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This repository was archived by the owner on Feb 12, 2024. It is now read-only.

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base repository: ipfs/js-ipfs
Failed to load repositories. Confirm that selected base ref is valid, then try again.
base: b3ad40fc1812304bb3906f948697f7f35ffe55c2
Choose a base ref
head repository: ipfs/js-ipfs
Failed to load repositories. Confirm that selected head ref is valid, then try again.
compare: b3615b769beb38f81cd64c6f61b2542f3c952c64
Choose a head ref
Showing with 5,098 additions and 1,752 deletions.
  1. +38 −1 .aegir.js
  2. +0 −6 .travis.yml
  3. +701 −0
  4. +191 −136
  5. +12 −2
  6. +28 −0 appveyor.yml
  7. +8 −0 circle.yml
  8. +1 −1 examples/
  9. +1 −0 examples/browser-browserify/package.json
  10. +6 −19 examples/browser-browserify/src/index.js
  11. +16 −40 examples/browser-script-tag/index.html
  12. +3 −0 examples/browser-video-streaming/
  13. +12 −24 examples/browser-video-streaming/streaming.js
  14. +3 −1 examples/browser-webpack/package.json
  15. +9 −23 examples/browser-webpack/src/components/app.js
  16. +1 −1 examples/exchange-files-in-browser/
  17. +7 −0 examples/exchange-files-in-browser/package.json
  18. +3 −2 examples/exchange-files-in-browser/public/index.html
  19. +61 −65 examples/exchange-files-in-browser/public/js/app.js
  20. +1 −1 examples/explore-ethereum-blockchain/
  21. +6 −7 examples/ipfs-101/1.js
  22. +7 −8 examples/ipfs-101/
  23. +15 −0 examples/ipfs-101/package.json
  24. +2 −0 examples/traverse-ipld-graphs/
  25. +1 −1 examples/traverse-ipld-graphs/get-path-accross-formats.js
  26. BIN examples/traverse-ipld-graphs/git-objects/0f328c91df28c5c01b9e9f9f7e663191fa156593
  27. BIN examples/traverse-ipld-graphs/git-objects/177bf18bc707d82b21cdefd0b43b38fc8c5c13fe
  28. BIN examples/traverse-ipld-graphs/git-objects/23cc25f631cb076d5de5036c87678ea713cbaa6a
  29. BIN examples/traverse-ipld-graphs/git-objects/4e425dba7745a781f0712c9a01455899e8c0c249
  30. BIN examples/traverse-ipld-graphs/git-objects/6850c7be7136e6be00976ddbae80671b945c3e9d
  31. BIN examples/traverse-ipld-graphs/git-objects/a5095353cd62a178663dd26efc2d61f4f61bccbe
  32. BIN examples/traverse-ipld-graphs/git-objects/dc9bd15e8b81b6565d3736f9c308bd1bba60f33a
  33. BIN examples/traverse-ipld-graphs/git-objects/e68e6f6e31857877a79fd6b3956898436bb5a76f
  34. BIN examples/traverse-ipld-graphs/git-objects/ee62b3d206cb23f939208898f32d8708c0e3fa3c
  35. BIN examples/traverse-ipld-graphs/git-objects/ee71cef5001b84b0314438f76cf0acd338a2fd21
  36. +73 −0 examples/traverse-ipld-graphs/git.js
  37. +1 −1 examples/traverse-ipld-graphs/tree.js
  38. +0 −64 gulpfile.js
  39. +99 −67 package.json
  40. +23 −15 src/cli/bin.js
  41. +1 −1 src/cli/commands/bitswap/stat.js
  42. +1 −1 src/cli/commands/config/edit.js
  43. +8 −4 src/cli/commands/daemon.js
  44. +15 −0 src/cli/commands/file.js
  45. +27 −0 src/cli/commands/file/ls.js
  46. +102 −29 src/cli/commands/files/add.js
  47. +5 −5 src/cli/commands/files/cat.js
  48. +12 −14 src/cli/commands/files/get.js
  49. +56 −0 src/cli/commands/ls.js
  50. +1 −1 src/cli/commands/pubsub/pub.js
  51. +33 −8 src/cli/utils.js
  52. +3 −3 src/core/boot.js
  53. +3 −3 src/core/components/bitswap.js
  54. +11 −8 src/core/components/block.js
  55. +203 −115 src/core/components/files.js
  56. +6 −5 src/core/components/id.js
  57. +11 −21 src/core/components/init-assets.js
  58. +1 −1 src/core/components/init.js
  59. +10 −2 src/core/components/libp2p.js
  60. +24 −0 src/core/components/no-floodsub.js
  61. +3 −3 src/core/components/object.js
  62. +9 −8 src/core/components/pre-start.js
  63. +22 −28 src/core/components/pubsub.js
  64. +5 −6 src/core/components/start.js
  65. +4 −9 src/core/components/stop.js
  66. +22 −17 src/core/components/swarm.js
  67. +8 −2 src/core/index.js
  68. +0 −1 src/core/runtime/config-browser.json
  69. +13 −3 src/core/runtime/libp2p-browser.js
  70. +4 −2 src/core/runtime/libp2p-nodejs.js
  71. +1 −1 src/core/utils.js
  72. +0 −215 src/http-api/resources/files.js
  73. 0 src/{http-api → http/api}/resources/bitswap.js
  74. 0 src/{http-api → http/api}/resources/block.js
  75. 0 src/{http-api → http/api}/resources/bootstrap.js
  76. 0 src/{http-api → http/api}/resources/config.js
  77. +111 −0 src/http/api/resources/file.js
  78. +306 −0 src/http/api/resources/files.js
  79. 0 src/{http-api → http/api}/resources/id.js
  80. +1 −0 src/{http-api → http/api}/resources/index.js
  81. +2 −2 src/{http-api → http/api}/resources/object.js
  82. +10 −5 src/{http-api → http/api}/resources/pubsub.js
  83. 0 src/{http-api → http/api}/resources/repo.js
  84. 0 src/{http-api → http/api}/resources/swarm.js
  85. 0 src/{http-api → http/api}/resources/version.js
  86. 0 src/{http-api → http/api}/routes/bitswap.js
  87. 0 src/{http-api → http/api}/routes/block.js
  88. 0 src/{http-api → http/api}/routes/bootstrap.js
  89. 0 src/{http-api → http/api}/routes/config.js
  90. 0 src/{http-api → http/api}/routes/debug.js
  91. +19 −0 src/http/api/routes/file.js
  92. +14 −1 src/{http-api → http/api}/routes/files.js
  93. 0 src/{http-api → http/api}/routes/id.js
  94. +2 −0 src/{http-api → http/api}/routes/index.js
  95. 0 src/{http-api → http/api}/routes/object.js
  96. 0 src/{http-api → http/api}/routes/pubsub.js
  97. 0 src/{http-api → http/api}/routes/repo.js
  98. 0 src/{http-api → http/api}/routes/swarm.js
  99. 0 src/{http-api → http/api}/routes/version.js
  100. +27 −0 src/http/api/routes/webui.js
  101. 0 src/{http-api → http}/error-handler.js
  102. +86 −0 src/http/gateway/dir-view/index.js
  103. +16 −0 src/http/gateway/dir-view/style.js
  104. +110 −0 src/http/gateway/resolver.js
  105. +141 −0 src/http/gateway/resources/gateway.js
  106. +5 −0 src/http/gateway/resources/index.js
  107. +18 −0 src/http/gateway/routes/gateway.js
  108. +5 −0 src/http/gateway/routes/index.js
  109. +45 −0 src/http/gateway/utils/path.js
  110. +11 −4 src/{http-api → http}/index.js
  111. +45 −0 test/bootstrapers.js
  112. +30 −27 test/cli/bitswap.js
  113. +21 −10 test/cli/block.js
  114. +23 −15 test/cli/bootstrap.js
  115. +3 −2 test/cli/commands.js
  116. +9 −5 test/cli/config.js
  117. +87 −0 test/cli/daemon.js
  118. +5 −3 test/cli/dag.js
  119. +33 −0 test/cli/file.js
  120. +291 −104 test/cli/files.js
  121. +2 −2 test/cli/general.js
  122. +5 −2 test/cli/id.js
  123. +24 −7 test/cli/init.js
  124. +9 −5 test/cli/object.js
  125. +15 −0 test/cli/progress-bar.js
  126. +100 −80 test/cli/pubsub.js
  127. +13 −6 test/cli/swarm.js
  128. +1 −1 test/cli/version.js
  129. +161 −168 test/core/bitswap.spec.js
  130. +2 −1 test/core/bootstrap.spec.js
  131. +145 −0 test/core/circuit-relay.spec.js
  132. +62 −24 test/core/create-node.spec.js
  133. +53 −31 test/core/files-sharding.spec.js
  134. +8 −6 test/core/init.spec.js
  135. +10 −11 test/core/kad-dht.node.js
  136. 0 ...{ → fixtures}/go-ipfs-repo/blocks/2F/
  137. 0 ...{ → fixtures}/go-ipfs-repo/blocks/5V/
  138. BIN ...{ → fixtures}/go-ipfs-repo/blocks/5X/
  139. BIN ...{ → fixtures}/go-ipfs-repo/blocks/75/
  140. 0 ...{ → fixtures}/go-ipfs-repo/blocks/7J/
  141. 0 ...{ → fixtures}/go-ipfs-repo/blocks/AE/
  142. BIN ...{ → fixtures}/go-ipfs-repo/blocks/AP/
  143. 0 ...{ → fixtures}/go-ipfs-repo/blocks/C4/
  144. BIN ...{ → fixtures}/go-ipfs-repo/blocks/CY/
  145. BIN ...{ → fixtures}/go-ipfs-repo/blocks/DU/
  146. BIN ...{ → fixtures}/go-ipfs-repo/blocks/DX/
  147. 0 ...{ → fixtures}/go-ipfs-repo/blocks/FN/
  148. 0 ...{ → fixtures}/go-ipfs-repo/blocks/GQ/
  149. BIN ...{ → fixtures}/go-ipfs-repo/blocks/HD/
  150. 0 ...{ → fixtures}/go-ipfs-repo/blocks/IL/
  151. 0 ...{ → fixtures}/go-ipfs-repo/blocks/IR/
  152. 0 ...{ → fixtures}/go-ipfs-repo/blocks/LG/
  153. 0 ...{ → fixtures}/go-ipfs-repo/blocks/M4/
  154. 0 ...{ → fixtures}/go-ipfs-repo/blocks/O6/
  155. BIN ...{ → fixtures}/go-ipfs-repo/blocks/QF/
  156. 0 ...{ → fixtures}/go-ipfs-repo/blocks/QV/
  157. 0 ...{ → fixtures}/go-ipfs-repo/blocks/R3/
  158. 0 ...{ → fixtures}/go-ipfs-repo/blocks/S5/
  159. 0 test/{ → fixtures}/go-ipfs-repo/blocks/SHARDING
  160. BIN ...{ → fixtures}/go-ipfs-repo/blocks/SW/
  161. BIN ...{ → fixtures}/go-ipfs-repo/blocks/TW/
  162. BIN ...{ → fixtures}/go-ipfs-repo/blocks/UN/
  163. 0 ...{ → fixtures}/go-ipfs-repo/blocks/UW/
  164. 0 ...{ → fixtures}/go-ipfs-repo/blocks/VO/
  165. 0 ...{ → fixtures}/go-ipfs-repo/blocks/X3/
  166. BIN ...{ → fixtures}/go-ipfs-repo/blocks/XO/
  167. 0 ...{ → fixtures}/go-ipfs-repo/blocks/YD/
  168. BIN ...{ → fixtures}/go-ipfs-repo/blocks/ZF/
  169. 0 test/{ → fixtures}/go-ipfs-repo/blocks/_README
  170. 0 test/{ → fixtures}/go-ipfs-repo/config
  171. BIN test/{ → fixtures}/go-ipfs-repo/datastore/000002.ldb
  172. BIN test/{ → fixtures}/go-ipfs-repo/datastore/000005.ldb
  173. BIN test/{ → fixtures}/go-ipfs-repo/datastore/000010.ldb
  174. 0 test/{ → fixtures}/go-ipfs-repo/datastore/CURRENT
  175. 0 test/{ → fixtures}/go-ipfs-repo/datastore/LOCK
  176. 0 test/{ → fixtures}/go-ipfs-repo/datastore/LOG
  177. 0 test/{ → fixtures}/go-ipfs-repo/datastore/LOG.old
  178. BIN test/{ → fixtures}/go-ipfs-repo/datastore/MANIFEST-000014
  179. +1 −0 test/fixtures/go-ipfs-repo/version
  180. 0 test/{ → fixtures}/test-data/badconfig
  181. 0 test/{ → fixtures}/test-data/badnode.json
  182. BIN test/{ → fixtures}/test-data/eth-block
  183. 0 test/{ → fixtures}/test-data/hello
  184. 0 test/{ → fixtures}/test-data/no-newline
  185. 0 test/{ → fixtures}/test-data/node.json
  186. 0 test/{ → fixtures}/test-data/otherconfig
  187. 0 ...-data/recursive-get-dir/blocks/CIQBE/
  188. BIN ...-data/recursive-get-dir/blocks/CIQDD/
  189. 0 ...-data/recursive-get-dir/blocks/CIQDD/
  190. BIN ...-data/recursive-get-dir/blocks/CIQDM/
  191. 0 ...-data/recursive-get-dir/blocks/CIQDV/
  192. 0 ...-data/recursive-get-dir/blocks/CIQEN/
  193. 0 ...-data/recursive-get-dir/blocks/CIQER/
  194. 0 ...-data/recursive-get-dir/blocks/CIQEU/
  195. BIN ...-data/recursive-get-dir/blocks/CIQFE/
  196. 0 ...-data/recursive-get-dir/blocks/CIQFF/
  197. 0 ...-data/recursive-get-dir/blocks/CIQFT/
  198. 0 ...-data/recursive-get-dir/blocks/CIQGF/
  199. BIN ...-data/recursive-get-dir/blocks/CIQGP/
  200. 0 ...-data/recursive-get-dir/blocks/CIQH7/
  201. BIN ...-data/recursive-get-dir/blocks/CIQHA/
  202. 0 ...-data/recursive-get-dir/blocks/CIQHB/
  203. BIN ...-data/recursive-get-dir/blocks/CIQHP/
  204. 0 ...-data/recursive-get-dir/blocks/CIQIX/
  205. BIN ...-data/recursive-get-dir/blocks/CIQJ2/
  206. 0 ...-data/recursive-get-dir/blocks/CIQJB/
  207. 0 ...-data/recursive-get-dir/blocks/CIQJF/
  208. BIN ...-data/recursive-get-dir/blocks/CIQJG/
  209. 0 ...-data/recursive-get-dir/blocks/CIQKK/
  210. BIN ...-data/recursive-get-dir/blocks/CIQLB/
  211. BIN ...-data/recursive-get-dir/blocks/CIQLB/
  212. BIN ...-data/recursive-get-dir/blocks/CIQMB/
  213. 0 ...-data/recursive-get-dir/blocks/CIQOH/
  214. 0 ...-data/recursive-get-dir/blocks/CIQOL/
  215. BIN ...-data/recursive-get-dir/blocks/CIQOM/
  216. 0 ...-data/recursive-get-dir/blocks/CIQON/
  217. 0 ...-data/recursive-get-dir/blocks/CIQOY/
  218. BIN ...-data/recursive-get-dir/blocks/CIQPD/
  219. 0 test/{ → fixtures}/test-data/recursive-get-dir/config
  220. BIN test/{ → fixtures}/test-data/recursive-get-dir/datastore/000002.ldb
  221. BIN test/{ → fixtures}/test-data/recursive-get-dir/datastore/000005.ldb
  222. BIN test/{ → fixtures}/test-data/recursive-get-dir/datastore/000010.ldb
  223. 0 test/{ → fixtures}/test-data/recursive-get-dir/datastore/CURRENT
  224. 0 test/{ → fixtures}/test-data/recursive-get-dir/datastore/LOCK
  225. 0 test/{ → fixtures}/test-data/recursive-get-dir/datastore/LOG
  226. 0 test/{ → fixtures}/test-data/recursive-get-dir/datastore/LOG.old
  227. BIN test/{ → fixtures}/test-data/recursive-get-dir/datastore/MANIFEST-000014
  228. 0 test/{ → fixtures}/test-data/recursive-get-dir/init-docs/about
  229. 0 test/{ → fixtures}/test-data/recursive-get-dir/init-docs/contact
  230. 0 test/{ → fixtures}/test-data/recursive-get-dir/init-docs/docs/index
  231. 0 test/{ → fixtures}/test-data/recursive-get-dir/init-docs/help
  232. 0 test/{ → fixtures}/test-data/recursive-get-dir/init-docs/quick-start
  233. 0 test/{ → fixtures}/test-data/recursive-get-dir/init-docs/readme
  234. 0 test/{ → fixtures}/test-data/recursive-get-dir/init-docs/security-notes
  235. 0 test/{ → fixtures}/test-data/recursive-get-dir/init-docs/tour/0.0-intro
  236. 0 test/{ → fixtures}/test-data/recursive-get-dir/version
  237. +251 −0 test/gateway/index.js
  238. BIN test/gateway/test-folder/cat-folder/cat.jpg
  239. +10 −0 test/gateway/test-folder/index.html
  240. +1 −0 test/gateway/test-folder/nested-folder/hello.txt
  241. +1 −0 test/gateway/test-folder/nested-folder/ipfs.txt
  242. +10 −0 test/gateway/test-folder/nested-folder/nested.html
  243. +0 −1 test/go-ipfs-repo/version
  244. +1 −1 test/http-api/{over-ipfs-api → extra}/block.js
  245. +3 −1 test/http-api/{over-ipfs-api → extra}/bootstrap.js
  246. +3 −3 test/http-api/{over-ipfs-api → extra}/config.js
  247. +3 −1 test/http-api/{over-ipfs-api → extra}/id.js
  248. +8 −8 test/http-api/{over-ipfs-api → extra}/object.js
  249. 0 test/http-api/{over-ipfs-api → extra}/version.js
  250. +16 −15 test/http-api/index.js
  251. +0 −3 test/http-api/interface/pubsub.js
  252. +1 −1 test/http-api/spec/block.js
  253. +0 −2 test/http-api/spec/bootstrap.js
  254. +4 −4 test/http-api/spec/config.js
  255. +1 −1 test/http-api/spec/files.js
  256. +3 −1 test/http-api/spec/id.js
  257. +8 −8 test/http-api/spec/object.js
  258. +4 −22 test/http-api/spec/pubsub.js
  259. +10 −0 test/interop/browser.js
  260. +167 −0 test/interop/circuit-relay.js
  261. +13 −16 test/interop/exchange-files.js
  262. +2 −2 test/interop/kad-dht.js
  263. +5 −5 test/interop/node.js
  264. +346 −0 test/interop/pubsub.js
  265. +7 −10 test/interop/repo.js
  266. +4 −34 test/node.js
  267. +124 −0 test/utils/another-daemon-spawner.js
  268. +2 −1 test/utils/create-repo-browser.js
  269. +4 −2 test/utils/create-repo-nodejs.js
  270. +5 −2 test/{interop/daemons → utils/interop-daemon-spawner}/go.js
  271. +7 −4 test/{interop/daemons → utils/interop-daemon-spawner}/js.js
  272. +1 −1 test/{interop → utils/interop-daemon-spawner}/util.js
  273. +1 −2 test/utils/ipfs-exec.js
  274. +0 −30 test/utils/ipfs-factory-daemon/default-config.json
  275. +9 −13 test/utils/ipfs-factory-daemon/index.js
  276. +0 −14 test/utils/ipfs-factory-instance/default-config.json
  277. +11 −16 test/utils/ipfs-factory-instance/index.js
  278. +12 −5 test/utils/on-and-off.js
39 changes: 38 additions & 1 deletion .aegir.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,12 +1,49 @@
'use strict'

const parallel = require('async/parallel')
const ads = require('./test/utils/another-daemon-spawner')
const js = ads.spawnJsNode
const go = ads.spawnGoNode
const stop = ads.stopNodes

* spawns a daemon with ports numbers starting in 10 and ending in `num`
function start (done) {
const base = '/ip4/'
if (!process.env.IPFS_TEST) {
(cb) => js([`${base}/10007`, `${base}/20007/ws`], true, 31007, 32007, cb),
(cb) => js([`${base}/10008`, `${base}/20008/ws`], true, 31008, 32008, cb),
(cb) => js([`${base}/10012`, `${base}/20012/ws`], true, 31012, 32012, cb),
(cb) => js([`${base}/10013`, `${base}/20013/ws`], true, 31013, 32013, cb),
(cb) => js([`${base}/10014`, `${base}/20014/ws`], true, 31014, 32014, cb),
(cb) => js([`${base}/10015`, `${base}/20015/ws`], true, 31015, 32015, cb)
], done)
} else if (process.env.IPFS_TEST === 'interop') {
(cb) => go([`${base}/10027`, `${base}/20027/ws`], true, 33027, 44027, cb),
(cb) => go([`${base}/10028`, `${base}/20028/ws`], true, 33028, 44028, cb),
(cb) => go([`${base}/10031`, `${base}/20031/ws`], true, 33031, 44031, cb),
(cb) => go([`${base}/10032`, `${base}/20032/ws`], true, 33032, 44032, cb)
], done)
} else if (process.env.IPFS_TEST === 'bootstrapers') {

module.exports = {
karma: {
files: [{
pattern: 'node_modules/interface-ipfs-core/test/fixtures/**/*',
watched: false,
served: true,
included: false
included: false,
singleRun: false
hooks: {
pre: start,
post: stop
6 changes: 0 additions & 6 deletions .travis.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -7,22 +7,16 @@ matrix:
env: CXX=g++-4.8
- node_js: 8
env: CXX=g++-4.8
# - node_js: stable
# env: CXX=g++-4.8

- npm run lint
- npm run test
- npm run coverage
- make test

- export DISPLAY=:99.0
- sh -e /etc/init.d/xvfb start

- npm run coverage-publish

firefox: 'latest'