Announcing SnykCon 2021: Build Securely

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1 juin 2021

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Last year we launched our inaugural SnykCon, and it was amazing. We had great speakers that shared learnings and thought leadership, engaged participants with active chats and side activities, and well received product and demo tracks that users really enjoyed to dive deeper into the Snyk platform. This year, we get to turn SnykCon into an annual tradition — and make it even better!

The theme for SnykCon 2021 is Build Securely. It’s a theme that hits close to home for me, and one of the reasons why I started Snyk. I truly believe that security needs to be built into our development practices and tooling for it to scale in the world of DevOps and Cloud. This mission is critical -— but isn’t easy to achieve. It requires a real change in both development and security practices, which in turn need a different mindset — and a different set of tools.

This is where SnykCon comes in. Our goal is to be a platform for learning how to build securely, without slowing down. If you’re a developer, we’ll offer you concrete advice and tools that help you understand and address security risks in your apps. We also hope to inspire you, helping you feel empowered and motivated to be a security champion in your org.

If you’re on the security team, we’ll equip you with the means for being a platform for your developers, helping them build secure apps independently. And if you’re a leader in the organization, we’ll help you understand why all of this matters, and how you can measure its success and impact on the business.

To achieve all of that, we need your help! As the saying goes, “it takes a village” to get a change like this to happen. All of you are on different stages of the journey to build securely, and along the way accumulated great learnings, perspectives and cautionary tales around what works. We want to offer you a stage to share those with the rest of the community, to help all of us build security in.

This is a worthy mission, but it won't be easy, so we’ll need to solve it together. Our goal is to make SnykCon a platform for all of you to share your learnings, perspectives, and practical tips, helping us all learn from one another. We want every SnykCon attendee to leave the conference feeling enabled and empowered to build security into their code, dependencies, infrastructure, and more — right from the start. Our stretch goal is to have a few of you leave feeling inspired enough to become your team’s security champion. And if you do, we’d love to hear your story on the SnykCon stage in 2022.

Help us deliver on the theme

We're offering a number of different session formats to empower developers to build securely:

  • Main Stage - Featured talks that typically have a wider scope, offering a broad perspective on the future of the industry, share lessons learned, and provide inspiration.

  • Lightning Talks - Interludes between longer format sessions, these talks will aim to highlight a quick case study, tangential topic of interest, or maybe even something completely unrelated to security.

  • Code & Build - Technical sessions and granular deep-dives that share solutions for tough development challenges, security implementations, and other high impact problems.

  • Govern & Empower - Case studies and thought leadership on collaborative security that show how teams have integrated security in the development workflow, built security awareness programs, or navigated internal change management.

  • Workshops - Hands-on sessions that share in-depth understanding and analysis with a developer audience.

  • Snyk Products - Product and feature roadmaps for the Snyk platform.

  • Demos - A mix of Snyk and partner solutions showing off their best features. It's a great way to check out new tools, solutions and go deep on a variety of dev and security product integrations and solutions.

With the exception of Snyk Products and Demos, we need your help rounding out the content for these tracks. If you have best practices, success stories, lessons learned, or other developer-focused security expertise to share, I highly encourage you to submit a session through our CFP. The CFP is open until July 16. Alternatively, if you know someone with an amazing talk that you think would fit perfectly, reach out and let them know.

Register today

SnykCon is a great opportunity for developers and security professionals to learn, share, and engage in thought provoking discussions around the future of secure development. So whether you’re a seasoned security veteran or are just interested in the future of development (DevSecOps), register today so you don’t miss out. Here are the important details:

We’re looking forward to (virtually) seeing you in October.

Snyk est une plateforme de sécurité des développeurs. S’intégrant directement aux outils, workflows et pipelines de développement, Snyk facilite la détection, la priorisation et la correction des failles de sécurité dans le code, les dépendances, les conteneurs et l’infrastructure en tant que code (IaC). Soutenu par une intelligence applicative et sécuritaire de pointe, Snyk intègre l'expertise de la sécurité au sein des outils de chaque développeur.

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