Serverless Security: What’s left to protect?

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12 novembre 2018

0 minutes de lecture

I just had the pleasure of giving a talk about Serverless Security at the inaugural Serverless Computing conference in London, run by Situation Publishing (owner of The Register). The audience was very attentive and I got some great questions after my session. All in all, the conference was great and staff behind the event was excellent!

I gave a session titled "Serverless Security: What's left to protect?", that revolved around how Serverless and Function-as-a-Service (FaaS) architectures change the security priorities that we're used to — in which situations does a serverless design help, hurt or change security? The updated slides are posted below, and also embedded is the video of an older version of the talk I gave at ServerlessConf, for those not wanting to wait till the new video comes out :)

Serverless Security: What's Left To Protect from Guy Podjarny

And don't miss our cheat sheet on Serverless Security Best Practices!

Publié dans:DevSecOps

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