-[{"t":"Prerequisites","d":"Node.js v10","k":"prerequisites node","l":"/install#prerequisites"},{"t":"Prebuilt binaries","d":"Ready-compiled sharp and libvips binaries are provided for use with Node.js v10 on the most common platforms macOS x64 10.13 Linux x64 glibc","k":"prebuilt binaries ready compiled sharp libvips node common platforms macos linux glibc","l":"/install#prebuilt-binaries"},{"t":"Common problems","d":"The architecture and platform of Node.js used for npm install must be the same as the architecture and platform of Node.js used at runtime.","k":"common problems architecture platform node npm install same runtime","l":"/install#common-problems"},{"t":"Apple M1","d":"If you are using ARM64 Node.js, which can be checked using sh node -p process.arch arm64 then libvips must currently be installed via Homebr","k":"apple you arm node checked process arch then libvips currently installed via homebr","l":"/install#apple-m1"},{"t":"Custom libvips","d":"To use a custom, globally-installed version of libvips instead of the provided binaries, make sure it is at least the version listed under c","k":"custom libvips globally installed version instead binaries make sure least listed under","l":"/install#custom-libvips"},{"t":"Building from source","d":"This module will be compiled from source at npm install time when a globally-installed libvips is detected set the SHARP_IGNORE_GLOBAL_LIBVI","k":"building source module compiled npm install time globally installed libvips detected","l":"/install#building-from-source"},{"t":"Custom prebuilt binaries","d":"This is an advanced approach that most people will not require. To install the prebuilt sharp binaries from a custom URL, set the sharp_bina","k":"custom prebuilt binaries advanced approach people require install sharp url sharpbina","l":"/install#custom-prebuilt-binaries"},{"t":"Chinese mirror","d":"Alibaba provide a mirror site based in China containing binaries for both sharp and libvips. To use this either set the following configurat","k":"chinese mirror alibaba site based china binaries both sharp libvips following configurat","l":"/install#chinese-mirror"},{"t":"FreeBSD","d":"The vips package must be installed before npm install is run. sh pkg install -y pkgconf vips sh cd /usr/ports/graphics/vips/ make install cl","k":"freebsd vips package installed npm install run pkg pkgconf usr ports graphics make","l":"/install#freebsd"},{"t":"Heroku","d":"Add the jemalloc buildpack to reduce the effects of memory fragmentation. Set NODE_MODULES_CACHE","k":"heroku add jemalloc buildpack reduce effects memory fragmentation","l":"/install#heroku"},{"t":"AWS Lambda","d":"Set the Lambda runtime to nodejs12.x. The binaries in the node_modules directory of the deployment package must be for the Linux x64 platfor","k":"aws lambda runtime nodejs binaries nodemodules directory deployment package linux platfor","l":"/install#aws-lambda"},{"t":"Webpack","d":"Ensure sharp is added to the externals configuration. js externals sharp commonjs sharp","k":"webpack sharp added externals configuration commonjs","l":"/install#webpack"},{"t":"Worker threads","d":"The main thread must call requiresharp before worker threads are created to ensure shared libraries remain loaded in memory until after all","k":"worker threads main thread call requiresharp created shared libraries remain loaded memory until","l":"/install#worker-threads"},{"t":"Electron and Linux","d":"The prebuilt binaries provided by Electron for Linux depend on many shared system libraries. One of these, libgobject-2.0.so, is known to co","k":"electron linux prebuilt binaries depend many shared system libraries one libgobject known","l":"/install#electron-and-linux"},{"t":"Canvas and Windows","d":"The prebuilt binaries provided by canvas for Windows depend on the unmaintained GTK 2, last updated in 2011. These conflict with the modern,","k":"canvas windows prebuilt binaries depend unmaintained gtk last updated conflict modern","l":"/install#canvas-and-windows"},{"t":"Sharp","d":"Constructor factory to create an instance of sharp, to which further methods are chained.","k":"sharp constructor factory create instance further methods chained","l":"/api-constructor#sharp"},{"t":"clone","d":"Take a snapshot of the Sharp instance, returning a new instance. Cloned instances inherit the input of their parent instance. This allows mu","k":"clone snapshot sharp instance returning new cloned instances inherit input parent allows","l":"/api-constructor#clone"},{"t":"metadata","d":"Fast access to uncached image metadata without decoding any compressed image data. A Promise is returned when callback is not provided.","k":"metadata fast access uncached decoding compressed data promise returned callback","l":"/api-input#metadata"},{"t":"stats","d":"Access to pixel-derived image statistics for every channel in the image. A Promise is returned when callback is not provided.","k":"stats access pixel derived statistics channel promise returned callback","l":"/api-input#stats"},{"t":"toFile","d":"Write output image data to a file.","k":"tofile write output data file","l":"/api-output#tofile"},{"t":"toBuffer","d":"Write output to a Buffer. JPEG, PNG, WebP, AVIF, TIFF and raw pixel data output are supported.","k":"tobuffer write output buffer jpeg png webp avif tiff raw pixel data","l":"/api-output#tobuffer"},{"t":"withMetadata","d":"Include all metadata EXIF, XMP, IPTC from the input image in the output image. This will also convert to and add a web-friendly sRGB ICC pro","k":"withmetadata include metadata exif xmp iptc input output also convert add web friendly srgb icc pro","l":"/api-output#withmetadata"},{"t":"toFormat","d":"Force output to a given format.","k":"toformat force output format","l":"/api-output#toformat"},{"t":"jpeg","d":"Use these JPEG options for output image.","k":"jpeg options output","l":"/api-output#jpeg"},{"t":"png","d":"Use these PNG options for output image.","k":"png options output","l":"/api-output#png"},{"t":"webp","d":"Use these WebP options for output image.","k":"webp options output","l":"/api-output#webp"},{"t":"gif","d":"Use these GIF options for output image.","k":"gif options output","l":"/api-output#gif"},{"t":"tiff","d":"Use these TIFF options for output image.","k":"tiff options output","l":"/api-output#tiff"},{"t":"avif","d":"Use these AVIF options for output image.","k":"avif options output","l":"/api-output#avif"},{"t":"heif","d":"Use these HEIF options for output image.","k":"heif options output","l":"/api-output#heif"},{"t":"raw","d":"Force output to be raw, uncompressed, 8-bit unsigned integer unit8 pixel data. Pixel ordering is left-to-right, top-to-bottom, without paddi","k":"raw force output uncompressed bit unsigned integer unit pixel data ordering left right top bottom paddi","l":"/api-output#raw"},{"t":"tile","d":"Use tile-based deep zoom image pyramid output. Set the format and options for tile images via the toFormat, jpeg, png or webp functions. Use","k":"tile based deep zoom pyramid output format options images via toformat jpeg png webp functions","l":"/api-output#tile"},{"t":"resize","d":"Resize image to width, height or width x height.","k":"resize width height","l":"/api-resize#resize"},{"t":"extend","d":"Extends/pads the edges of the image with the provided background colour. This operation will always occur after resizing and extraction, if","k":"extend extends pads edges background colour operation resizing extraction","l":"/api-resize#extend"},{"t":"extract","d":"Extract/crop a region of the image.","k":"extract crop region","l":"/api-resize#extract"},{"t":"trim","d":"Trim boring pixels from all edges that contain values similar to the top-left pixel. Images consisting entirely of a single colour will calc","k":"trim boring pixels edges contain similar top left pixel images consisting entirely single colour calc","l":"/api-resize#trim"},{"t":"composite","d":"Composite images over the processed resized, extracted etc. image.","k":"composite images processed resized extracted","l":"/api-composite#composite"},{"t":"rotate","d":"Rotate the output image by either an explicit angle or auto-orient based on the EXIF Orientation tag.","k":"rotate output explicit angle auto orient based exif orientation tag","l":"/api-operation#rotate"},{"t":"flip","d":"Flip the image about the vertical Y axis. This always occurs after rotation, if any. The use of flip implies the removal of the EXIF Orienta","k":"flip vertical axis rotation implies removal exif orienta","l":"/api-operation#flip"},{"t":"flop","d":"Flop the image about the horizontal X axis. This always occurs after rotation, if any. The use of flop implies the removal of the EXIF Orien","k":"flop horizontal axis rotation implies removal exif orien","l":"/api-operation#flop"},{"t":"affine","d":"Perform an affine transform on an image. This operation will always occur after resizing, extraction and rotation, if any.","k":"affine transform operation resizing extraction rotation","l":"/api-operation#affine"},{"t":"sharpen","d":"Sharpen the image. When used without parameters, performs a fast, mild sharpen of the output image. When a sigma is provided, performs a slo","k":"sharpen parameters fast mild output sigma slo","l":"/api-operation#sharpen"},{"t":"median","d":"Apply median filter. When used without parameters the default window is 3x3.","k":"median apply filter parameters window","l":"/api-operation#median"},{"t":"blur","d":"Blur the image. When used without parameters, performs a fast, mild blur of the output image. When a sigma is provided, performs a slower, m","k":"blur parameters fast mild output sigma slower","l":"/api-operation#blur"},{"t":"flatten","d":"Merge alpha transparency channel, if any, with a background.","k":"flatten merge alpha transparency channel background","l":"/api-operation#flatten"},{"t":"gamma","d":"Apply a gamma correction by reducing the encoding darken pre-resize at a factor of 1/gamma then increasing the encoding brighten post-resize","k":"gamma apply correction reducing encoding darken pre resize factor then increasing brighten post","l":"/api-operation#gamma"},{"t":"negate","d":"Produce the negative of the image.","k":"negate produce negative","l":"/api-operation#negate"},{"t":"normalise","d":"Enhance output image contrast by stretching its luminance to cover the full dynamic range.","k":"normalise enhance output contrast stretching luminance cover full dynamic range","l":"/api-operation#normalise"},{"t":"normalize","d":"Alternative spelling of normalise.","k":"normalize normalise","l":"/api-operation#normalize"},{"t":"convolve","d":"Convolve the image with the specified kernel.","k":"convolve specified kernel","l":"/api-operation#convolve"},{"t":"threshold","d":"Any pixel value greather than or equal to the threshold value will be set to 255, otherwise it will be set to 0.","k":"threshold pixel greather than equal otherwise","l":"/api-operation#threshold"},{"t":"boolean","d":"Perform a bitwise boolean operation with operand image.","k":"boolean bitwise operation operand","l":"/api-operation#boolean"},{"t":"linear","d":"Apply the linear formula a input b to the image levels adjustment","k":"linear apply formula input levels adjustment","l":"/api-operation#linear"},{"t":"recomb","d":"Recomb the image with the specified matrix.","k":"recomb specified matrix","l":"/api-operation#recomb"},{"t":"modulate","d":"Transforms the image using brightness, saturation and hue rotation.","k":"modulate transforms brightness saturation hue rotation","l":"/api-operation#modulate"},{"t":"removeAlpha","d":"Remove alpha channel, if any. This is a no-op if the image does not have an alpha channel.","k":"removealpha remove alpha channel","l":"/api-channel#removealpha"},{"t":"ensureAlpha","d":"Ensure alpha channel, if missing. The added alpha channel will be fully opaque. This is a no-op if the image already has an alpha channel.","k":"ensurealpha alpha channel missing added fully opaque","l":"/api-channel#ensurealpha"},{"t":"extractChannel","d":"Extract a single channel from a multi-channel image.","k":"extractchannel extract single channel multi","l":"/api-channel#extractchannel"},{"t":"joinChannel","d":"Join one or more channels to the image. The meaning of the added channels depends on the output colourspace, set with toColourspace. By defa","k":"joinchannel join one channels meaning added depends output colourspace tocolourspace defa","l":"/api-channel#joinchannel"},{"t":"bandbool","d":"Perform a bitwise boolean operation on all input image channels bands to produce a single channel output image.","k":"bandbool bitwise boolean operation input channels bands produce single channel output","l":"/api-channel#bandbool"},{"t":"tint","d":"Tint the image using the provided chroma while preserving the image luminance. An alpha channel may be present and will be unchanged by the","k":"tint chroma preserving luminance alpha channel present unchanged","l":"/api-colour#tint"},{"t":"greyscale","d":"Convert to 8-bit greyscale 256 shades of grey. This is a linear operation. If the input image is in a non-linear colour space such as sRGB,","k":"greyscale convert bit shades grey linear operation input colour space such srgb","l":"/api-colour#greyscale"},{"t":"grayscale","d":"Alternative spelling of greyscale.","k":"grayscale greyscale","l":"/api-colour#grayscale"},{"t":"toColourspace","d":"Set the output colourspace. By default output image will be web-friendly sRGB, with additional channels interpreted as alpha channels.","k":"tocolourspace output colourspace web friendly srgb additional channels interpreted alpha","l":"/api-colour#tocolourspace"},{"t":"toColorspace","d":"Alternative spelling of toColourspace.","k":"tocolorspace tocolourspace","l":"/api-colour#tocolorspace"},{"t":"format","d":"An Object containing nested boolean values representing the available input and output formats/methods.","k":"format object nested boolean representing available input output formats methods","l":"/api-utility#format"},{"t":"interpolators","d":"An Object containing the available interpolators and their proper values","k":"interpolators object available proper","l":"/api-utility#interpolators"},{"t":"versions","d":"An Object containing the version numbers of libvips and its dependencies.","k":"versions object version numbers libvips dependencies","l":"/api-utility#versions"},{"t":"cache","d":"Gets or, when options are provided, sets the limits of _libvips_ operation cache. Existing entries in the cache will be trimmed after any ch","k":"cache options limits libvips operation existing entries trimmed","l":"/api-utility#cache"},{"t":"concurrency","d":"Gets or, when a concurrency is provided, sets the number of threads _libvips_ should create to process each image. The default value is the","k":"concurrency number threads libvips create process","l":"/api-utility#concurrency"},{"t":"queue","d":"An EventEmitter that emits a change event when a task is either","k":"queue eventemitter emits change event task","l":"/api-utility#queue"},{"t":"counters","d":"Provides access to internal task counters.","k":"counters provides access internal task","l":"/api-utility#counters"},{"t":"simd","d":"Get and set use of SIMD vector unit instructions. Requires libvips to have been compiled with liborc support.","k":"simd vector unit instructions requires libvips compiled liborc","l":"/api-utility#simd"}]
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