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Releases: ccxt/ccxt


01 Jul 22:28
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We are happy to announce the release of CCXT version 4!

During the last months we have been working hard on a few major improvements to the library adding important upgrades, including:

  • the merge of CCXT Pro Websocket APIs with the master repository of CCXT
  • the ESM and TypeScript migration for type-safety and portability
  • AST-based transpilation to support popular programming languages like C#
  • unification of perpetual swaps and futures markets among the leading exchanges like Binance and BitMEX
  • adding Bybit v3 and v5 APIs support
  • cryptocom v1 upgrades
  • per-exchange class method specifications:
  • unified proxy support
  • and many many more fixes and unifications

We highly recommend downloading and installing the most recent release of CCXT version 4.0.3+ in order to get a much smoother experience for your trading operations.