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base repository: expressjs/express
Failed to load repositories. Confirm that selected base ref is valid, then try again.
base: ea3d60565242c47be97088ead2708d7b88390858
Choose a base ref
head repository: expressjs/express
Failed to load repositories. Confirm that selected head ref is valid, then try again.
compare: b28db2c12c3bd9cd763316824446f79bf81e0686
Choose a head ref
Showing with 8,623 additions and 1,246 deletions.
  1. +0 −8 .eslintrc
  2. +8 −0 .eslintrc.yml
  3. +218 −0 .github/workflows/ci.yml
  4. +5 −16 .gitignore
  5. +0 −33 .travis.yml
  6. +92 −0
  7. +139 −0
  8. +2 −1
  9. +104 −13
  10. +318 −14
  11. +64 −39
  12. +6 −0
  13. +5 −2
  14. +63 −0
  15. +95 −9 appveyor.yml
  16. +12 −8 benchmarks/Makefile
  17. +34 −0 benchmarks/
  18. +2 −4 benchmarks/middleware.js
  19. +5 −3 benchmarks/run
  20. +29 −0 examples/
  21. +8 −6 examples/auth/index.js
  22. +2 −0 examples/auth/views/head.ejs
  23. +6 −7 examples/auth/views/login.ejs
  24. +2 −0 examples/content-negotiation/db.js
  25. +2 −0 examples/content-negotiation/index.js
  26. +1 −0 examples/content-negotiation/users.js
  27. +4 −5 examples/cookie-sessions/index.js
  28. +4 −3 examples/cookies/index.js
  29. +3 −0 examples/downloads/files/notes/groceries.txt
  30. +14 −9 examples/downloads/index.js
  31. +2 −0 examples/ejs/index.js
  32. +1 −1 examples/ejs/public/stylesheets/style.css
  33. +1 −0 examples/ejs/views/header.html
  34. +2 −2 examples/ejs/views/users.html
  35. +4 −2 examples/error-pages/index.js
  36. +2 −2 examples/error-pages/views/404.ejs
  37. +2 −2 examples/error-pages/views/500.ejs
  38. +2 −0 examples/error-pages/views/error_header.ejs
  39. +2 −0 examples/error-pages/views/index.ejs
  40. +4 −2 examples/error/index.js
  41. +3 −1 examples/hello-world/index.js
  42. +3 −1 examples/markdown/index.js
  43. +2 −0 examples/multi-router/controllers/api_v1.js
  44. +2 −0 examples/multi-router/controllers/api_v2.js
  45. +3 −1 examples/multi-router/index.js
  46. +0 −60 examples/multipart/index.js
  47. +2 −0 examples/mvc/controllers/main/index.js
  48. +2 −0 examples/mvc/controllers/pet/index.js
  49. +2 −0 examples/mvc/controllers/pet/views/edit.ejs
  50. +2 −0 examples/mvc/controllers/pet/views/show.ejs
  51. +2 −0 examples/mvc/controllers/user-pet/index.js
  52. +2 −0 examples/mvc/controllers/user/index.js
  53. +2 −0 examples/mvc/controllers/user/views/edit.hbs
  54. +2 −0 examples/mvc/controllers/user/views/list.hbs
  55. +2 −0 examples/mvc/controllers/user/views/show.hbs
  56. +2 −0 examples/mvc/db.js
  57. +3 −2 examples/mvc/index.js
  58. +2 −0 examples/mvc/lib/boot.js
  59. +1 −1 examples/mvc/public/style.css
  60. +1 −0 examples/mvc/views/404.ejs
  61. +1 −0 examples/mvc/views/5xx.ejs
  62. +1 −0 examples/online/index.js
  63. +6 −11 examples/params/index.js
  64. +3 −1 examples/resource/index.js
  65. +7 −4 examples/route-map/index.js
  66. +5 −3 examples/route-middleware/index.js
  67. +3 −2 examples/route-separation/index.js
  68. +2 −0 examples/route-separation/post.js
  69. +2 −0 examples/route-separation/site.js
  70. +2 −0 examples/route-separation/user.js
  71. +1 −0 examples/route-separation/views/header.ejs
  72. +2 −2 examples/route-separation/views/index.ejs
  73. +2 −2 examples/route-separation/views/posts/index.ejs
  74. +3 −3 examples/route-separation/views/users/edit.ejs
  75. +2 −2 examples/route-separation/views/users/index.ejs
  76. +2 −2 examples/route-separation/views/users/view.ejs
  77. +1 −0 examples/search/index.js
  78. +3 −1 examples/search/public/client.js
  79. +3 −2 examples/search/public/index.html
  80. +1 −0 examples/session/index.js
  81. +2 −0 examples/session/redis.js
  82. +2 −0 examples/static-files/index.js
  83. +1 −1 examples/static-files/public/js/app.js
  84. +2 −0 examples/vhost/index.js
  85. +2 −0 examples/view-constructor/github-view.js
  86. +2 −0 examples/view-constructor/index.js
  87. +5 −3 examples/view-locals/index.js
  88. +2 −0 examples/view-locals/user.js
  89. +1 −0 examples/view-locals/views/index.ejs
  90. +14 −9 examples/web-service/index.js
  91. +21 −4 lib/application.js
  92. +10 −5 lib/express.js
  93. +11 −3 lib/request.js
  94. +154 −52 lib/response.js
  95. +29 −18 lib/router/index.js
  96. +24 −10 lib/router/route.js
  97. +29 −24 lib/utils.js
  98. +10 −2 lib/view.js
  99. +40 −39 package.json
  100. +52 −20 test/Route.js
  101. +112 −23 test/Router.js
  102. +16 −1 test/acceptance/auth.js
  103. +1 −1 test/acceptance/cookie-sessions.js
  104. +17 −0 test/acceptance/downloads.js
  105. +1 −4 test/acceptance/error-pages.js
  106. +21 −0 test/acceptance/hello-world.js
  107. +1 −1 test/acceptance/multi-router.js
  108. +5 −5 test/acceptance/web-service.js
  109. +8 −5 test/app.all.js
  110. +1 −0 test/app.del.js
  111. +8 −6 test/app.engine.js
  112. +8 −10 test/app.head.js
  113. +40 −18 test/app.js
  114. +3 −7 test/app.listen.js
  115. +16 −17 test/app.locals.js
  116. +1 −0 test/app.options.js
  117. +20 −21 test/app.param.js
  118. +28 −27 test/app.render.js
  119. +120 −0 test/app.request.js
  120. +114 −15 test/app.response.js
  121. +2 −0 test/app.route.js
  122. +73 −50 test/app.router.js
  123. +9 −6 test/app.routes.error.js
  124. +33 −18 test/app.use.js
  125. +45 −0 test/config.js
  126. +37 −11 test/exports.js
  127. +790 −0 test/express.json.js
  128. +555 −0 test/express.raw.js
  129. +814 −0 test/express.static.js
  130. +605 −0 test/express.text.js
  131. +866 −0 test/express.urlencoded.js
  132. 0 test/fixtures/broken.send
  133. 0 test/fixtures/empty.txt
  134. +1 −0 test/fixtures/nums.txt
  135. +1 −0 test/fixtures/pets/names.txt
  136. 0 test/fixtures/snow ☃/.gitkeep
  137. +1 −0 test/fixtures/todo.html
  138. +1 −0 test/fixtures/todo.txt
  139. +1 −0 test/fixtures/users/index.html
  140. +1 −0 test/fixtures/users/tobi.txt
  141. +4 −1 test/middleware.basic.js
  142. +0 −3 test/mocha.opts
  143. +1 −0 test/regression.js
  144. +1 −0 test/req.accepts.js
  145. +3 −2 test/req.acceptsCharset.js
  146. +3 −2 test/req.acceptsCharsets.js
  147. +19 −16 test/req.acceptsEncoding.js
  148. +20 −17 test/req.acceptsEncodings.js
  149. +29 −25 test/req.acceptsLanguage.js
  150. +29 −25 test/req.acceptsLanguages.js
  151. +1 −0 test/req.baseUrl.js
  152. +1 −0 test/req.fresh.js
  153. +1 −0 test/req.get.js
  154. +1 −0 test/
  155. +51 −0 test/req.hostname.js
  156. +17 −1 test/req.ip.js
  157. +1 −0 test/req.ips.js
  158. +1 −0 test/
  159. +2 −2 test/req.param.js
  160. +1 −0 test/req.path.js
  161. +1 −0 test/req.protocol.js
  162. +7 −4 test/req.query.js
  163. +1 −0 test/req.range.js
  164. +7 −4 test/req.route.js
  165. +1 −0 test/
  166. +2 −1 test/req.signedCookies.js
  167. +1 −0 test/req.stale.js
  168. +1 −0 test/req.subdomains.js
  169. +23 −55 test/req.xhr.js
  170. +42 −30 test/res.append.js
  171. +3 −1 test/res.attachment.js
  172. +1 −0 test/res.clearCookie.js
  173. +142 −23 test/res.cookie.js
  174. +395 −9 test/
  175. +41 −10 test/res.format.js
  176. +1 −0 test/res.get.js
  177. +39 −1 test/res.json.js
  178. +95 −53 test/res.jsonp.js
  179. +1 −0 test/res.links.js
  180. +5 −6 test/res.locals.js
  181. +293 −12 test/res.location.js
  182. +14 −9 test/res.redirect.js
  183. +15 −0 test/res.render.js
  184. +60 −13 test/res.send.js
  185. +820 −159 test/res.sendFile.js
  186. +1 −0 test/res.sendStatus.js
  187. +1 −0 test/res.set.js
  188. +194 −12 test/res.status.js
  189. +3 −1 test/res.type.js
  190. +1 −0 test/res.vary.js
  191. +1 −1 test/support/env.js
  192. +48 −0 test/support/utils.js
  193. +27 −20 test/utils.js
8 changes: 0 additions & 8 deletions .eslintrc

This file was deleted.

8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions .eslintrc.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
root: true

eol-last: error
eqeqeq: [error, allow-null]
indent: [error, 2, { MemberExpression: "off", SwitchCase: 1 }]
no-trailing-spaces: error
no-unused-vars: [error, { vars: all, args: none, ignoreRestSiblings: true }]
218 changes: 218 additions & 0 deletions .github/workflows/ci.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,218 @@
name: ci

- pull_request
- push

runs-on: ubuntu-latest
fail-fast: false
- Node.js 0.10
- Node.js 0.12
- io.js 1.x
- io.js 2.x
- io.js 3.x
- Node.js 4.x
- Node.js 5.x
- Node.js 6.x
- Node.js 7.x
- Node.js 8.x
- Node.js 9.x
- Node.js 10.x
- Node.js 11.x
- Node.js 12.x
- Node.js 13.x
- Node.js 14.x
- Node.js 15.x
- Node.js 16.x
- Node.js 17.x
- Node.js 18.x
- Node.js 19.x
- Node.js 20.x
- Node.js 21.x

- name: Node.js 0.10
node-version: "0.10"
npm-i: mocha@3.5.3 nyc@10.3.2 supertest@2.0.0

- name: Node.js 0.12
node-version: "0.12"
npm-i: mocha@3.5.3 nyc@10.3.2 supertest@2.0.0

- name: io.js 1.x
node-version: "1.8"
npm-i: mocha@3.5.3 nyc@10.3.2 supertest@2.0.0

- name: io.js 2.x
node-version: "2.5"
npm-i: mocha@3.5.3 nyc@10.3.2 supertest@2.0.0

- name: io.js 3.x
node-version: "3.3"
npm-i: mocha@3.5.3 nyc@10.3.2 supertest@2.0.0

- name: Node.js 4.x
node-version: "4.9"
npm-i: mocha@5.2.0 nyc@11.9.0 supertest@3.4.2

- name: Node.js 5.x
node-version: "5.12"
npm-i: mocha@5.2.0 nyc@11.9.0 supertest@3.4.2

- name: Node.js 6.x
node-version: "6.17"
npm-i: mocha@6.2.2 nyc@14.1.1 supertest@3.4.2

- name: Node.js 7.x
node-version: "7.10"
npm-i: mocha@6.2.2 nyc@14.1.1 supertest@6.1.6

- name: Node.js 8.x
node-version: "8.17"
npm-i: mocha@7.2.0 nyc@14.1.1

- name: Node.js 9.x
node-version: "9.11"
npm-i: mocha@7.2.0 nyc@14.1.1

- name: Node.js 10.x
node-version: "10.24"
npm-i: mocha@8.4.0

- name: Node.js 11.x
node-version: "11.15"
npm-i: mocha@8.4.0

- name: Node.js 12.x
node-version: "12.22"
npm-i: mocha@9.2.2

- name: Node.js 13.x
node-version: "13.14"
npm-i: mocha@9.2.2

- name: Node.js 14.x
node-version: "14.20"

- name: Node.js 15.x
node-version: "15.14"

- name: Node.js 16.x
node-version: "16.20"

- name: Node.js 17.x
node-version: "17.9"

- name: Node.js 18.x
node-version: "18.19"

- name: Node.js 19.x
node-version: "19.9"

- name: Node.js 20.x
node-version: "20.11"

- name: Node.js 21.x
node-version: "21.6"

- uses: actions/checkout@v4

- name: Install Node.js ${{ matrix.node-version }}
shell: bash -eo pipefail -l {0}
run: |
nvm install --default ${{ matrix.node-version }}
dirname "$(nvm which ${{ matrix.node-version }})" >> "$GITHUB_PATH"
- name: Configure npm
run: |
npm config set loglevel error
if [[ "$(npm config get package-lock)" == "true" ]]; then
npm config set package-lock false
npm config set shrinkwrap false
- name: Install npm module(s) ${{ matrix.npm-i }}
run: npm install --save-dev ${{ matrix.npm-i }}
if: matrix.npm-i != ''

- name: Remove non-test dependencies
run: npm rm --silent --save-dev connect-redis

- name: Setup Node.js version-specific dependencies
shell: bash
run: |
# eslint for linting
# - remove on Node.js < 12
if [[ "$(cut -d. -f1 <<< "${{ matrix.node-version }}")" -lt 12 ]]; then
node -pe 'Object.keys(require("./package").devDependencies).join("\n")' | \
grep -E '^eslint(-|$)' | \
sort -r | \
xargs -n1 npm rm --silent --save-dev
- name: Install Node.js dependencies
run: npm install

- name: List environment
id: list_env
shell: bash
run: |
echo "node@$(node -v)"
echo "npm@$(npm -v)"
npm -s ls ||:
(npm -s ls --depth=0 ||:) | awk -F'[ @]' 'NR>1 && $2 { print $2 "=" $3 }' >> "$GITHUB_OUTPUT"
- name: Run tests
shell: bash
run: |
npm run test-ci
cp coverage/ "coverage/${{ }}.lcov"
- name: Lint code
if: steps.list_env.outputs.eslint != ''
run: npm run lint

- name: Collect code coverage
run: |
mv ./coverage "./${{ }}"
mkdir ./coverage
mv "./${{ }}" "./coverage/${{ }}"
- name: Upload code coverage
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
name: coverage
path: ./coverage
retention-days: 1

needs: test
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v4

- name: Install lcov
shell: bash
run: sudo apt-get -y install lcov

- name: Collect coverage reports
uses: actions/download-artifact@v3
name: coverage
path: ./coverage

- name: Merge coverage reports
shell: bash
run: find ./coverage -name -exec printf '-a %q\n' {} \; | xargs lcov -o ./coverage/

- name: Upload coverage report
uses: coverallsapp/github-action@master
github-token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
21 changes: 5 additions & 16 deletions .gitignore
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,26 +1,15 @@
# OS X

# Windows

# Linux

# npm

# Coveralls

# Benchmarking

# ignore additional files using core.excludesFile
33 changes: 0 additions & 33 deletions .travis.yml

This file was deleted.

92 changes: 92 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
# Express Charter

## Section 0: Guiding Principles

The Express project is part of the OpenJS Foundation which operates
transparently, openly, collaboratively, and ethically.
Project proposals, timelines, and status must not merely be open, but
also easily visible to outsiders.

## Section 1: Scope

Express is a HTTP web server framework with a simple and expressive API
which is highly aligned with Node.js core. We aim to be the best in
class for writing performant, spec compliant, and powerful web servers
in Node.js. As one of the oldest and most popular web frameworks in
the ecosystem, we have an important place for new users and experts

### 1.1: In-scope

Express is made of many modules spread between three GitHub Orgs:

- [expressjs]( Top level middleware and
- [pillarjs]( Components which make up
Express but can also be used for other web frameworks
- [jshttp]( Low level HTTP libraries

### 1.2: Out-of-Scope

Section Intentionally Left Blank

## Section 2: Relationship with OpenJS Foundation CPC.

Technical leadership for the projects within the OpenJS Foundation is
delegated to the projects through their project charters by the OpenJS
Cross Project Council (CPC). In the case of the Express project, it is
delegated to the Express Technical Committee ("TC").

This Technical Committee is in charge of both the day-to-day operations
of the project, as well as its technical management. This charter can
be amended by the TC requiring at least two approvals and a minimum two
week comment period for other TC members or CPC members to object. Any
changes the CPC wishes to propose will be considered a priority but
will follow the same process.

### 2.1 Other Formal Project Relationships

Section Intentionally Left Blank

## Section 3: Express Governing Body

The Express project is managed by the Technical Committee ("TC").
Members can be added to the TC at any time. Any committer can nominate
another committer to the TC and the TC uses its standard consensus
seeking process to evaluate whether or not to add this new member.
Members who do not participate consistently at the level of a majority
of the other members are expected to resign.

## Section 4: Roles & Responsibilities

The Express TC manages all aspects of both the technical and community
parts of the project. Members of the TC should attend the regular
meetings when possible, and be available for discussion of time
sensitive or important issues.

### Section 4.1 Project Operations & Management

Section Intentionally Left Blank

### Section 4.2: Decision-making, Voting, and/or Elections

The Express TC uses a "consensus seeking" process for issues that are
escalated to the TC. The group tries to find a resolution that has no
open objections among TC members. If a consensus cannot be reached
that has no objections then a majority wins vote is called. It is also
expected that the majority of decisions made by the TC are via a
consensus seeking process and that voting is only used as a last-resort.

Resolution may involve returning the issue to committers with
suggestions on how to move forward towards a consensus. It is not
expected that a meeting of the TC will resolve all issues on its
agenda during that meeting and may prefer to continue the discussion
happening among the committers.

### Section 4.3: Other Project Roles

Section Intentionally Left Blank

## Section 5: Definitions

Section Intentionally Left Blank