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base repository: axios/axios
Failed to load repositories. Confirm that selected base ref is valid, then try again.
base: 94ca24b5b23f343769a15f325693246e07c177d2
Choose a base ref
head repository: axios/axios
Failed to load repositories. Confirm that selected head ref is valid, then try again.
compare: f7adacdbaa569281253c8cfc623ad3f4dc909c60
Choose a head ref
Showing with 71,185 additions and 5,616 deletions.
  1. +15 −0 .eslintrc.cjs
  2. +0 −148 .eslintrc.js
  3. +2 −0 .github/FUNDING.yml
  4. +0 −46 .github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/
  5. +0 −26 .github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/
  6. +0 −33 .github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/
  7. +0 −46 .github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/
  8. +102 −0 .github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/BUG_REPORT.yml
  9. +30 −0 .github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/DOCUMENTATION.yml
  10. +46 −0 .github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/FEATURE_REQUEST.yml
  11. +92 −0 .github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/SUPPORT_QUESTION.yml
  12. +1 −0 .github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/config.yml
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  14. +30 −0 .github/workflows/ci.yml
  15. +0 −17 .github/workflows/close-issues.yml
  16. +39 −0 .github/workflows/codeql-analysis.yml
  17. +16 −0 .github/workflows/depsreview.yaml
  18. +84 −0 .github/workflows/pr.yml
  19. +55 −0 .github/workflows/publish.yml
  20. +57 −0 .github/workflows/release.yml
  21. +4 −1 .github/workflows/stale.yml
  22. +5 −2 .gitignore
  23. +11 −18 .npmignore
  24. +0 −16 .travis.yml
  25. +693 −609
  26. +60 −50
  27. +11 −11
  28. +12 −26
  29. +0 −126
  30. +7 −2
  31. +0 −107 Gruntfile.js
  32. +4 −16 LICENSE
  33. +3 −0
  34. +898 −94
  35. +6 −0
  36. +0 −162
  37. +29 −0 bin/check-build-version.js
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  42. +75 −0 bin/pr.js
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  45. +3,011 −1,736 dist/axios.js
  46. +1 −0 dist/
  47. +0 −1 dist/
  48. +2 −3 dist/axios.min.js
  49. +1 −0 dist/
  50. +0 −1 dist/
  51. +3,237 −0 dist/browser/axios.cjs
  52. +1 −0 dist/browser/
  53. +3,260 −0 dist/esm/axios.js
  54. +1 −0 dist/esm/
  55. +2 −0 dist/esm/axios.min.js
  56. +1 −0 dist/esm/
  57. +4,279 −0 dist/node/axios.cjs
  58. +1 −0 dist/node/
  59. +1 −5 examples/
  60. +1 −1 examples/amd/index.html
  61. +1 −1 examples/get/index.html
  62. +2 −2 examples/get/server.js
  63. +3 −3 examples/post/server.js
  64. +131 −0 examples/postMultipartFormData/index.html
  65. +13 −0 examples/postMultipartFormData/server.js
  66. +23 −18 examples/server.js
  67. +2 −2 examples/upload/server.js
  68. +93 −0 gulpfile.js
  69. +541 −0 index.d.cts
  70. +462 −64 index.d.ts
  71. +43 −1 index.js
  72. +53 −49 karma.conf.js → karma.conf.cjs
  73. +77 −0 lib/adapters/adapters.js
  74. +566 −172 lib/adapters/http.js
  75. +155 −76 lib/adapters/xhr.js
  76. +59 −23 lib/axios.js
  77. +0 −19 lib/cancel/Cancel.js
  78. +104 −40 lib/cancel/CancelToken.js
  79. +25 −0 lib/cancel/CanceledError.js
  80. +2 −2 lib/cancel/isCancel.js
  81. +168 −62 lib/core/Axios.js
  82. +100 −0 lib/core/AxiosError.js
  83. +298 −0 lib/core/AxiosHeaders.js
  84. +62 −43 lib/core/InterceptorManager.js
  85. +1 −0 lib/core/
  86. +5 −4 lib/core/buildFullPath.js
  87. +0 −18 lib/core/createError.js
  88. +36 −34 lib/core/dispatchRequest.js
  89. +0 −42 lib/core/enhanceError.js
  90. +68 −50 lib/core/mergeConfig.js
  91. +8 −6 lib/core/settle.js
  92. +15 −7 lib/core/transformData.js
  93. +0 −98 lib/defaults.js
  94. +159 −0 lib/defaults/index.js
  95. +7 −0 lib/defaults/transitional.js
  96. +3 −0 lib/env/
  97. +2 −0 lib/env/classes/FormData.js
  98. +1 −0 lib/env/data.js
  99. +191 −0 lib/helpers/AxiosTransformStream.js
  100. +58 −0 lib/helpers/AxiosURLSearchParams.js
  101. +71 −0 lib/helpers/HttpStatusCode.js
  102. +28 −0 lib/helpers/ZlibHeaderTransformStream.js
  103. +3 −7 lib/helpers/bind.js
  104. +26 −33 lib/helpers/buildURL.js
  105. +16 −0 lib/helpers/callbackify.js
  106. +3 −2 lib/helpers/combineURLs.js
  107. +43 −44 lib/helpers/cookies.js
  108. +4 −2 lib/helpers/deprecatedMethod.js
  109. +92 −0 lib/helpers/formDataToJSON.js
  110. +111 −0 lib/helpers/formDataToStream.js
  111. +53 −0 lib/helpers/fromDataURI.js
  112. +4 −3 lib/helpers/isAbsoluteURL.js
  113. +14 −0 lib/helpers/isAxiosError.js
  114. +44 −45 lib/helpers/isURLSameOrigin.js
  115. +0 −12 lib/helpers/normalizeHeaderName.js
  116. +2 −0 lib/helpers/null.js
  117. +24 −22 lib/helpers/parseHeaders.js
  118. +6 −0 lib/helpers/parseProtocol.js
  119. +15 −0 lib/helpers/readBlob.js
  120. +55 −0 lib/helpers/speedometer.js
  121. +3 −2 lib/helpers/spread.js
  122. +33 −0 lib/helpers/throttle.js
  123. +219 −0 lib/helpers/toFormData.js
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  134. +519 −147 lib/utils.js
  135. +42,969 −0 package-lock.json
  136. +172 −41 package.json
  137. +117 −0 rollup.config.js
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  140. +13 −13 sandbox/server.js
  141. +13 −0 templates/contributors.hbs
  142. +10 −0 templates/pr.hbs
  143. +13 −0 templates/prs.hbs
  144. +24 −0 test/manual/progress.html
  145. +11 −0 test/module/cjs/index.js
  146. +15 −0 test/module/cjs/package.json
  147. +16 −0 test/module/esm/index.js
  148. +16 −0 test/module/esm/package.json
  149. +186 −0 test/module/test.js
  150. +23 −0 test/module/ts-require-default/index.js
  151. +25 −0 test/module/ts-require-default/index.ts
  152. +20 −0 test/module/ts-require-default/package.json
  153. +103 −0 test/module/ts-require-default/tsconfig.json
  154. +23 −0 test/module/ts-require/index.js
  155. +25 −0 test/module/ts-require/index.ts
  156. +20 −0 test/module/ts-require/package.json
  157. +103 −0 test/module/ts-require/tsconfig.json
  158. +49 −0 test/module/ts/index.js
  159. +24 −0 test/module/ts/index.ts
  160. +20 −0 test/module/ts/package.json
  161. +103 −0 test/module/ts/tsconfig.json
  162. +509 −0 test/module/typings/cjs/index.ts
  163. +20 −0 test/module/typings/cjs/package.json
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  165. +671 −0 test/module/typings/esm/index.ts
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  168. +28 −110 test/specs/__helpers.js
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  171. +75 −1 test/specs/basicAuth.spec.js
  172. +57 −28 test/specs/cancel.spec.js
  173. +0 −15 test/specs/cancel/Cancel.spec.js
  174. +18 −18 test/specs/cancel/CancelToken.spec.js
  175. +15 −0 test/specs/cancel/CanceledError.spec.js
  176. +5 −5 test/specs/cancel/isCancel.spec.js
  177. +51 −0 test/specs/core/AxiosError.spec.js
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  182. +11 −11 test/specs/core/settle.spec.js
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  184. +38 −12 test/specs/defaults.spec.js
  185. +14 −0 test/specs/formdata.spec.js
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  196. +7 −7 test/specs/helpers/parseHeaders.spec.js
  197. +3 −3 test/specs/helpers/spread.spec.js
  198. +126 −0 test/specs/helpers/toFormData.spec.js
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  203. +11 −11 test/specs/progress.spec.js
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  206. +111 −5 test/specs/transform.spec.js
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  211. +10 −0 test/specs/utils/kindOf.js
  212. +12 −0 test/specs/utils/kindOfTest.js
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  214. +12 −0 test/specs/utils/toArray.js
  215. +12 −0 test/specs/utils/toFlatObject.js
  216. +3 −3 test/specs/utils/trim.spec.js
  217. +3 −3 test/specs/xsrf.spec.js
  218. +0 −360 test/typescript/axios.ts
  219. +48 −0 test/unit/adapters/adapters.js
  220. BIN test/unit/adapters/axios.png
  221. +17 −0 test/unit/adapters/cert.pem
  222. +1,583 −137 test/unit/adapters/http.js
  223. +27 −0 test/unit/adapters/key.pem
  224. +426 −0 test/unit/core/AxiosHeaders.js
  225. +54 −0 test/unit/defaults/transformReponse.js
  226. +12 −0 test/unit/helpers/fromDataURI.js
  227. +24 −0 test/unit/helpers/parseProtocol.js
  228. +64 −0 test/unit/regression/SNYK-JS-AXIOS-1038255.js
  229. +43 −0 test/unit/regression/bugs.js
  230. +83 −0 test/unit/utils/utils.js
  231. +9 −0 tsconfig.json
  232. +11 −0 tslint.json
  233. +7 −25 webpack.config.js
15 changes: 15 additions & 0 deletions .eslintrc.cjs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
module.exports = {
"env": {
"browser": true,
"es2018": true,
"node": true
"extends": "eslint:recommended",
"parserOptions": {
"ecmaVersion": 2018,
"sourceType": "module"
"rules": {
"no-cond-assign": 0
148 changes: 0 additions & 148 deletions .eslintrc.js

This file was deleted.

2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions .github/FUNDING.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
open_collective: axios
github: axios
46 changes: 0 additions & 46 deletions .github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/

This file was deleted.

26 changes: 0 additions & 26 deletions .github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/

This file was deleted.

33 changes: 0 additions & 33 deletions .github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/

This file was deleted.

46 changes: 0 additions & 46 deletions .github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/

This file was deleted.
