Snyk VS Synopsys

Why choose Snyk over Synopsys for AppSec?

Snyk drives innovation with continual investment and improvement, automating security in the tools and workflows developers use while providing the visibility, governance, and reporting security teams need.


Embed real-time security into the dev toolkit

Your security team is outnumbered by developers. Snyk’s real-time SAST and SCA vulnerability scanning and automated fix suggestions in the IDE and PR workflows ensure security from the start at speed and scale.

Prioritize risk across your application

Conduct a holistic, context-driven risk assessment of your entire application so that you can address the most critical security threats first.

Light-as-air cloud platform

Focus on developing with Snyk’s lightweight cloud platform instead of managing on-premise installation and maintenance.

One platform, one login, a unified UI

Choose a tool that makes you faster and more efficient. Snyk’s single-login, unified platform approach lets you focus on your applications.

Snyk and Synopsys comparison

See why AppSec teams pick Snyk over Synopsys when they look for a security platform.




Stable and trusted

Market disruptor with the highest growth rate in the market

Synopsys plans to sell its AppSec products to a PE firm. 

Fast, scalable rollout

Snyk is a lightweight cloud platform designed for a quick, efficient roll-out with minimal maintenance resources required.

Synopsys requires a separate installation per product.

Risk-based prioritization

Snyk AppRisk helps security teams reduce overall risk and determine what to fix first by 1) creating a holistic picture of risk across all assets with application, development and business context and 2) prioritizing the riskiest assets and vulnerabilities based on factors such as whether code has been deployed or is executed in runtime.

Synopsys Software Risk Manager (SRM) may have many integrations, but the resulting output is a long list of vulns with no prioritization or data enrichment. There is no way to cut through the noise.

One platform, one UX

All of Snyk’s products are integrated into one platform with a single, seamless user experience. 

To manage application risk at scale, Synopsys requires multiple products including Software Risk Manager in addition to either Covertly, Blackduck, or Polaris. Software Risk Manager which requires hardware acquisition, installation, configuration, integration setups, and regular management including backups.

Trusted by industry leaders

See what our customers are saying about the Snyk developer security platform.

Milhões de desenvolvedores criam com segurança usando a Snyk

“Quando se trata de ganhos de produtividade do desenvolvedor, a recente explosão da inovação da AI generativa foi recebida por várias pessoas com uma mistura de entusiasmo e alívio. Porém, como líder de segurança, minha principal responsabilidade é garantir que todo o código que criamos, tanto o gerado por AI quanto o escrito por humanos, seja inerentemente seguro. Ao usar análises estáticas de AI do Snyk Code e sua mais recente inovação, o DeepCode AI Fix, as equipes de desenvolvimento e segurança nos ajudam a criar software com mais rapidez e proteção.”


Steve Pugh


Snyk was named in the 2023 Gartner AST MQ, the 2023 Forrester SAST and SCA Waves, 2022 Gartner Customers’ Choice, and is trusted by thousands of customers.

Snyk customers realized savings of an average of $5.08 Million based on risk avoidance and developer efficiency gains, as well as a 70% increase in automated remediation.

Snyk é uma plataforma de segurança para desenvolvedores. Integrando-se diretamente a ferramentas de desenvolvimento, fluxos de trabalhos e pipelines de automação, a Snyk possibilita que as equipes encontrem, priorizem e corrijam mais facilmente vulnerabilidades em códigos, dependências, contêineres e infraestrutura como código. Com o suporte do melhor aplicativo do setor e inteligência em segurança, a Snyk coloca a experiência em segurança no kit de ferramentas de todo desenvolvedor.

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