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See Snyk AppRisk in action

Learn how Snyk’s developer-first ASPM empowers AppSec teams to efficiently build, manage and scale their application security program through sophisticated application discovery and visibility, security coverage management, and risk-based prioritization - all to drive real risk reduction for your organization.


Of organizations report finding shadow apps/code/deps.


Of organizations not entirely confident that their assets are being secured.


Average number of security issues in AppSec backlogs.

A key thing that Snyk has done well is offer us a developer-centric product. Snyk is top of mind when you think about which vendors are out there, really selling to the developer persona. We have an internal idea of what it means to be excellent at application security. Snyk has been a partner that fits our vision for excellence at delivering actionable findings to developers.


Jacob Salassi

Director of Product Security, Snowflake

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