Gitting Down to the Issue - Closing the Feedback Loop with Automation

Gitting Down to the Issue - Closing the Feedback Loop with Automation


During this session, a focus on how security professionals are beginning to provide "pipelines-as-a-service" has necessitated a product / service-oriented mindset, even for internal teams. A structured approach on how to leverage continuous integration tools to incorporate not only Snyk Open Source, but security tools in general, into the application development lifecycle will be reviewed. A demonstration of how APIs, functions, and scripts can be used to provide (Snyk) scan output as a GitHub Issue, allowing for feedback to given and discussion to take place prior to a Pull Request event. This presentation will also discuss some of the practical challenges faced related to "privatizing" the code for pipelines, pipeline performance, and secret management as they were faced while adopting the approach at an enterprise scale.


David Wiggs

Manager, Bain

Snyk est une plateforme de sécurité des développeurs. S’intégrant directement aux outils, workflows et pipelines de développement, Snyk facilite la détection, la priorisation et la correction des failles de sécurité dans le code, les dépendances, les conteneurs et l’infrastructure en tant que code (IaC). Soutenu par une intelligence applicative et sécuritaire de pointe, Snyk intègre l'expertise de la sécurité au sein des outils de chaque développeur.

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