Top 10 Java vulnerabilities
Learn about the most prevalent Java vulnerabilities found by Snyk Code researchers in 2022.
DownloadFind out which types of vulnerabilities are most likely to appear in your projects based on Snyk scan results and security research. Stay safe, stay educated, stay out of the headlines!
2022 results
Based on Snyk security intelligence research in 2022, our Snyk Top 10: Code Vulnerabilities report shows the risks teams frequently face when writing code. Here are the top three.
A directory traversal (a.k.a. path traversal) attack aims to access files and directories that are stored outside of the authorized folder.
Cross-site scripting (XSS) is a website attack method that utilizes an injection to implant malicious scripts into trusted websites.
Credentials are hardcoded when they are written directly in the code, allowing everyone with access to the source code to access those credentials
Only care about a language or two? Learn about the top code vulnerabilities our security researchers found in the ecosystem you use most.
Top 10 Java vulnerabilities
Learn about the most prevalent Java vulnerabilities found by Snyk Code researchers in 2022.
Top 10 JavaScript vulnerabilities
Learn about the most prevalent JavaScript vulnerabilities found by Snyk Code researchers in 2022.
Top 10 C# vulnerabilities
Learn about the most prevalent C# vulnerabilities found by Snyk Code researchers in 2022.
Top 10 Go vulnerabilities
Learn about the most prevalent Go vulnerabilities found by Snyk Code researchers in 2022.
Top 10 PHP vulnerabilities
Learn about the most prevalent PHP vulnerabilities found by Snyk Code researchers in 2022.
Top 10 Python vulnerabilities
Learn about the most prevalent Python vulnerabilities found by Snyk Code researchers in 2022.
Top 10 Ruby vulnerabilities
Learn about the most prevalent Ruby vulnerabilities found by Snyk Code researchers in 2022.
DownloadSnyk Top 10
Read our Snyk Top 10 reports on the top open source and first-party code vulnerabilities of 2022.
2022 results
Based on user scan results from 2022, our Snyk Top 10: Open Source Vulnerabilities report shows the OSS risks teams most frequently face. Here are the top three.
DoS attacks are used to shut down access to a network or server by bombarding the target with so many requests that it’s unable to process the load.
RCE attacks occur when a bad actor is able to run commands from a remote system that they shouldn’t have access to, leading to malware, exploits, and more.
When an application deserializes untrusted data without sufficiently verifying that the resulting data will be valid, an attacker can control the state or the flow of the execution.
Only care about a language or two? Learn about the top high and critical open source vulnerabilities in the ecosystem you use most.
Top 10 Java vulnerabilities
Learn about the top high and critical open source vulnerabilities in Java.
Top 10 JavaScript vulnerabilities
Learn about the top high and critical open source vulnerabilities in JavaScript.
Top 10 Go vulnerabilities
Learn about the top high and critical open source vulnerabilities in Go.
Top 10 .NET vulnerabilities
Learn about the top high and critical open source vulnerabilities in .NET.
Top 10 PHP vulnerabilities
Learn about the top high and critical open source vulnerabilities in PHP.
Top 10 Python vulnerabilities
Learn about the top high and critical open source vulnerabilities in Python.
Top 10 Ruby vulnerabilities
Learn about the top high and critical open source vulnerabilities in Ruby.
DownloadLes informations stratégiques de Snyk en matière de sécurité sont issues de sources publiques, de données provenant de la communauté des développeurs, de recherches d’experts exclusives, de l’apprentissage automatique et de l’IA avec intervention humaine.
La base de données des vulnérabilités de Snyk fournit des informations vérifiées et détaillées, ainsi que des correctifs pour les vulnérabilités de l’open source et des conteneurs.
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Le moteur de politiques unifiées de Snyk étend les mêmes politiques de sécurité aux fichiers de l’infrastructure en tant que code (IaC) et aux ressources cloud d’exécution.
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