', parsed, proxyAuth, isEqual);
                if (isEqual) wasProxyCalled = true;
                fn(null, isEqual);
github apifytech / apify-js / test / webdriver.js View on Github external
httpServer.authenticate = function (req, fn) {
                // parse the "Proxy-Authorization" header
                const auth = req.headers['proxy-authorization'];
                if (!auth) {
                    // optimization: don't invoke the child process if no
                    // "Proxy-Authorization" header was given
                    // console.log('not Proxy-Authorization');
                    return fn(null, false);
                const parsed = basicAuthParser(auth);
                const isEqual = _.isEqual(parsed, proxyAuth);
                // console.log('parsed "Proxy-Authorization": %j - %s', parsed, isEqual);
                if (isEqual) wasProxyCalled = true;
                fn(null, isEqual);


Parse Basic Auth `Authorization` HTTP headers

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Popular basic-auth-parser functions