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Deprecate bogus combinators (#1740)
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nex3 committed Jul 18, 2022
1 parent fd4c50c commit 4b53c16
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Showing 25 changed files with 1,317 additions and 666 deletions.
8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions
@@ -1,5 +1,13 @@
## 1.54.0

* Deprecate selectors with leading or trailing combinators, or with multiple
combinators in a row. If they're included in style rules after nesting is
resolved, Sass will now produce a deprecation warning and, in most cases, omit
the selector. Leading and trailing combinators can still be freely used for
nesting purposes.

See for more details.

### JS API

* Add a `charset` option that controls whether or not Sass emits a
Expand Down
37 changes: 5 additions & 32 deletions lib/src/ast/css/modifiable/node.dart
Expand Up @@ -5,9 +5,7 @@
import 'dart:collection';

import '../../../visitor/interface/modifiable_css.dart';
import '../at_rule.dart';
import '../node.dart';
import '../style_rule.dart';

/// A modifiable version of [CssNode].
Expand All @@ -27,36 +25,11 @@ abstract class ModifiableCssNode extends CssNode {
var isGroupEnd = false;

/// Whether this node has a visible sibling after it.
bool get hasFollowingSibling {
var parent = _parent;
if (parent == null) return false;
var siblings = parent.children;
for (var i = _indexInParent! + 1; i < siblings.length; i++) {
var sibling = siblings[i];
if (!_isInvisible(sibling)) return true;
return false;

/// Returns whether [node] is invisible for the purposes of
/// [hasFollowingSibling].
/// This can return a false negative for a comment node in compressed mode,
/// since the AST doesn't know the output style, but that's an extremely
/// narrow edge case so we don't worry about it.
bool _isInvisible(CssNode node) {
if (node is CssParentNode) {
// An unknown at-rule is never invisible. Because we don't know the
// semantics of unknown rules, we can't guarantee that (for example)
// `@foo {}` isn't meaningful.
if (node is CssAtRule) return false;

if (node is CssStyleRule && node.selector.value.isInvisible) return true;
return node.children.every(_isInvisible);
} else {
return false;
bool get hasFollowingSibling =>
.skip(_indexInParent! + 1)
.any((sibling) => !sibling.isInvisible) ??

T accept<T>(ModifiableCssVisitor<T> visitor);

Expand Down
54 changes: 54 additions & 0 deletions lib/src/ast/css/node.dart
Expand Up @@ -2,9 +2,15 @@
// MIT-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at

import 'package:meta/meta.dart';

import '../../visitor/every_css.dart';
import '../../visitor/interface/css.dart';
import '../../visitor/serialize.dart';
import '../node.dart';
import 'at_rule.dart';
import 'comment.dart';
import 'style_rule.dart';

/// A statement in a plain CSS syntax tree.
abstract class CssNode extends AstNode {
Expand All @@ -15,6 +21,28 @@ abstract class CssNode extends AstNode {
/// Calls the appropriate visit method on [visitor].
T accept<T>(CssVisitor<T> visitor);

/// Whether this is invisible and won't be emitted to the compiled stylesheet.
/// Note that this doesn't consider nodes that contain loud comments to be
/// invisible even though they're omitted in compressed mode.
bool get isInvisible => accept(
const _IsInvisibleVisitor(includeBogus: true, includeComments: false));

// Whether this node would be invisible even if style rule selectors within it
// didn't have bogus combinators.
/// Note that this doesn't consider nodes that contain loud comments to be
/// invisible even though they're omitted in compressed mode.
bool get isInvisibleOtherThanBogusCombinators => accept(
const _IsInvisibleVisitor(includeBogus: false, includeComments: false));

// Whether this node will be invisible when loud comments are stripped.
bool get isInvisibleHidingComments => accept(
const _IsInvisibleVisitor(includeBogus: true, includeComments: true));

String toString() => serialize(this, inspect: true).css;

Expand All @@ -32,3 +60,29 @@ abstract class CssParentNode extends CssNode {
/// like `@foo {}`, [children] is empty but [isChildless] is `false`.
bool get isChildless;

/// The visitor used to implement [CssNode.isInvisible]
class _IsInvisibleVisitor extends EveryCssVisitor {
/// Whether to consider selectors with bogus combinators invisible.
final bool includeBogus;

/// Whether to consider comments invisible.
final bool includeComments;

const _IsInvisibleVisitor(
{required this.includeBogus, required this.includeComments});

// An unknown at-rule is never invisible. Because we don't know the semantics
// of unknown rules, we can't guarantee that (for example) `@foo {}` isn't
// meaningful.
bool visitCssAtRule(CssAtRule rule) => false;

bool visitCssComment(CssComment comment) =>
includeComments && !comment.isPreserved;

bool visitCssStyleRule(CssStyleRule rule) =>
? rule.selector.value.isInvisible
: rule.selector.value.isInvisibleOtherThanBogusCombinators) ||
131 changes: 130 additions & 1 deletion lib/src/ast/selector.dart
Expand Up @@ -4,12 +4,21 @@

import 'package:meta/meta.dart';

import '../evaluation_context.dart';
import '../exception.dart';
import '../visitor/any_selector.dart';
import '../visitor/interface/selector.dart';
import '../visitor/serialize.dart';
import 'selector/complex.dart';
import 'selector/list.dart';
import 'selector/placeholder.dart';
import 'selector/pseudo.dart';

export 'selector/attribute.dart';
export 'selector/class.dart';
export 'selector/combinator.dart';
export 'selector/complex.dart';
export 'selector/complex_component.dart';
export 'selector/compound.dart';
export 'selector/id.dart';
export 'selector/list.dart';
Expand All @@ -32,11 +41,131 @@ export 'selector/universal.dart';
abstract class Selector {
/// Whether this selector, and complex selectors containing it, should not be
/// emitted.
/// @nodoc
bool get isInvisible => false;
bool get isInvisible => accept(const _IsInvisibleVisitor(includeBogus: true));

// Whether this selector would be invisible even if it didn't have bogus
// combinators.
/// @nodoc
bool get isInvisibleOtherThanBogusCombinators =>
accept(const _IsInvisibleVisitor(includeBogus: false));

/// Whether this selector is not valid CSS.
/// This includes both selectors that are useful exclusively for build-time
/// nesting (`> .foo)` and selectors with invalid combiantors that are still
/// supported for backwards-compatibility reasons (`.foo + ~ .bar`).
bool get isBogus =>
accept(const _IsBogusVisitor(includeLeadingCombinator: true));

/// Whether this selector is bogus other than having a leading combinator.
/// @nodoc
bool get isBogusOtherThanLeadingCombinator =>
accept(const _IsBogusVisitor(includeLeadingCombinator: false));

/// Whether this is a useless selector (that is, it's bogus _and_ it can't be
/// transformed into valid CSS by `@extend` or nesting).
/// @nodoc
bool get isUseless => accept(const _IsUselessVisitor());

/// Prints a warning if [this] is a bogus selector.
/// This may only be called from within a custom Sass function. This will
/// throw a [SassScriptException] in Dart Sass 2.0.0.
void assertNotBogus({String? name}) {
if (!isBogus) return;
(name == null ? '' : '\$$name: ') +
'$this is not valid CSS.\n'
'This will be an error in Dart Sass 2.0.0.\n'
'More info:',
deprecation: true);

/// Calls the appropriate visit method on [visitor].
T accept<T>(SelectorVisitor<T> visitor);

String toString() => serializeSelector(this, inspect: true);

/// The visitor used to implement [Selector.isInvisible].
class _IsInvisibleVisitor extends AnySelectorVisitor {
/// Whether to consider selectors with bogus combinators invisible.
final bool includeBogus;

const _IsInvisibleVisitor({required this.includeBogus});

bool visitSelectorList(SelectorList list) =>

bool visitComplexSelector(ComplexSelector complex) =>
super.visitComplexSelector(complex) ||
(includeBogus && complex.isBogusOtherThanLeadingCombinator);

bool visitPlaceholderSelector(PlaceholderSelector placeholder) => true;

bool visitPseudoSelector(PseudoSelector pseudo) {
var selector = pseudo.selector;
if (selector == null) return false;

// We don't consider `:not(%foo)` to be invisible because, semantically, it
// means "doesn't match this selector that matches nothing", so it's
// equivalent to *. If the entire compound selector is composed of `:not`s
// with invisible lists, the serializer emits it as `*`.
return == 'not'
? (includeBogus && selector.isBogus)
: selector.accept(this);

/// The visitor used to implement [Selector.isBogus].
class _IsBogusVisitor extends AnySelectorVisitor {
/// Whether to consider selectors with leading combinators as bogus.
final bool includeLeadingCombinator;

const _IsBogusVisitor({required this.includeLeadingCombinator});

bool visitComplexSelector(ComplexSelector complex) {
if (complex.components.isEmpty) {
return complex.leadingCombinators.isNotEmpty;
} else {
return complex.leadingCombinators.length >
(includeLeadingCombinator ? 0 : 1) ||
complex.components.last.combinators.isNotEmpty ||
complex.components.any((component) =>
component.combinators.length > 1 ||

bool visitPseudoSelector(PseudoSelector pseudo) {
var selector = pseudo.selector;
if (selector == null) return false;

// The CSS spec specifically allows leading combinators in `:has()`.
return == 'has'
? selector.isBogusOtherThanLeadingCombinator
: selector.isBogus;

/// The visitor used to implement [Selector.isUseless]
class _IsUselessVisitor extends AnySelectorVisitor {
const _IsUselessVisitor();

bool visitComplexSelector(ComplexSelector complex) =>
complex.leadingCombinators.length > 1 ||
complex.components.any((component) =>
component.combinators.length > 1 || component.selector.accept(this));

bool visitPseudoSelector(PseudoSelector pseudo) => pseudo.isBogus;
31 changes: 31 additions & 0 deletions lib/src/ast/selector/combinator.dart
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
// Copyright 2022 Google Inc. Use of this source code is governed by an
// MIT-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at

import 'package:meta/meta.dart';

/// A combinator that defines the relationship between selectors in a
/// [ComplexSelector].
/// {@category Selector}
class Combinator {
/// Matches the right-hand selector if it's immediately adjacent to the
/// left-hand selector in the DOM tree.
static const nextSibling = Combinator._("+");

/// Matches the right-hand selector if it's a direct child of the left-hand
/// selector in the DOM tree.
static const child = Combinator._(">");

/// Matches the right-hand selector if it comes after the left-hand selector
/// in the DOM tree.
static const followingSibling = Combinator._("~");

/// The combinator's token text.
final String _text;

const Combinator._(this._text);

String toString() => _text;

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