3 | 3 | exports[`Home page matches snapshot 1`] = `
4 | 4 | <DocumentFragment>
5 | 5 | <div
6 |
| - class="jsx-2250570153 container" |
| 6 | + class="jsx-1276654382 container" |
7 | 7 | >
8 | 8 | <main
9 |
| - class="jsx-2250570153" |
| 9 | + class="jsx-1276654382" |
10 | 10 | >
11 | 11 | <h1
12 |
| - class="jsx-2250570153 title" |
| 12 | + class="jsx-1276654382 title" |
13 | 13 | >
14 | 14 | Welcome to
15 | 15 | <a
16 |
| - class="jsx-2250570153" |
| 16 | + class="jsx-1276654382" |
17 | 17 | href="https://nextjs.org"
18 | 18 | >
19 | 19 | Next.js!
20 | 20 | </a>
21 | 21 | </h1>
22 | 22 | <p
23 |
| - class="jsx-2250570153 description" |
| 23 | + class="jsx-1276654382 description" |
24 | 24 | >
25 | 25 | Get started by editing
26 | 26 | <code
27 |
| - class="jsx-2250570153" |
| 27 | + class="jsx-1276654382" |
28 | 28 | >
29 | 29 | pages/index.tsx
30 | 30 | </code>
31 | 31 | </p>
32 | 32 | <button
33 |
| - class="jsx-2250570153" |
| 33 | + class="jsx-1276654382" |
34 | 34 | >
35 | 35 | Test Button
36 | 36 | </button>
37 | 37 | <div
38 |
| - class="jsx-2250570153 grid" |
| 38 | + class="jsx-1276654382 grid" |
39 | 39 | >
40 | 40 | <a
41 |
| - class="jsx-2250570153 card" |
| 41 | + class="jsx-1276654382 card" |
42 | 42 | href="https://nextjs.org/docs"
43 | 43 | >
44 | 44 | <h3
45 |
| - class="jsx-2250570153" |
| 45 | + class="jsx-1276654382" |
46 | 46 | >
47 | 47 | Documentation →
48 | 48 | </h3>
49 | 49 | <p
50 |
| - class="jsx-2250570153" |
| 50 | + class="jsx-1276654382" |
51 | 51 | >
52 | 52 | Find in-depth information about Next.js features and API.
53 | 53 | </p>
54 | 54 | </a>
55 | 55 | <a
56 |
| - class="jsx-2250570153 card" |
| 56 | + class="jsx-1276654382 card" |
57 | 57 | href="https://nextjs.org/learn"
58 | 58 | >
59 | 59 | <h3
60 |
| - class="jsx-2250570153" |
| 60 | + class="jsx-1276654382" |
61 | 61 | >
62 | 62 | Learn →
63 | 63 | </h3>
64 | 64 | <p
65 |
| - class="jsx-2250570153" |
| 65 | + class="jsx-1276654382" |
66 | 66 | >
67 | 67 | Learn about Next.js in an interactive course with quizzes!
68 | 68 | </p>
69 | 69 | </a>
70 | 70 | <a
71 |
| - class="jsx-2250570153 card" |
| 71 | + class="jsx-1276654382 card" |
72 | 72 | href="https://github.com/vercel/next.js/tree/master/examples"
73 | 73 | >
74 | 74 | <h3
75 |
| - class="jsx-2250570153" |
| 75 | + class="jsx-1276654382" |
76 | 76 | >
77 | 77 | Examples →
78 | 78 | </h3>
79 | 79 | <p
80 |
| - class="jsx-2250570153" |
| 80 | + class="jsx-1276654382" |
81 | 81 | >
82 | 82 | Discover and deploy boilerplate example Next.js projects.
83 | 83 | </p>
84 | 84 | </a>
85 | 85 | <a
86 |
| - class="jsx-2250570153 card" |
| 86 | + class="jsx-1276654382 card" |
87 | 87 | href="https://vercel.com/new?utm_source=create-next-app&utm_medium=default-template&utm_campaign=create-next-app"
88 | 88 | >
89 | 89 | <h3
90 |
| - class="jsx-2250570153" |
| 90 | + class="jsx-1276654382" |
91 | 91 | >
92 | 92 | Deploy →
93 | 93 | </h3>
94 | 94 | <p
95 |
| - class="jsx-2250570153" |
| 95 | + class="jsx-1276654382" |
96 | 96 | >
97 | 97 | Instantly deploy your Next.js site to a public URL with Vercel.
98 | 98 | </p>
99 | 99 | </a>
100 | 100 | </div>
101 | 101 | </main>
102 | 102 | <footer
103 |
| - class="jsx-2250570153" |
| 103 | + class="jsx-1276654382" |
104 | 104 | >
105 | 105 | <a
106 |
| - class="jsx-2250570153" |
| 106 | + class="jsx-1276654382" |
107 | 107 | href="https://vercel.com?utm_source=create-next-app&utm_medium=default-template&utm_campaign=create-next-app"
108 | 108 | rel="noopener noreferrer"
109 | 109 | target="_blank"
110 | 110 | >
111 | 111 | Powered by
112 |
| - <img |
113 |
| - alt="Vercel Logo" |
114 |
| - class="jsx-2250570153 logo" |
115 |
| - src="/vercel.svg" |
116 |
| - /> |
| 112 | + <div |
| 113 | + style="display: inline-block; max-width: 100%; overflow: hidden; position: relative; box-sizing: border-box; margin: 0px;" |
| 114 | + > |
| 115 | + <div |
| 116 | + style="box-sizing: border-box; display: block; max-width: 100%;" |
| 117 | + > |
| 118 | + <img |
| 119 | + alt="" |
| 120 | + aria-hidden="true" |
| 121 | + role="presentation" |
| 122 | + src="" |
| 123 | + style="max-width: 100%; display: block; margin: 0px; padding: 0px;" |
| 124 | + /> |
| 125 | + </div> |
| 126 | + <img |
| 127 | + alt="Vercel Logo" |
| 128 | + decoding="async" |
| 129 | + src="" |
| 130 | + style="visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top: 0px; left: 0px; bottom: 0px; right: 0px; box-sizing: border-box; padding: 0px; margin: auto; display: block; width: 0px; height: 0px; min-width: 100%; max-width: 100%; min-height: 100%; max-height: 100%;" |
| 131 | + /> |
| 132 | + </div> |
117 | 133 | </a>
118 | 134 | </footer>
119 | 135 | </div>
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