To our Community from the Snyk Team

Écrit par:

March 13, 2020

0 minutes de lecture

As the situation with COVID-19 continues to evolve on a daily basis, the Snyk team wants to let you know that we are here to support you and your teams through this difficult time.

As a distributed global company, we are all accustomed to working remotely and being available to our customers across time zones. For Snyk, remote work and virtual engagement is business as usual.  We recognize that this is not the case for many of our customers. We want to let you all know we are 100% dedicated to ongoing access to support and the process of staying in touch will remain unchanged.

Most of our customers use the Snyk service online via our SaaS model and therefore there is no impact on the service. Our Engineering and Technical Support teams, as well as other functions, are continuing to operate at full capacity.

As meetings, conferences and other in-person activities are canceled, and you possibly find yourself with some extra time, we invite you to join the Snyk team in upcoming virtual events and educational resources:

We are here to help! Stay healthy and stay secure.

The Snyk Team

Publié dans:Équipe Snyk
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Snyk est une plateforme de sécurité des développeurs. S’intégrant directement aux outils, workflows et pipelines de développement, Snyk facilite la détection, la priorisation et la correction des failles de sécurité dans le code, les dépendances, les conteneurs et l’infrastructure en tant que code (IaC). Soutenu par une intelligence applicative et sécuritaire de pointe, Snyk intègre l'expertise de la sécurité au sein des outils de chaque développeur.

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