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Patches of Pride: Love, inclusivity, & cute pets in celebration of Pride month

Écrit par:
Ashley Ladd
Ashley Ladd

20 juin 2023

0 minutes de lecture

We’re excited to celebrate LGBTQIA+ pride this month and recognize all members of the queer community — both in and out of Snyk. This month, we ran our “Patches of Pride” campaign to celebrate Pride Month adorably! Our Queer@Snyk Resource Group (SRG) members sent photos of their pets in attire that reflects the spirit of Pride. 

But we recognize that this month goes beyond celebrating with festive activities. It’s also about remembering that we still have much work to do in creating inclusiveness and learning how to make a positive change. 

Read on to dive deeper into what it means to foster an inclusive workplace, and see some fabulous furry friends too!

“To be yourself is truly a revolutionary act.” - Lena Waithe

Celebrating Pride means recognizing the extraordinary diversity, talent, and depth within the LGBTQIA+ community. Every individual extends far beyond their queer identity alone. So, Pride is about celebrating the unique tapestry of experiences that make each person remarkable. It starts with sincerely listening to others’ stories, seeking out the creative media that comes from these perspectives, and remembering that everyone brings a beautiful point of view to the world.


“If we could just celebrate all the wonderful complexities of people, the world would be such a better place.” - Elliot Page

Recognizing the LGBTQIA+ community goes beyond a fun celebration in June. It needs to shape how we interact with each other all year. Fostering a safe workplace starts with each of us. It’s all about normalizing correct pronouns, removing assumptions of gender or sexuality, and encouraging everyone to accept their truth. We also need to examine our own presuppositions and prejudices, doing the work to listen instead of assuming. Each of us has the power to instigate change.


“You can live in this light of the truth. It’s totally liberating." - Gilbert Baker

Honoring diversity also means thinking about how the status quo or the “way things are done” might come across to marginalized communities, including LGBTQIA+ people. For example, we need to consider how professional written work, such as job postings, will come across to diverse audiences and examine our words for implicit bias. We must recognize when gendered or gender-stereotyped language gets used and work to change it. By challenging the status quo and thinking about others’ perspectives, we can create a much safer environment for all.

Here at Snyk, we love getting to know the unique perspectives and stories of every Snyker.  From their vibrant range of hobbies, passions, and hidden talents to their diverse backgrounds, every human being has a story to tell, and we look forward to learning and growing from their perspectives all year long. 

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