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base repository: Automattic/mongoose
Failed to load repositories. Confirm that selected base ref is valid, then try again.
base: 018074699cf04c1f32bffdfce3253b9027f6955a
Choose a base ref
head repository: Automattic/mongoose
Failed to load repositories. Confirm that selected head ref is valid, then try again.
compare: c00a715e97c6437a5ff1a503c2a50ebd0df2ba47
Choose a head ref
Showing with 4,044 additions and 1,856 deletions.
  1. +232 −0 .eslintrc.js
  2. +0 −194 .eslintrc.json
  3. +1 −0 .github/workflows/documentation.yml
  4. +2 −14 .github/workflows/test.yml
  5. +5 −0 .gitignore
  6. +133 −0
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  11. +7 −7 docs/api.pug
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  87. +156 −78 lib/document.js
  88. +24 −5 lib/drivers/node-mongodb-native/collection.js
  89. +1 −1 lib/error/objectParameter.js
  90. +2 −1 lib/helpers/discriminator/mergeDiscriminatorSchema.js
  91. +3 −1 lib/helpers/document/applyDefaults.js
  92. +11 −1 lib/helpers/document/compile.js
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  97. +8 −0 lib/helpers/projection/isNestedProjection.js
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  99. +3 −1 lib/index.js
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  114. +23 −10 package.json
  115. +17 −21 scripts/generateSearch.js
  116. +11 −2 scripts/static.js
  117. +230 −35 scripts/website.js
  118. +2 −1 test/.eslintrc.yml
  119. +1 −0 test/collection.capped.test.js
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  122. +25 −36 test/deno.js
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  144. +10 −0 test/model.findOneAndUpdate.test.js
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  146. +57 −0 test/model.populate.test.js
  147. +156 −0 test/model.test.js
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  149. +24 −0 test/query.cursor.test.js
  150. +45 −1 test/query.test.js
  151. +20 −1 test/schema.test.js
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  153. +68 −5 test/schema.validation.test.js
  154. +18 −0 test/types.documentarray.test.js
  155. +1 −0 test/
  156. +49 −2 test/types/models.test.ts
  157. +17 −0 test/types/mongo.test.ts
  158. +30 −0 test/types/populate.test.ts
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  160. +2 −2 test/virtualtype.test.js
  161. +9 −0 types/augmentations.d.ts
  162. +4 −4 types/cursor.d.ts
  163. +1 −1 types/document.d.ts
  164. +1 −0 types/index.d.ts
  165. +35 −8 types/models.d.ts
  166. +1 −1 types/types.d.ts
  167. +1 −0 types/validation.d.ts
232 changes: 232 additions & 0 deletions .eslintrc.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,232 @@
'use strict';

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