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Snyk Documentation

Stay up to date with the latest updates in Snyk documentation.

Start using Snyk

​Getting started Start running Snyk to secure your code

Enterprise configuration Use Snyk in an enterprise system

Implement Snyk Set up Snyk to run in your business

Supported languages Match your language and framework to Snyk

Integrate with Snyk

Git repositories Connect code repos to Snyk

IDEs Use Snyk in your dev environment

CI/CD Add Snyk to your CI/CD pipeline

Scan using Snyk

Scan with Snyk Scan your code, open-source libraries, infrastructure, and containers

Scan with Snyk CLI Scan with Snyk locally on your command line

Manage your risk

Manage risk Prioritize and report on Snyk scan results

Snyk AppRisk Implement a high-performing developer security program

Configuration and administration

Snyk API Extend Snyk functions with the Snyk API

Snyk Admin Manage your Snyk system

Learning and information

Snyk product training Courses to help you use Snyk functions

​Snyk support Access Support tickets and knowledgebase

​Snyk Advisor Find the best package for your next project

​Snyk product updates See the latest Snyk product information

​Snyk vulnerability DB Our database for open source vulnerabilities

Snyk Status Shows operational status and history for Snyk systems.

Last updated

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