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Releases: sass/dart-sass

Dart Sass 1.75.0

11 Apr 23:11
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To install Sass 1.75.0, download one of the packages below and add it to your PATH, or see the Sass website for full installation instructions.


  • Fix a bug in which stylesheet canonicalization could be cached incorrectly when custom importers or the Node.js package importer made decisions based on the URL of the containing stylesheet.


  • Allow importer to be passed without url in StringOptionsWithImporter.

See the full changelog for changes in earlier releases.

Dart Sass 1.74.1

04 Apr 01:08
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To install Sass 1.74.1, download one of the packages below and add it to your PATH, or see the Sass website for full installation instructions.


  • No user-visible changes.

See the full changelog for changes in earlier releases.

Dart Sass 1.72.0

13 Mar 21:08
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To install Sass 1.72.0, download one of the packages below and add it to your PATH, or see the Sass website for full installation instructions.


  • Support adjacent /s without whitespace in between when parsing plain CSS expressions.

  • Allow the Node.js pkg: importer to load Sass stylesheets for package.json exports field entries without extensions.

  • When printing suggestions for variables, use underscores in variable names when the original usage used underscores.

JavaScript API

  • Properly resolve pkg: imports with the Node.js package importer when arguments are passed to the JavaScript process.

See the full changelog for changes in earlier releases.

Dart Sass 1.71.1

21 Feb 01:59
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To install Sass 1.71.1, download one of the packages below and add it to your PATH, or see the Sass website for full installation instructions.


Command-Line Interface

  • Ship the musl Linux release with the proper Dart executable.

JavaScript API

  • Export the NodePackageImporter class in ESM mode.

  • Allow NodePackageImporter to locate a default directory even when the entrypoint is an ESM module.

Dart API

  • Make passing a null argument to NodePackageImporter() a static error rather than just a runtime error.

Embedded Sass

  • In the JS Embedded Host, properly install the musl Linux embedded compiler when running on musl Linux.

See the full changelog for changes in earlier releases.

Dart Sass 1.71.0

16 Feb 01:52
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To install Sass 1.71.0, download one of the packages below and add it to your PATH, or see the Sass website for full installation instructions.


For more information about pkg: importers, see the announcement on the Sass blog.

Command-Line Interface

  • Add a --pkg-importer flag to enable built-in pkg: importers. Currently this only supports the Node.js package resolution algorithm, via --pkg-importer=node. For example, @use "pkg:bootstrap" will load node_modules/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss.

JavaScript API

  • Add a NodePackageImporter importer that can be passed to the importers option. This loads files using the pkg: URL scheme according to the Node.js package resolution algorithm. For example, @use "pkg:bootstrap" will load node_modules/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss. The constructor takes a single optional argument, which indicates the base directory to use when locating node_modules directories. It defaults to path.dirname(require.main.filename).

Dart API

  • Add a NodePackageImporter importer that can be passed to the importers option. This loads files using the pkg: URL scheme according to the Node.js package resolution algorithm. For example, @use "pkg:bootstrap" will load node_modules/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss. The constructor takes a single argument, which indicates the base directory to use when locating node_modules directories.

See the full changelog for changes in earlier releases.

Dart Sass 1.70.0

18 Jan 03:10
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To install Sass 1.70.0, download one of the packages below and add it to your PATH, or see the Sass website for full installation instructions.


JavaScript API

  • Add a sass.initCompiler() function that returns a sass.Compiler object which supports compile() and compileString() methods with the same API as the global Sass object. On the Node.js embedded host, each sass.Compiler object uses a single long-lived subprocess, making compiling multiple stylesheets much more efficient.

  • Add a sass.initAsyncCompiler() function that returns a sass.AsyncCompiler object which supports compileAsync() and compileStringAsync() methods with the same API as the global Sass object. On the Node.js embedded host, each sass.AsynCompiler object uses a single long-lived subprocess, making compiling multiple stylesheets much more efficient.

Embedded Sass

  • Support the CompileRequest.silent field. This allows compilations with no logging to avoid unnecessary request/response cycles.

  • The Dart Sass embedded compiler now reports its name as "dart-sass" rather than "Dart Sass", to match the JS API's info field.

See the full changelog for changes in earlier releases.

Dart Sass 1.69.7

02 Jan 22:18
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To install Sass 1.69.7, download one of the packages below and add it to your PATH, or see the Sass website for full installation instructions.


Embedded Sass

  • In the JS Embedded Host, properly install the x64 Dart Sass executable on ARM64 Windows.

See the full changelog for changes in earlier releases.

Dart Sass 1.69.6

29 Dec 00:28
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To install Sass 1.69.6, download one of the packages below and add it to your PATH, or see the Sass website for full installation instructions.


  • Produce better output for numbers with complex units in meta.inspect() and debugging messages.

  • Escape U+007F DELETE when serializing strings.

  • When generating CSS error messages to display in-browser, escape all code points that aren't in the US-ASCII region. Previously only code points U+0100 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH MACRON were escaped.

  • Provide official releases for musl LibC and for Android.

  • Don't crash when running meta.apply() in asynchronous mode.


  • Fix a bug where certain exceptions could produce SourceSpans that didn't follow the documented SourceSpan API.

See the full changelog for changes in earlier releases.

Dart Sass 1.69.5

26 Oct 00:55
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To install Sass 1.69.5, download one of the packages below and add it to your PATH, or see the Sass website for full installation instructions.



  • Compatibility with Node.js 21.0.0.

See the full changelog for changes in earlier releases.

Dart Sass 1.69.4

17 Oct 21:42
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To install Sass 1.69.4, download one of the packages below and add it to your PATH, or see the Sass website for full installation instructions.


  • No user-visible changes.

See the full changelog for changes in earlier releases.